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Everything posted by iso_55

  1. C'mon man! No-one is worse than Black. I was watching LPGA highlights this aft and Blackie pipes up, "and those 3 were at her wedding last month." (About the 3 Korean girls leading the CP tournament.) Even the old lady, who doesn't watch sports and was in the kitchen says" What the hell is he talking about?, I thought you were watching golf." No-one compares to Blackies inane off-the-cuff-unrelated nonsense. No-one. There are sportscasters being laid off in Canada that could do a much better job than Black. It's not fair that we have to put up with him & #pretzellovesongs from Wendy's.
  2. What if things were reversed & the West Division was the doormat. AND...the Bombers were out of it in August? How many fans would be going to the games at IGF? This is an anomally. Things will be different next year.
  3. No. Is this about players who were dropped from our neg list because they refused to sign here? Nah, just the way we were treated by the league. Especially comments by Marcel Desjardins. I want my pound of flesh. Revenge is a dish best served cold.
  4. I feel bad for their fans, first year back in the league and the get dealt a crap sandwich. Somewhat in the way we've all felt here the past few years. That's all. I think if their fans expected them to be very good, they were kidding themselves. If you go back in time and look at the expansion threads about Ottawa, it was almost unanimous on this forum that they wouldn't be very good. Did someone crap in your cornflakes today or are you always antagonistic? Huh? What kind of a comment is that?
  5. Worst quality football ever & I agree the CFL sacrificed quality to help the redblacks & even that, with supposedly better players available in the draft they still can't win. And so was hiring a French Canadian because he's billingual even though he was a disaster as a GM in Hamilton.
  6. IIRC during the broadcast they said the RedBlacks sent them back because the colours weren't right. Why the hell didn't we send ours back helmets & unis & tell Reebok to burn them??
  7. You're right.... Holy crap.
  8. Oh my, Mitchell's pass tipped at LOS & Jonathan Williams takes it back for 6. That looked like a bit of a nonchalant throw.
  9. Calgary wore their red helmets vs Hamilton & black ones vs Ottawa? That makes no sense. Why would the CFL allow both teams to wear black helmets. Calgary should be wearing their red ones.
  10. Gonna miss both games today. I'll see a bit of the 1st quarter in Ottawa. I'm in Vancouver watching my son's practices at SFU & then spending time with family in Bellingham, Washington afterwards today.
  11. I know he's a free agent but he won a GC there. At the same time, we traded him to the Riders & did him a huge favour. So, if he had to pick either of those 2 teams with equal money, I wonder which he'd choose.
  12. I don't know of anyone who likes them... They seem to be despised.
  13. Would Hall come back here or would he go to Saskatchewan?
  14. Yeah, I agree that you want to see calmness in your qb, but not zombie like as Ray is. At the same time, you don't want a nutbar like Drew Tate with his head exploding everytime something goes wrong. Somewhere in between. Hey Ricky is a great qb. He's phenomenal. Hall of Famer for sure. Just wish he'd show he's having fun.
  15. I used to like Ray a lot more than I do now. I think he's a great qb but he shows no emotion on the field. Same look & demeanour if he threw a 50 yard touchdown pass, won by 30 points or threw 3 picks 6's & lost by 30. I heard the last time Ricky smiled & laughed was in April of 2009.
  16. Devastating injury for anyone to come back from let alone a running back. His career is likely over.
  17. Iso is most likely referring specifically to Collaros who once signed in Hamilton I believe made some comments about how Tim Hortons field will be better than IGF or something, plus he was raving about the situation he was going to as well. So this post from him makes sense when you remember all the things that were said and posters reactions to them in the offseason. That & Marcel Desjardins insulting the Bomber organization with his comments after the expansion draft. Yep, I have a long memory. There was no need for Desjardins to even say anything publicly yet he did. He could have kept his comments about our players to himself but chose not to. Same with Collaros. Why he thought he felt the need to insult our stadium & gloat after he signed in Hamilton? So I won't forget those 2... The Rich Stubler thing... He said he wanted to remain closer to family so I'll give him the benefit of the doubt on that one but I wonder... I mean, he had a ready made all star defense in Calgary compared to here so I really don't blame him for going to the Stamps over us. I think this off season free agents will want to come here with MOS as coach because clearly we're a young up & coming team now.
  18. I'm not wishing anyone anything bad. I just laugh at the situation teams like Hamilton, Toronto, Montreal & Ottawa are in as they all thought they'd be better than us & aren't. How many here are kind of snickering at Marcel Desjardins right now after his comments about the Bombers during the expansion draft in December?? All I'm doing is having a little fun at their expense. Enjoying it immensely. I'm tired of us being the league doormat & others walking all over us.
  19. Thumbed their noses at us? Or maybe they just said "sorry, Winnipeg, we appreciate your offer but we've opted to choose a different one. Thank you" Then what? Pretty obvious to me that coaches & players didn't want to come here. It was more than a polite, "Thank you but we've opted for something elsewhere". More like,"Yeah,right".
  20. Did he not shake the hand of his bestest friend ever, Milanovich?
  21. What's your point? Giving Nicholls Reilly's helmet. Doesn't fit the same... Not safe.
  22. Do you think Collaros is done in Hamilton? I'd sign a veteran like Nicholls & rather give him the keys to the Caddy than Collaros.
  23. Sure it is but to the guys that thumbed their noses at us, looks good on ya.
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