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Everything posted by iso_55

  1. These thin mens suits... Most guys can't wear them... You have to be 135 lbs to look good in them. I see the Joseph Abood ads on CFL games & man, they are ugly.... back to the 60's with thin lapels. I blame it all on Ryan Seacrest.
  2. I think it's a guarantee ours will be ugly as well.
  3. Chick played for the Colts for 2 seasons...
  4. Regarding all of the above posts by Goalie... Glad I'm not the only one who loses his mind here sometimes...
  5. hell, even with the washington fumble... thats just 7 points on that interception right there, instead of losing by 6, win by 1. Yeah the line sucked tonight, Wasn't at the game but they showed wylie a few times on tv and every time he was taking notes of some kind. Probably not too impressed tonight at all. Oline needs to step up. BIG TIME. But i guess, they are what they are and it's gonna take some time for them to actually get better. Are we the worst oline in the league? Nope, but... we certainly aren't even close to being one of the best. I find it hard to blame them though for Willys decision to throw a 40 yard pass across the field like that... but still... Willy has to take some blame for that, he was the guy that threw the ball.. I want to call our oline Ondrej Pavelec, and by that what i mean is, If they are just average, don't have to be the best, just be average, i think we could do some good things. But they appear to be pretty below average right now and are really what is holding us back. No run game, Willy getting killed and hurried the last several games. Oline getting worse, sure they have some injuries to deal with but... Guess when it comes to the oline, gotta be patient, no quick fixes out there, it's gonna take time, I mean, maybe we can look to upgrade our tackles, January included but... It's gonna take drafting to truly fix it. I thought the interior though played pretty decent for the most part though but our tackles got owned several times tonight... They all had issues but, the tackles didn't look good at all and they are Imports (internationals). Tackles couldn't handle Chick. He lined up a little bit wider & they couldn't get out of their stance fast enough or have the foot speed to handle his jump off the snap of the ball. Chick & Charleston Hughes are the two best D ends in the CFL.
  6. It is important for me as it is a link to some great football in the past & some unbelievably great players & times. We haven't won a Grey Cup since we got rid of those uniforms.
  7. I thought Morley did fairly well from what I saw. He was able to pull & stop the safety blitz to the outside of the tackles by Brackenridge. That's no easy feat for a center to get out there & make contact with a blitzing safety the speed of Brackenridge. Goosen had his moments... he'd like to forget & some where he shone. Our tackles couldn't handle Chick witness the guards helping out the blocking to double team him.
  8. A lot of Stamps fans breathed a sigh of relief when he quit the Stampeders. Worried he'd force Huff out & run the team into the ground. He just might have given the chance.
  9. He's our best fumbler.
  10. "WE"??? You're a disgrace as a supposed Bomber fan as anyone on chat knows. Matter of fact, I don't consider you a Bomber fan. You love it when we lose. You make a point of having a real good time on chat mocking the team & letting us all know it when the Bombers aren't doing well.
  11. What did the Riders do before the game?
  12. Disappointing. We had the game... too bad.
  13. Fact is, as much as i agree, these new jerseys are about making money, if you want a royal blue jersey, bomber store sells them. That's the bottom line here with reebok and the CFL.... making money. They already are selling the royal blues, i got one. I don't care for this new third jersey too much but i'll be the first to admit that i'll bet they sell a fair amount of them. I have a Royal blue vintage #5 Dieter Brock. I want to see the team wear them. That's the difference.
  14. Royal blue jerseys. Tradition. Where are they??
  15. Uh, don't compare soccer to real football...
  16. Which Bomber forum? The one on CFL.CA? BTW BomberFan, I sent you a PM. The official forum is the one run by the Bombers. http://forums.bluebombers.com That's the one I can't register on & sent a request to be contacted in July 2013 & never received a reply.
  17. Yep, the NEXT TIME he does something wrong like defy a court order, he 's gone. That's actually the second rule of the Riders Code of Conduct. It reads: "Next time. There's always next time". The first rule is, "When you think you have a good team, ignore the Code of Conduct." Didn't know a 30 year old is still a kid.
  18. The run game isn't meaningless. Most of the offensive lines in the CFL can't run block.
  19. The Hamilton fans sitting three feet away in that hole of a stadium probably had nothing to do with it. Little angels. He'll get fined for his actions if true. End of story.
  20. Or speaking Russian, driving Ladas going Da Comrade.
  21. If it's true, he'll be fined. Handled internally. Next question.
  22. Always liked the Russian, Polish, Ukrainian, German, Britain, Ireland & Argentina. When I lived in Winnipeg, those were the ones I enjoyed seeing.
  23. Austin is a perfectionist. He expects everything to be that way. If it works in practice then it must work in a game & he has a hard time dealing with it when it doesn't happen. Doesn't make him a ******. Just a guy who is very difficult to play for when things go wrong. Jones is just an idiot. I don't mind Austin but he needs to find a way to put a check on his temper & maybe even his expectations with 3 young & inexperienced qbs playing for him. I think it'd be funny if things don't work out for Jones watching his ship sink.
  24. After reading a write-up about Mr. Jones in the Edmonton Journal today on his thoughts of pre-game coach banter and post game head coach handshakes, I think a few more might agree with you. He has no use for them, think they are empty gestures and could care less what other people think about him. Charming. Out of the five games the Eskimos have played this year, he's shaken hands with one coach after the game. Reason. Micheal O'Shea ran over to him directly to congratulate him and there was nothing he could do. Jones believes coaches do this becuase they think they have to. Maybe some. But I think others, like O'Shea, do it out of respect and being a leader, whether they win or lose. So Jones thinks the time honoured tradition of hand shakes displays empty gestures and not displays of sportsmanship? He prefers waving across the field to opposing Coaches. If that's the way he looks at it, I guess he is what he projects - the epitome of empty gestures. But he really shouldn't be surprised if the waves he gets back, are mysteriously missing a few fingers. It's all about a huge ego & Jones is all that. He won't shake hands because he thinks he is better than anyone else. It's beneath him to mingle with the commoners. Simple as that. He has Joe Mack Syndrome.
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