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Everything posted by iso_55

  1. Bob is from Regina.
  2. At Sheet's age, this may be an injury that's hard to overcome. I'm not a Sheet's fan the way he was mouthing of last season about Jon Cornish always saying he was the better back but you never like to see anyone get hurt. Even Dwight Anderson.
  3. Yeah, actually I can blame Pall, Rids. He was under contract to the Stamps when he left. He was injured but he still quit on the team that drafted him & were paying for his rehab in the hopes of getting him back in the lineup. The only thing I can say is the Stamps were so impressed with Pall they let him go. So, 10 CFL games playing special teams in 3 seasons with just 3 tackles. Buuuuuust. So, just why would we want this guy???
  4. A new developmental football league hoping to eventually have ties with the NFL to play mid week games starts this October. http://www.cbssports.com/nfl/eye-on-football/24595612/new-fall-developmental-league-wants-to-springboard-players-to-nfl
  5. Yes. The new Commissioner should be someone with strong ties in Southern Ontario and some charisma. IMO Commissioners don't need to have strong sporting backgrounds as long as they are long time fans/supporters and have good political and private sector connections. I thought having a great tan was the only requirement??? Don't forget teeth. Gotta have great teeth. So, no one from Saskatchewan. Rules them out.
  6. Okay. So you think there's no point. And plenty of others do. What's the point in arguing about it? We get your point. I feel like a fan petition to change a jersey but have more viability than a petition to the "aquarium people" to make them build an aquarium in Winnipeg. that aquarium petition had over 100,000 names. This petition might have 100. Okay. So you think there's no point. And plenty of others do. What's the point in arguing about it? We get your point. I feel like a fan petition to change a jersey but have more viability than a petition to the "aquarium people" to make them build an aquarium in Winnipeg. that aquarium petition had over 100,000 names. This petition might have 100. If you don't like it then don't sign it. Free country. Meanwhile if there was an online petition to bring back the Royal Blues, I'd be first man up to sign it.
  7. Yes. The new Commissioner should be someone with strong ties in Southern Ontario and some charisma. IMO Commissioners don't need to have strong sporting backgrounds as long as they are long time fans/supporters and have good political and private sector connections. I thought having a great tan was the only requirement??? Double post...Deleted.
  8. Yes. The new Commissioner should be someone with strong ties in Southern Ontario and some charisma. IMO Commissioners don't need to have strong sporting backgrounds as long as they are long time fans/supporters and have good political and private sector connections. I thought having a great tan was the only requirement??? Don't forget teeth. Gotta have great teeth.
  9. Huff less than most others.
  10. I believe its up to $750 per week now. If Pall's not any good and will stay for only a week... then what's $750? Save it for the Bomber Xmas Party.
  11. You really want to put Mack's record of draft picks against Huff?? Brad Sinopoli, Brander Craighead, Brent Jones, Dmitri Tsoumpas, Jesse Newman, Jon Gott, Eric Fraser, Steve Mydellton, J'Michael Deane, Rob Maver, Karl McCartney, Matt Walter, Anthony Parker, Brad Erdos, Keenan McDougall, Shane Bergman, Pierre Lavertu. Yeah, he muffed it on Pall. Can't win em all.
  12. The Toronto situation is a problem. So, they need to find a guy who is well connected with the Toronto business community & also who can convince Braley to sell the Argos to MLSE & move them into BMO Field.
  13. I eat worlds.
  14. They've already stopped those commercials. The pretzel bun promo is over - It's steakhouse hamburgers now. Ohhhh, I hope so. Suicides jumped 46% whenever those commercials aired.
  15. So, does this Jeff Bannon being the architect of these things they call a helmet & a uniform & being fired over it have any legs?? The link Jacquie posted no longer works.
  16. You can sure, but... It costs the team money & time... Coaches time & the team money. Even though budgets have expanded, football ops still doesn't have a ton of money to spend on players that are down to their third strike in 3 seasons. If they are going to bring in a player to evaluate it'll probably be a kid with unknown potential. I think Walters already knows what he'll get with Pall. But who knows, he may bring him in as anything can happen.
  17. So cute, Floyd.
  18. Who was the Commish when Ottawa Renegades died suddenly in 2006? Oh yeah, Tom Wright. What a useless turd he was. The perfect Yes Man for Braley. He went on holidays when the Renegades folded & bitched about it when he had to cancel his plans & come home.
  19. Like Ted Laurent? You can't be serious? Not in Pall's wildest dreams... Get real. No I mean like we should have signed Ted Laurent. You've convinced me that Ameet Pall is nothing but a bum - if Walters signs him, I'm tearing up my new Purple and White camo jersey. Should have waited till they hit the clearance rack at 75% off. I'm a 'true fan', Iso... I know you are & I'm being serious when I say that.
  20. I read a small bio on Williams. He's a popular actor in Germany. Trivago's head office is in Berlin so he was hired.
  21. Like Ted Laurent? You can't be serious? Not in Pall's wildest dreams... Get real. No I mean like we should have signed Ted Laurent. You've convinced me that Ameet Pall is nothing but a bum - if Walters signs him, I'm tearing up my new Purple and White camo jersey. Should have waited till they hit the clearance rack at 75% off.
  22. I would like to see a former pro football person in there to give a little more credibility to a lot of issues as Commisioner but also has marketing & business connections as well.
  23. Man, where do I sign, Mike?
  24. Like Ted Laurent? You can't be serious? Not in Pall's wildest dreams... Get real.
  25. Did Pall kick your dog or something? We're talking about bringing him in for a couple practices not making him captain of the team. That has nothing to do with anything. I can have an opinion but you're making this out to be a bigger deal than it is. Almost like you're taking it personally. I said I saw this guy at Stamps camp as a rookie & he can't play. I'm someone who actually went to training camp curious to see how he was doing & followed him during the exhibition season in 2012 because he was the Stamps first pick that year. Showed very little in training camp & the exhibition season that year. Pall's done nothing since to change my mind. Sure the Bombers can bring him in for a look see but...you don't build good teams on quantity. You build on quality. Why bring in a non descript National DL who hasn't stuck on 2 teams & was a first round draft bust? How can he help us? Hasn't even shown he's a depth player. Oh sorry, there's still fans here that think Jade Etienne should be brought back so why am I not surprised? Hey Etienne has proven a hell of a lot more than Pall has. He was actually able to get into some games and record some stats. Yes, I'll give Jade that. He did play albeit briefly.
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