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Everything posted by iso_55

  1. Worked for us (so far), but man... those lumps sure are tough to endure. That's why I never wanted glenn back. Would rather go through 10+ qbs to find the right one then spin our wheels with something average. How many qbs have we been through since Glenn?
  2. The Riders do a great job in following the Code of Conduct? That's a joke. Too funny. I didn't know Taman did stand up.
  3. He's #8 in Anaheim so that'll be the number they retire, I'm sure.
  4. We can't because the Jets we knew back then are the Coyotes now. I don't think we can retire a number from another team even though he played here. This whole thing is confusing...
  5. I tried to register at the "official" Bomber site last summer. It said someone already registered as iso_55 & I never had. I tried to contact them but no one ever got back to me. I've heard that is pretty common. Is that true?
  6. After reading a write-up about Mr. Jones in the Edmonton Journal today on his thoughts of pre-game coach banter and post game head coach handshakes, I think a few more might agree with you. He has no use for them, think they are empty gestures and could care less what other people think about him. Charming. Out of the five games the Eskimos have played this year, he's shaken hands with one coach after the game. Reason. Micheal O'Shea ran over to him directly to congratulate him and there was nothing he could do. Jones believes coaches do this becuase they think they have to. Maybe some. But I think others, like O'Shea, do it out of respect and being a leader, whether they win or lose. Doesn't surprise me. Jones was a **** when he left the Stamps so why not be a **** as a head coach? Good sportsmanship seems to be below him. Notice these types of coaches never last? Think they can do it all themselves & have huge egos? They spell the word team, "ME". That description seems to fit Jones to a tee. Remains to be seen just how much long term success he'll have.
  7. He's been given opportunities to change his life thru football. Others who didn't have the same opportunities overcame. No excuses.
  8. Yeah, forgot about him.I heard stories about Kuharich being a real **** from news media who covered the team back then as well as the players he coached. He lit out of Calgary in 1990 to go to BC as their new head coach. Story goes tha he went to the Stamps offices in the middle of the night & cleaned out their scouting & personnel records. He stole info that didn't belong to him as it was Stampeders property & not his. And he gave the finger to Stamps fans at McMahon when they lost their home playoff semi final to the Riders in 1989. He was a class act.
  9. Norman, right?
  10. When is that actually going to trial? After everyone retires over the next 5 years & nobody cares anymore? The Saskatchewan Roughriders: Doing Their Bit To Rid The Streets Of Somalian Drug Lords.
  11. I'll take Garcia at 80 before I ever take Tebow. Tebow? LOL!
  12. No doubt b&g.
  13. I do think that Willy will be just as motivated as Ford, but it's not like the Riders cut Willy. He moved on because he wanted to start.False. Taman is on record as saying that they were moving on from Willy because he didn't fit their plans and they like their current back up better. They were going to let him go to FA but we tossed em a token piece for his neg rights. I don't care how Taman wanted to spin it. Willy was leaving to get a shot at starting. "I don't care what people who know the actual facts say, I'm sticking with my idea!!!" You're as obnoxious as ever. You really think that Willy would re-sign with the Riders to sit on the bench for another season when he had a chance to start elsewhere and to make starters money? Hey comedygeek, no complaints about this post being rude? Funny how that works.... I think it was a combination of both.... Willy had a chance to start & the fact that the Riders seemed high on Sunseri for some reason. I know some Rider fans sure were. So, the answer is probably somewhere in the middle. Actually thought he should have been #2 last year. Maybe Duressler47 can explain it for us. All I know is Willy is our guy now... That's all I care about.
  14. unbelievably great call this one.. so many people were ready to run him out before preseason was over... and yet, there is no " oops.. Bad call..." posts made by anybody.. shocking! I already posted elsewhere here that I was probably wrong about Etch... That I would gladly say I was wrong.
  15. He'd probably do okay. The guy is a phenomenal athlete.
  16. Floyd, looks like your comments are like being caught in quick sand & the more you squirm, the faster you'll sink. No worries, been there, done that plenty of times. Just have to live with the fact no one agrees with you. Gotta move on.
  17. You're assuming we won't be... I think a lot of us would have been happy with a 7 or an 8 win season in the West. It meant we are improving. We still may finish 8-10. Still better than the last 2 years.
  18. The Rod Black Drinking Game sets record for sales. Police set up road checks to catch more drunks. Details at 11.
  19. Yep, it is a whole new environment.
  20. Deleted post.
  21. and it just so happens that those are really the only two areas of a CFL team that really matter. Completely agree... with kicking being a not-so-distant close third. Don't know why everyone went nuts... We don't go in and destroy teams but we find a way to win - that is coaching. This feels different from 2011 where our 7-1 record felt like it was built on a house of cards. Even if we lost to Montreal and Hammie, I would still feel better about 2014 than 2011... We all know the season starts on Labour Day anyway. A and it just so happens that those are really the only two areas of a CFL team that really matter. Completely agree... with kicking being a not-so-distant close third. Don't know why everyone went nuts... We don't go in and destroy teams but we find a way to win - that is coaching. This feels different from 2011 where our 7-1 record felt like it was built on a house of cards. Even if we lost to Montreal and Hammie, I would still feel better about 2014 than 2011... We all know the season starts on Labour Day anyway. Are you saying the first half of the season means nothing? A win in July & August is worth the same as it is in October. A loss is just as big anytime.
  22. I guess they were told that THF would be ready so they had no Plan B or now Plan C for this season . Their situation is far, far worse than we ever were. Thank God we still had Canad Inns Stadium to fall back on with just minor inconveniences to season ticket holders. Where would the Bombers have played had they tore down Canad Inns & built IGF there & faced (up to) a years delay? At the old Pan Am Stadium at the U of M? Or become a barnstorming CFL team? On the road for 18 games? Glad we never had to face that problem.
  23. How did Mike Reilly get POTM for July over Willy? Over 1,600 yards passing for Willy compared to 1150 for Reilly. Both teams just one loss. Bombers in first place.
  24. Yeah, well.... I admit saying Jacquie deserved a medal for looking things up was rude. I shouldn't have said that & I will apologize by saying sorry to Jacquie. But in reality, it's not any more rude than some other comments directed at me or others by people over the years. However, having said that, I was in the wrong. I'm thick skinned having been on these forums since 2000. I used to be one of the nicest posters around when I started until I got my chain jerked around by more than a few people over the years. Not that I use this as an excuse but I previously experienced some real hatred, mocking & bullying on some websites just because I cheered for a team some people didn't like. I was threatened by an internet wackjob named Sandy over a decade ago. Had my run ins with ArgoDave & others. So now, it takes a lot to insult me & I can be very brusque at times. Sometimes, I forget that others aren't like that. Or haven't been around as long as I have on CFL forums. I've gone from a guy who was very polite to someone who speaks his mind with the force of a Mike Tyson punch. Again, no excuse but it is what it is.
  25. Ultimately probably cost Etienne his career. He needed more time to develop physically & mentally. Playing, having success in the CIS AFTER he was drafted, hitting the weight room hard at the U of S all through 2011 instead of being lost on the Bombers PR would have made more sense. But what's the expression? Hindsight is 50/50...
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