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Everything posted by iso_55

  1. If anyone really thinks the CFL cares about concussion protocol just look at Reilly giving Nicholls his helmet...
  2. What was the attendance last night at IGF?
  3. Weren't you the one who lost it when I said that we were a well-coached .500 team and Esks were 'for real'...? I called you out on the stupid comment about the Bombers. Yeah, I don't know what I was thinking referring to the bombers as a well-coached .500 team I don't know what you were thinking either.
  4. I wonder if LaPo is worried about the Argos this week?
  5. How? Suicide pass by Ray. That wasn't a dirty hit...
  6. Yes, but a very talented ******* Douchebag is being kind.
  7. Didn't want to come here. Hope they love playing in front of empty seats, enjoy having have no practice facilities or a stadium to play in... http://www.tsn.ca/columnists/chris_schultz/?id=459666
  8. The Esks can have 45,000 at their games & it still looks disappointing.
  9. I don't think that's a TD. It'll be on the 1 yard line. We'll see.
  10. He has to work a second job to pay for his weed. LOL... True Dat.
  11. Beautiful throw by Ray into a small window to Curtis Steele.
  12. Blah, blah, blah Chad Owens... #TSN
  13. Justin Trudeau moonlighting in a Toyota Corolla commercial.
  14. Would anyone eat that food in the Dawn commercial? Yuck!
  15. Why couldn't we have pressured Ray like the Esks are doing the last time we played them? He's totally rattled.
  16. He's a great player but such a cocky bastard.
  17. Nicholls is playing for a job in Montreal or Hamilton next year.
  18. What is it about Chad Owens makes me not like him as a player? Is it because he's always being hyped by TSN.
  19. The Als have no quarterback. Vince Lombardi couldn't win with those guys.
  20. Just turned on the game... Where's Mike Reilly?
  21. Higgins has no quarterback so who's fault is that? All Popp wanted to do last off season was work in the NFL. He let the team down as far as I'm concerned. He didn't do much last of season.
  22. Winnipeg is close to North Dakota. Go for it...
  23. Funny, I look at manziel & don't think he has the tools. lacks height or a physical presence, he seems to have an average arm & can move around but isn't anyone who'd scare me as an NFL running qb. There's probably a dozen young qbs who'll probably go further than Manziel. At least that's what I think.
  24. The Good: Bombers only wear those uniforms a couple of more times. The Bad: Bomber Uniforms The Ugly: Bomber Uniforms
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