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Everything posted by iso_55

  1. People have birthdays every year.....you can always go next year lol Not when the person (my daughter in law's dad) is turning 65. I'd be dead. Get a new daughter in law. Thanks for all the suggestions. I'll certainly take them all under advisement.
  2. Law is based on precedent. People have sued over concussions or work place safety & won in the past as in the NFL's case so it's very worrisome.
  3. I don't troll but I say what I think. Sometimes it can be a little too direct. I was being disrespectful to you & I am sorry. My apologies.
  4. He better not fumble.
  5. So, let's say Bruce wins & gets $5 million in damages that's a hit of over half a mill per team. If it's upwards of $10 to $20 mill, you do the math. More? The floodgates will open. Keep laughin', guys.
  6. Nice reaction. Just because it's Arland Bruce it has to be phoney or he's too lazy have an actual job. Some real stereotyping going on here. The lazy, shiftless black guy. Some of you have to give your head a shake. Or don't as you may give yourselves a concussion. The Odell Willis shot at Collaros. Leagues are going to get sued if they don't crack down on head shots. Players are having problems after they retire. Who said Buck Pierce isn't having problems? How does he know that he isn't? If not, then maybe in 5 years he will. You guys can mock Bruce all you want but it will be interesting to see the info that comes out at the trial. Meanwhile the CFL in its infinite wisdom just keeps keepin' on. No suspensions for headshots. Just half a games pay... Little or no consequences. Think there won't be actual neurologists on the sidelines sooner rather than later now?
  7. Goosen can also play guard. If Morley is doing the job at center as he appears he is so far then why get rid of him if he has a good season? Sign Etienne & deal Watson? If Etienne was so good, then how come he got traded from here, cut in Saskatchewan, not resigned by the Riders after Getzlaff went down or signed as a FA by any other CFL team? Other teams want depth at receiver, too. Holy crap, that's the dumbest suggestion I've ever read here. What's great is that we're 3-0, and all of a sudden Morley's getting a pass, after 4-5 years of ineffective line play. I'll give him this, he's been better this year at C than he was at G. Your point is made. But Morley's a proven commodity, and a proven below-average one... we can't settle for that when his game inevitably slips. We've settled since 1990 and look where that's gotten us... Given the opportunity to retain the injury prone Watson or deal him for the younger NI OL Watman... I take it, with some kind of draft picks/whatnot attached to even the deal out. To keep ISO happy, Etienne can keep his farm job, and we'll sign someone else to compete with Carter for the NI WR backup job behind JFG and Kohlert. Sign Etienne. Trade Watson. LOL! What a joke. Watson does more for the team standing on the sidelines with an injured hammy then Etienne running around the field doing nothing & taking up a roster spot.
  8. People have birthdays every year.....you can always go next year lol Not when the person (my daughter in law's dad) is turning 65. I'd be dead.
  9. C'mon, we had TJ Rubley. He passed for over 713 yards in one season. Dunigan passed for that in one game.lol I know, hence the winkey smiley. That was my point.
  10. OMG, serious?? So you have 3 starting calibre NI's in Watson, JFG and Kohlert. Not game changing players, but starter quality NI receivers. And you have an OL that has been deficient for a number of years. Watman shores up a guard position for you immediately, and could be our ticket to no Morley by year's end. Etienne is signed to backup the 2 NI starting receivers; and at least has some upside to him. How is that terrible? Apparently Morley is no longer the problem many on here imagined he was. So, get rid of Steve Morley who's playing well at centre for us & bring back Jade Etienne a failure at receiver. Great suggestions on this thread. If you're referring to my comment you misunderstood. To re-state Morley is no longer considered a problem. Bob Wylie says so. Not your comments but Armchair GM's. Think you missed the "by year's end" part of my post. Morley is adequate at center. Everyone would agree that Goossen is our C of the future. Provided he develops and starts at C for us by the end of the year, I'm not sure anyone on this forum would support Morley to ever play G for this organization again, unless we're in a real pinch. For years we've griped about our inadequate OL... to keep someone who has been adequate or below for the past 4 years, if we have the opportunity to make it better, would be ridiculous. Having Greaves, Goose, Neufeld, and Watman would give us the opportunity to have 4 young NI OL's that we can start; and possibly even a 4th NI OL if we wanted to do that. For the opportunity to have depth and talent at NI OL... I'd deal Watson and sign Etienne to back up our NI WR's. I think some people forget, but Etienne showed some ability last year. Goosen can also play guard. If Morley is doing the job at center as he appears he is so far then why get rid of him if he has a good season? Sign Etienne & deal Watson? If Etienne was so good, then how come he got traded from here, cut in Saskatchewan, not resigned by the Riders after Getzlaff went down or signed as a FA by any other CFL team? Other teams want depth at receiver, too. Holy crap, that's the dumbest suggestion I've ever read here.
  11. The Board used to be called the "Nervous Nine" back in the day. What are they now, the "Stupid Seven"? We've had everyone from dentists to courier drivers directing & managing this team. No wonder we've sucked for so long.
  12. Other than the PI challenge, why do the rules have to be tinkered with every off season.If it works, don't touch it.
  13. Braley lets his players out of their contracts to go to the NFL. I think the NFL must be giving him $$$ under the table for each player he tells Barker to release. This year it has really caught up to them.
  14. The post game interview on 'OB with Bob & Mitch after the Montreal road game when he reamed them both out on the air was it for me. I wanted him gone after that. Guys like Burke, Reinebold & Zaleski are just inept & in over their heads as a head coach. Kelly knew what he was doing. I think his behaviour was calculated. I think he felt because he was Lyle Bauer's buddy, he could do & act anyway he wanted because he'd protect him. He showed no one any respect; players, fans & media. Unbelievable arrogance. He deserved everything he got.
  15. I watched MNF not for the game but for Howard & Don. Both were unbelievable characters on air.
  16. Agree, like Dunigan dislike Miller but its all better than Rod Black. That is the lowest of the low bars to set... That conversation was unbelievably & embarrassingly bad. Some awkward moments there.
  17. We all know Rod Black's & we hate it.
  18. True that. Under Kelly, the Bombers were a massive unknown. You didn't really know what you were going to get. I remember being in the Montreal airport on a flight delay, watching Bishop's first game on TSN when we were on a losing streak, fearing we might not win another game all year with him at QB... and then we beat someone (I think Toronto) because TEdwards decided he was going to be superman. The score was something pathetic like 13-12. I got super drunk that day... That was nothing compared to part of 2012 and 2013 under Burke. I just felt numb watching that team flounder it's way to nothingness. I even voluntarily passed on going to a game because to go on a fishing trip, and couldn't find a taker for free tickets. Couldn't even use the tickets as bait as the fish would have gagged & spit them out.
  19. C'mon, we had TJ Rubley. He passed for over 713 yards in one season.
  20. Somewhere between 1993 & 2009, Mike Kelly lost his mind. Either that or Matt Dunigan raised his IQ substantially.
  21. Memories are made of this....Good times, good times.
  22. I just had to put this up... http://images4.fanpop.com/image/photos/16900000/Never-Give-Up-john-cena-16968863-800-600.jpg
  23. I've been on teams when they believe in one another & no matter if they're losing, they believe they can win. It's powerful, believe me. And a team like that doesn't come together very often. When everyone has each others back & believes the guy next to him does too as well as trusting he will do his job... GREAT THINGS happen. It all starts with the head coach & his coaches...
  24. Uh, no. It was back in the early 90's when the CFL had money troubles & the days of the million dollar "personal services contract" came to an end. That was how some teams got around a very loosey goosey cap in those days which was set at 1.9 million. Guys like Flutie would sign a CFL standard contract for $150,000 & then get paid a personal services contract for $850,000 by the owner of the team (Ryckman).
  25. Even though it's an expansion team, I'm sure Hank is glad to be out of Hamilton away from Austin. Hamilton is a train wreck in so many ways.
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