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Everything posted by iso_55

  1. Dee, without having to backtrack here why is Ripper upset with Dunk? I think he's pretty accurate.
  2. You don't like Roddy? Blasphemy coming from a Rider fan!!
  3. You're so right I quoted you twice.
  4. I feel bad for you. It's getting past the point of stupidity. I'll say this here as I've said this about the Bombers in the past. Jones was an experienced HC but a rookie when it comes to building & managing a team. Murphy seemed like the next up & coming GM but under Jones isn't as disciplined as he was under Hufnagel. Together they are inexperienced with no one to reign them in so huge mistakes are happening. We saw that here with the Bombers under Mike Kelly & Joe Mack & it set the team back years. But even under the unhinged Kelly we've never seen what is happening with the Riders now. Rider fans should be asking what the hell is going on instead of being upset with Bo Levi Mitchell.
  5. LOL, I was just going to ask the same thing.
  6. We're already discussing this in the CFL Regular Season thread. Why do we need another?
  7. Why is this is a surprise? Roy has always been about himself & a nutbar. He waited until he knew his leaving would set the team back. Sakic thanking him for his service is just a polite way for Joe to say, "Hit the road, Patrick".
  8. Rider fans tweeting strange men in trench coats & sunglasses driving Ladas following them home.
  9. Scorpions: Wind Of Change...
  10. Please. Reporters wouldn't tweet if their sources aren't rock solid. They have a reputation to worry about. Your team has been outted & it has to be embarrassing for you as a fan.
  11. Popp should step down & let someone else coach.
  12. It's already being discussed in the CFL Regular Season thread.
  13. Yeah, I'm one of those guys. He is indeed a big part of this. He has screwed up IMO but that doesn't mean he won't learn from this.
  14. Dave naylor tweeting that the Riders are violating the collective agreement by excessive practice lengths... Just gets better & better.
  15. You can't have 1 team doing their thing & the others another. Not impressed with the Riders at all. Since Jones got there it's been a total cluster.... .
  16. That too. What is the point of actually having a Commissioner who is supposed to be independent of the BOGs if he isn't able or can't enact the proper punishment?
  17. I just think he's extremely weak. Hired for his marketing skills from Basketball USA. Maybe he'll surprise me.
  18. I agree. Suspend Jones. Levy some extremely heavy fines to the parties involved so this won't continue. Jones is probably betting this won't happen.
  19. Why do I think Jeff Orridge will show his weakness here. I think Jones is doing this because he has no respect for the CFL Commissioner. There should be suspensions & firings.
  20. Well, there you go Ripper. Investigate away.
  21. Our guys have been incompetent which is bad enough. Not incompetent AND cheaters. If they have a name for these guys then you know it's deliberate.
  22. It takes guts to tell each panelist face to face they can shove it. He chose another way.
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