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Everything posted by iso_55

  1. Pre Practice squad? Jones... what a great choice to manage & coach the Riders.
  2. How do I respect Hank when he goes on television & in the middle of a game he's complaining about how TSN panelists are treating him badly? Some fans say this is great television. I say it's a personal embarrassment for the guy.
  3. Hank is a whiner. If he wants respect then go out & win. He should shut up his critics with his onfield play & not by telling us how great he thinks he is.
  4. Sure, Hank isn't worried about Harris. And if you believe that then I have some excellent oceanfront Arizona beachfront property to sell you.
  5. Well, okay. Let's expand on your comments. The Riders were just fined $15,000 for manipulating the ratio during a game. So, why wouldn't Jones hide players illegally? When was the last time any other CFL team has been fined like that? The Riders already have a track record of desperately cheating.
  6. I've said this very thing for years. Players are often put on IR's just to hide them. Players on PR's can be plucked off but teams have an unwritten rule not to do that. Expand the rosters if this kind of thing is going on.
  7. If BLM is fined then the CFL would have to investigate his claims. #becarefulwhatyouwishfor
  8. BLM accusing Riders of hiding players illegally.
  9. What a freaking mess the Riders are. They're paying Chris Jones how much to coach & manage a fiasco?
  10. That's how it used to be. Having an All Canadian OL is great if a team can actually do it but it's really difficult to do. The Bombers have shown just how difficult it is.
  11. That's what I think as well. No one has stepped up to take the starters position from Pavlec.
  12. I thought Austin had a real chip on his shoulder last night & Ambrose was taken aback by it. Challenging Ambrose to be better & sitting on his laurels didn't sound very good by Austin giving advice to the WWE champion. . The podcast really exposed just how badly spoken Dean is. At times, he looked totally tongue tied, lost for words & he stammered badly. I wonder what Vince thought of that interview?
  13. Not convinced Hutchison or Helleybuck are any better. If they were, Pavs wouldn't be here still.
  14. Trump will start the wars, you can count on that.
  15. Injuries are opportunities for players to step in & impress. If they can, then it's great for them.
  16. Football is about as close to a military structure as there is.
  17. Any movie with Melissa McCarthy I avoid like the plague.
  18. just to clarify Gord Tumilson as you have quoted me. I already noted this earlier for Noeller but I want to do it again. I was mistaken about Gord Tumilson. He never played on the Nats. He played senior hockey for the St Boniface Mohawks before signing with the WHA Jets. Fran Huck was an international star on the Nats. He was easily Canada's best player. Just a little guy who was very creative with the puck & a fan favourite. He also signed with the Jets after the Nats were disbanded.
  19. Fontana was one of the main writers of TOS & even did some writing for TNG so she would have a good handle on any ST story whether it be animated or actors.
  20. Cool. I've never seen it. Leonard Nimoy did this weird tv series in the 70's called Bilbo...
  21. You can if you want to. It's not a network series in Prime Time like the others.
  22. Noeller, my bad. Gord played for the St Boniface Mohawks. He was one of the best senior goalies in Canada at the time & he indeed made the Winnipeg Jets back in the day. He never played for the Nats although I think he would have made an impact as a member of that team.
  23. LOL, I'm going by memory so I hope I'm not mistaken...
  24. Great post, Dee. Love it. Just a couple of takes... How the hell does Thomas Demarco keep getting chances? Dan LeFevour cut by the Bucs? Did we not call that?? He was signed to the Argos PR & may be the starting qb for the Argos by season's end.
  25. Gordie Tumilson is the former Canadian National Team goalie. He was at times, the starter until a graduate from Cornell University showed up named Ken Dryden. Nats Defenseman Ken Stephenson (who later played for the WHA Jets) was our neighbour across the street in Riverview. I remember seeing players from the National team come over from time to time to his house. Fran Huck was the star of the team. He also played for the Jets after the National team was disbanded in 1970. I think maybe a half dozen former Nats players did play & play well in the WHA.
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