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Everything posted by iso_55

  1. It wasn't just players. I believe it was Zurkowsky who said that some of the other coaches didn't like the way Worman treated them. Well, they got what they all wished for. They'll be looking for work at the end of the season. Firing should always be the last option, especially for coordinators. You can't tell me the situation couldn't have been handled differently. Higgins calls in Worman, asks what the problem is, Higgins tells Worman of the concerns expressed, they talk about the problems & then work on a solution. If after that, things don't improve then you make a change. But fire Worman at training camp & dump everything into Dinwiddie's lap was/is a recipe for failure.
  2. My understanding it was Popp's move to fire Worman & not Higgins. I also understand that some of the players didn't like the way Worman treated them so they were happy when he got canned. Well, I think we can see why Worman was tough on them. Tough love to make them better football players. He was being a coach. Having a beer in a meeting shouldn't have resulted in a firing. A talking to, a fine & maybe some counselling but a firing?
  3. They fired Worman. Bad move. The Als are paying the price now.
  4. At times, Willy was hanging onto the ball at times too long something he started doing in Montreal. Others he was getting rid of the ball too quickly when his OL was giving him the time & he didn't have to. Pretty tough as a qb to learn to trust his blocking when on any given play one of his linemen become pylons. They are playing better as a unit this season under Bob Wylie but they need to be better. Denmark disappeared on Thursday night. he is so inconsistent as a receiver. Nick Moore was brutal. Julian Felino Guidino dropped a sure touchdown. Our backs didn't play well. MB didn't call a great game. All in all a collective effort offensively Thursday.
  5. Okay, I've been to 2 games including the infamous "Boltus Game" last September & I've experienced nothing but noise & enthusiastic fans which was no easy feat last season. IGF has a reputation of being the loudest stadium in the CFL so I don't know where you're sitting. if you want to make noise & cheer for the Bombers just do it as long as you're not drunk, constantly standing up when the play is going on &/or using foul language or being loutish. It's your right to cheer. If you're behaving yourself when cheering then security can't kick you out. Of course, I've found in my travels that here are 2 sides to every story & the truth is somewhere in the middle.
  6. It's the Canadian Way. We're much too polite to do harm. If this was Obama, he'd have been surrounded by Secret Service agents. The entire area would have been security cleared & only VIPs allowed to sit there. Or he'd have been in a private suite surrounded by security. The common man & woman wouldn't have got close.
  7. For those who missed it...https://vine.co/v/MQxnrBAd0HU I think you posted the wrong video.?Do you see anyone shaking hands in that video?Yes. The guy with the beer shakes hands with Russ Jackson who was sitting next to Harper but you can only see Jackson's arm in the video. That was funny. Did Harper think he is at the Calgary Stampede with that shirt?
  8. My wife says the same thing.
  9. I guess Giguere rejected his advances so he has a new man crush.
  10. Medlock is a crappy kicker. He panicked. Giving up on the field goal like he did like that is inexcusable. The FG is dead by giving up so try to kick the damn ball. Maybe it's blocked. Maybe he scores a single. Maybe he actually still makes it by a fluke so kick! The ball was on the tee albeit a bit off kilter. You'd think Medlock would practice kicking football that aren't placed perfectly on the kicking tee, the hold fumbled or snapped badly.
  11. Did they eventually let him back in? I saw it and they did not let him back in the game. That's some very strong evidence supporting the Lions and the CFL. Have to hide their helmets.
  12. lol here we go. Willy has been exposed. As what? A quarterback who won't go undefeated? I dunno Mike why don't you tell me what you saw from Willy yesterday? Less than average performance from my point of view. I agree with Mike. How has Willy been exposed??? We lost. We got beat by a better team last night.
  13. And maybe Logan's on welfare & lives in his parents basement. BTW, you have any idea how hard it is to get to the NCAA & the NFL even if he didn't make it? First, the competition coming out of high school, then to get recruited, to play well enough for 4 years to get drafted? The amount of work in the weight room & speed as well as conditioning year round? Being lazy has nothing to do with it. I don't think you have any clue. Logan can call Bruce a lot of things but being a typical lazy American? Nah. I have family in the US. One is in the Coast Guard in Oregon. Another is a civil engineer with the US Army Corps of Engineers. They're highly motivated over achievers. So,I take exception to the wide brush comment. Interesting that you jump all over this generalization when less than a month ago... I acknowledged that mistake which was what the quote you used above. As far as "typical Americans" being lazy, they aren't lazy. We know that, so why even say it?
  14. Did they eventually let him back in?
  15. This team is so far ahead of last year. The Esks won't go 18-0, matter of fact, I think they may be hard pressed to be 9-9 but last night they were the better team on the field. We have a young team with still a few holes to fill, a young qb who will improve with experience so for me, it's all good. Give this team a year & we'll be right up there with the Stamps & Riders.
  16. If a qb does this then he should be open for a shot next time. This may be bantam & the kids 15 but they still hit. We had a qb who liked to dangle defensive players on the sidelines. As in, run as far as he could downfield, then cut to the sidelines, pretend he was going out of bounds & as the defensive players were letting up suddenly cut back in a foot in front of the sideline marker & pick up more yards. We coaches warned him not to keep doing it as he was going to get hurt but he didn't listen. He thought it was funny. One game, he takes off, cuts towards the sidelines & then as he was going out of bounds cut back in & a linebacker from the other team just destroyed him. He went one way, the ball the other. The kid lay on the ground moaning & crying & I didn't feel sorry for him as he was warned not to do it. The other team watches video, too. If Mike Reilly thinks the other team is going to lay off if he does that because of the rules, he's in for a rude awakening.
  17. Reilly is a good qb. I wouldn't put him in an elite status yet. he is benefitting from being a starter from last season with his experience. I'm excited for Drew Willy as to where he'll be this time next year. Should be good. This season, I expect the ups & downs of a rookie starting qb. Just as long as the overall curve for growth is maintained over time.
  18. He's going to get lit up. Not every team is going to let him run like that.
  19. And maybe Logan's on welfare & lives in his parents basement. BTW, you have any idea how hard it is to get to the NCAA & the NFL even if he didn't make it? First, the competition coming out of high school, then to get recruited, to play well enough for 4 years to get drafted? The amount of work in the weight room & speed as well as conditioning year round? Being lazy has nothing to do with it. I don't think you have any clue. Logan can call Bruce a lot of things but being a typical lazy American? Nah. I have family in the US. One is in the Coast Guard in Oregon. Another is a civil engineer with the US Army Corps of Engineers. They're highly motivated over achievers. So,I take exception to the wide brush comment.
  20. Wow, you sure do pull a lot of **** out of your ass don't you? No where did I say that it was because he was black, nor did anyone else. Arland has been kicked off many teams for a reason. He has a crappy attitude and thinks he's better then he is. That leads me to believe he wants something for nothing. You telling me Jock or Milt never got concussions? Even minor ones? And yet there they are, working away. And again, did I, or anyone else, say Buck isn't having any problems? No. Once again you're either reading things wrong or making **** up. I said Buck has problems and probably will the rest of his life, but he's still got a job and is working. Arland has put himself in this position to have people doubting him. He's done this to himself with his crap attitude. He's just playing the blame game and trying to make a buck out of it. "Typical American. Sue because I'm too lazy to actually work". You said it. Who's pulling what out of his ass? You better go get the Charmin'. Talk about stereotyping & painting every American with a single brush. I'm not a fan of Arland Bruce as he can be a total @$$.... but to play in the NCAA & have a career of over a decade in pro football takes hard work & dedication. I'd say he has a helluva lot more motivation than you'll ever have.
  21. There are no more blackouts.
  22. Yeah that was the final straw for me too. Mitch and Bob were being very kind in their comments after the Montreal game despite what a ****-show it was, and on comes Kelly and says "I've been listening to all of the bullshit you guys have been sayin' and I'm pissed off" - on live radio. It was the most non-classy, stupid things I've ever heard from a professional coach. Just unbelievable. The worst part was literally every single week that season there was some sort of controversy revolving Mike Kelly or the team, until they strung together 3 wins. They went those 3 weeks without a fire to put out and looked like they had turned the corner both on and off the field. Then came the Montreal game and the media bullshit comment, and it was back to square one. What a freakin clown show. Having said that I'd still take Kelly over Burke. The day Kelly was fired I never thought I'd want him over ANY other coach... then along came Tim Burke... And the man wants a second chance? Laughable.
  23. Player safety should be the number one issue. The NFL gets it, I believe. of course, it has paid out hundreds of millions to concussed players from the past. The CFL with its Mickey Mouse slap on the wrist, no suspension, half a game cheque, appeal the fine to arbitration doesn't. The other things are the helmet companies like Schutt & Ridell with the new helmets & promises of less head injuries wearing them which hasn't happened. Also, some of this or perhaps the majority of this should be on the players. The helmets are designed to be inflated but how many times do we see players helmets pop off on first contact? Or players just taking off or putting their helmets on so easily like they're baseball caps? If they are inflated properly, they don't slide on or pop off. They have to be pulled down hard with the players fingers & thumbs because they're inflated. They may be uncomfortable but the helmets no matter how good they are, can't offer protection if they aren't being used properly & that is the players fault.
  24. Going after Irving on live radio. That was totally stupid.
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