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Everything posted by iso_55

  1. I've said this before but I can't stop thinking about it. All the free agent players & coaches who sneered & didn't want to come here in the off season because they thought they were too good for us, all of them can shove it up their you know what. Especially Hamilton stealing Collaros & Marcel Desjardins in Ottawa who said smugly that there weren't any players good enough from the Bombers to draft in the last round of the expansion draft & then stole Hank from us. Hey, I'm glad Collaros & Burris signed elsewhere but just the total lack of disrespect shown to the Bombers has left me with a long memory. Seeing us beat Hamilton like that knowing how upset Austin is was worth it for me. That was sweet. I know we were a bad team in 2013 & really we didn't have a lot of good players but to have it shoved in our face like that made me very angry. And just the way Desjardins was so smug... I'll be honest, I want to whip every team's ass this season but Hamilton & Ottawa especially. Payback is a *****.
  2. There are no haters & no one here should be pointing accusing fingers at anyone because we all whine & ***** constantly with each other about coaches & players. Most of us here are educated fans & know when a player isn't doing his job for the most part. At the end of the day we want this team to win & we take it personally when they don't or even play poorly. We also take it personally when they win. Can't say any of us didn't have their chest puffed out a bit this morning after we woke up & thought about that last winning drive Drew Willy put together & had a little smile thinking about Kent Austin exploding after.
  3. He got up & the safety didn't for a few seconds... He was seeing stars. That was funny. Guy thought he'd blast JFG & instead he got blasted.
  4. If Ray can still play at a high level at nearly 35 then we still have maybe 7 or 8 years with Drew Willy. I'll take that.
  5. There is no such thing as an easy win in the CFL. Sure there is. We used to be the free spot on the Bingo card. You think Hamilton right now is as bad as we were last year? No, it'll be decades before any team comes close to the level of ineptitude & incompetence of our team in 2013.
  6. Medlock just looks like the unhappiest guy out on the field. Like he is one bad word from crying.
  7. It takes like fifteen minutes to get from one end of Regina to the other... I don't get this everything being so far on one end of town comment. I used to live in Thompson. There was this really nice housing development on the edge of town about ten minutes away from downtown. Right in the forest right along the Burntwood River. It was beautiful & picturesque. People wouldn't buy the homes. Not because of the prices but because it took ten freaking minutes to drive one way back & forth to work. It was just too far for the local yokels. I mean, really?
  8. I don't know who was responsible for calling the last play of the game but that was an insane choice imo. They only needed 3 yards to score, a quick slant in and a bullet to Denmark has better odds than throwing a rainbow across the field to a RB. I was virtually stunned when that play succeeded. They totally stacked the middle. If we tried to score from the 3 with one play remaining it would have been stuffed. It was a great play call because it worked.
  9. He is a cool customer...
  10. He's had to overpay as we had nothing of value last year other than a handful of players as the cupboards were bare thanks to Joe Mack & Mike Kelly. That's like two major Category 5 hurricanes striking Florida in the same place a week apart. Our team was a wasteland.
  11. Ignorant. Burke was a quitter. He blamed everyone else for his shortcomings as a head coach & brought everybody down with him. He coached & acted that way on the sidelines, at practice & in front of the media.
  12. Ticket prices are out of whack. Why should I go to a Stamps game & pay way too much $$$ for a ticket when I can sit home & watch it for free?
  13. I think the athleticism between an OL and other positions is greater, and that's where the gap starts. American receivers and defensive backs, for instance, have been training for those positions for years and the American system has targeted tall, fast players. By the time they come up here they've been playing that spot for anywhere from 5-10 years, which is a tremendous advantage development-wise (though the waggle is something Canadians have learned). Offensive lineman requires a lot of coaching still, but if the Canadian player didn't start playing that position until late in high school, he might not be as far behind as his American OL counterpart. You can't coach big... So, the position lends itself to big men & since only 5 players per team start that is only 45 players.
  14. LeFevour can run but not convinced he can be a starter up here long term with his arm. Willy is your prototypical pocket style qb. Can move around a bit to evade the rush, quick release, strong arm... I like our chances.
  15. Back in the day, there were always at least 2 International players on the OL because Canadians could play elsewhere that they don't now. I remember Buddy Brown at right guard & Butch Norman at left tackle back 30 years ago when Dieter Brock was our qb & they were stud players. We always started at least one Canadian linebacker back then. It was either Rob McLaren & later Bob Toogood. And we had an International somewhere else like Doug Strong or Merv Walker at corner. We just have to find Nationals that can start & play the traditional import positions that they weren't then but have become now.
  16. It's a foot injury.
  17. Anonymous CFL GUY never even talked about attendance. #headinthesand
  18. Ya think? Higgins is the HC but we know Popp is calling the shots there. The way I see it, Popp GM's IQ sure dropped when AC got hurt last season & then retired. I predict he'll never win another GC in Montreal.
  19. Finest quarterback I ever saw wearing the number 2: http://www.halloffame.mb.ca/honouredmembers/inductee/2010/1984%20Winnipeg%20Blue%20Bombers%20Football%20Team/1370964498.jpg
  20. Didn't see this discussion buried on the game thread...
  21. Embarrass who? No one in BC would care. You have to have some pride in your team to give a crap about stuff like that. Now if you said no one could drink a latte or protest a pipeline until they attended a Lions game you'd have a packed house all season. You should see the wacky left wing enviros latch onto a new subject. Two protesters chained themselves to the track at the Calgary Stampede to protest the treatment of the horses during the Chucks. And every Letter To The Editor protesting the rodeo was from BC.
  22. Not going to post the link as the story can be found in the News Feed but Nick Moore is out of the lineup against Hamilton with a foot ailment.
  23. Our tickets for the Lions game were $30 a pop. We were sitting in the Family zone on the second tier. It was actually pretty full. There are no bad seats in that barn. Too bad they can't get more people out. It just pisses me off. Vancouver sucks. Same in Edmonton, Calgary & Toronto. Can't sell out a 25,000 seat stadium in Montreal. We'll see how long the honeymoon lasts in Hamilton when they get into their new place. You'd think someone at the CFL HO would clue in & say we have a problem & what can we do about it?
  24. Hey, to sit on the 20 yard line at McMahon in Section C: $86.50 plus GST. No wonder the Stamps are lucky to get 26,000 on Game Day. To me, it's not that there aren't fans wanting to come to the game, the question is why would they for the privilege to pay ticket prices like that? This is a league wide problem.
  25. The CFL overcharges for single game tickets & fans don't want to pay inflated prices on game day. Especially when every game home & away are televised. The problem is with teams themselves. In Calgary here, the walk up crowd is non existent even though season ticket sales are up over 2013.
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