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Everything posted by iso_55

  1. Matty was the best........but who was his competition at the FP during his hay days? I seem to recall whoever that was, he was still much better than what we have now. The Bombers were blessed with 2 exceptional beat writers back then. Matty at the Tribune & Don "Doc" Blanchard at the Free Press. They could write circles around the the writers the papers have covering them today.
  2. In Calgary, they just opened the west leg of the LRT (Light Rail Transit) & spent $2 billion. Same thing. The City said it was building the line in 2007, got the funding from the other levels of government & in December 2013 the line opened. Like nary a complaint as well other than a few homeowners wanting more for their expropriated homes that went to court. No bitching or opposition from dissenters on Calgary City Council, the Canadian Taxpayers Federation, Alberta Taxpayers Federation or community groups about it. Seems the bigger the city, the easier it is to spend the cash.
  3. If I ate like that I'd look like Weird Al Yankovic on his "I'm Fat" video from 25 years ago.
  4. or just take the word of everyone else who remembers the play... Reilly saw the hit coming and bailed outNo, I'll go watch the play myself & make up my mind. Maybe he did. Maybe he didn't. Thanks for the update. Let us know when you've seen it 10-4 Mission Control. Saw the play & he deliberately dove forward. Our defense let him get up. It's up to our defenders to finish the play & they didn't.
  5. or just take the word of everyone else who remembers the play... Reilly saw the hit coming and bailed out No, I'll go watch the play myself & make up my mind. Maybe he did. Maybe he didn't.
  6. He'll get smoked if he continues to do stuff like that. Gonna happen. Fifteen yards, half a game cheque & no suspension to take out another team's starting qb? Hell, if I was a DL I'd do it if I had the chance.
  7. So what you're telling us is that it was an intentional trick play by Reilly? If that's the case he had better watch himself in the future if he does that again! I wouldn't call it a trick play. he stumbled, fell forward & got back up right away. At the same time, I don't think the tackling was very good on defense all night & sure he took advantage of it. The way I see it, he's going to get smoked at some point this season & get injured. I take issue with what you're saying. Reilly did not stumble. He deliberately turned his body and was headed down when he saw Washington. To me, he was giving himself up to avoid Washington's hit. I'm not even sure Washington didn't brush him. And yes, he will get smoked if he continues like that. Totally agree..he went down on purpose, and seeing as he didn't hear a whistle decided to get up and run again. I'd have to look at the play to see if I think Reilly deliberately went down...
  8. And take away his livelihood? The CFLPA will have none of that because that isn't right... (Insert sarcasm smiley here).
  9. I would rather see Knapp on the Bench, I haven't decided about Howard yet but to me Knapp is built like a TE and plays Tackle Like a TE Poorly 285 lbs is one hell of a TE.... Knapp is playing cuz of his athleticism... I think he can be a pretty effective player... perhaps he could afford to put a few of the pounds back on that he took off in the winter... My Concern is he is getting pushed back to the QB the past 2 games so he is too light and / or has bad technique. Even as bad as Boatman was last year at least he didn't get pushed around. I would rather see Javis Jones Play RT Please don't compare Knapp to Boatman. Knapp has had both good and bad games so far. Boatman was the same except for the part of the good games. Only comparing the results they have completely different styles but at least players had to go Around Boatman they are going Through Knapp... Knapp can run like no othe Lineman in the CFL but he has to be able to Protect the QB much better than he has been ! It would also be nice if Wiley was at practice during the week. Wiley away again working with high school offensive linemen at US camps? Nice.
  10. So what you're telling us is that it was an intentional trick play by Reilly? If that's the case he had better watch himself in the future if he does that again! I wouldn't call it a trick play. he stumbled, fell forward & got back up right away. At the same time, I don't think the tackling was very good on defense all night & sure he took advantage of it. The way I see it, he's going to get smoked at some point this season & get injured.
  11. There is a difference between tackling & laying him out. If Reilly is laying there & clearly not going to advance the football & he is hit then it is an obvious flag & a dumb penalty, especially if the defender leads with his helmet. A simple tap & the play is whistled dead if it hasn't been already. Clearly though, Reilly quickly got up & advanced the football before the official had a chance to blow the play dead.
  12. It's not like Reilly slid on the ground head first, lay there for a couple of seconds, saw there was no whistle & got up & run again. He was down for only a split second, then got up & ran. It happened so quickly. The way I saw it, wasn't the ref's fault here. It was the Bomber defenders for not finishing the play as they hesitated. Of course, Reilly's going to get back up.
  13. Reilly is running. Tackle him & we aren't having this discussion.
  14. If memory serves, EZerins began as a tight end but converted to decent linebacker. Yeah, he was converted to a middle linebacker by Ray Jauch but settled in at outside linebacker where he played the most of his career in Hamilton. Shows how well my memory serves. I see Ezerins is listed in the lawsuit filed by Arland Bruce. Rod Black trivia time. Nick Arakgi's son Jason is playing with the Lions as a backup LB and on special teams. This is the kind of useless detail Rod likes to talk about while he ignores the play that's developing on the field. The irony is that I've read that Leo Ezerins is having concussion issues like Dunigan has had. Ezerins has his own problems. It's like two blind men. The first blind man suing a second blind man because the second refused to help him across the street & the first blind man got hit by a car.
  15. There are many things the CFL could do but that would require both the league executive and the CFLPA take the problem seriously which is not going to happen until there is an incident where the concussion causes serious damages that can't be denied and both get sued and lose. How many times have we heard Brown when he was the rep and even now express the opinion players, who have no regard to the way they hit another, should be lightly punished. How can you justify the position of one who represents his co-workers refuse to take steps to protect them? Again, why don't the players themselves require their reps to include that protection in the CBA. If Cornish were to file a suit against both the CFL and CFLPA, he would be fighting the world be himself. Cornish probably has more money & could hire better lawyers than the CFLPA would have. I mean,look who runs the CFLPA, Scott Flory & Ed Molstad? That's the joke right there, isn't it?
  16. Reilly wasn't touched so he got up & ran another 8 yards. The Bomber defenders never finished on that entire play from the time he first got away in the pocket, to running downfield , to sliding head first untouched & then getting up & running for more yards. We looked tentative as hell on that play from start to finish. The Bombers didn't tackle & wrap up. We made Reilly look a lot better than he really is. The whole game was a **** show.
  17. If memory serves, EZerins began as a tight end but converted to decent linebacker. Yeah, he was converted to a middle linebacker by Ray Jauch but settled in at outside linebacker where he played the most of his career in Hamilton.
  18. linebacker. Was Nick Araki a TE? I think by the time he got to Winnipeg he was a slot but he broke into the CFL as a tight end & made his name in Montreal as one. Unfortunately, he broke his neck playing for the Bombers, unfortunately. Ended his career.
  19. Superman is a class act. Deserves the accolades.
  20. Pretty sure I bring a beer into the wrong meeting (or even most meetings) and I wouldn't be shocked to be clearing out my desk soon thereafter To me, that's not a firing offense. It's a WTH moment but not that. Coming to the meeting drunk or high is.
  21. Yeah, welcome to football. not saying it's ok or anything...but that's kind of how football is. the next play can be your last....this isn't new. Football isn't about being clubbed in the head. Never has been. Never will.
  22. Caretaker Bob wouldn't spend his money for that. All talk. No action.
  23. If the CFL was serious, I mean really serious about concussions, Hebert would have been suspended, instead of just being fined half a game cheque. Big whoopdey doo. Cohon can say whatever he wants but it's all BS. Just remember, next game, it could be one of our players who gets hurt because of a dirty hit to the head.
  24. It wasn't just players. I believe it was Zurkowsky who said that some of the other coaches didn't like the way Worman treated them. Well, they got what they all wished for. They'll be looking for work at the end of the season. Firing should always be the last option, especially for coordinators. You can't tell me the situation couldn't have been handled differently. Higgins calls in Worman, asks what the problem is, Higgins tells Worman of the concerns expressed, they talk about the problems & then work on a solution. If after that, things don't improve then you make a change. But fire Worman at training camp & dump everything into Dinwiddie's lap was/is a recipe for failure. Hey that sounds easy!...wonder why they didn't think of that? Who knows what they did? Sounds like it was more of a lynch mob mentality to get rid of Worman.
  25. It might help if they went out and found a good TE. I'm not sure what skill set Fitzgerald has other than being invisible. CFL doesn't use true tight ends. We use Canadian fullbacks & most of them have hands of stone & aren't great runners at the CFL level. There are no Tony Gabriels or Peter Dalla Rivas out there to play.
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