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Everything posted by iso_55

  1. Or try losing a game we should have won like I did as a head coach in the playoffs a decade ago. I failed to manage the clock better than I could have in the final 2 minutes. We were ahead by 4 points in the Calgary Bantam Semi Finals in 2005 in the final minute or so of the 4th quarter. I was so caught up in the game calling offensive plays that I never told our qb to watch the clock & take every second off before snapping the ball. On third down, we failed to get a first down, left the other team with 25 seconds on the clock from their 5 yard line & two long pass plays later they're in the end zone going to the league final & we're going home. Unbelievable. Parents blamed the DC for the loss & were quite vocal in their displeasure after the game & at our AGM a few months later. I told my defensive coordinator after the game that the loss was on me for not burning those 25 seconds after the ref blew the play in when we had the ball. And I said it again to the idiot parents over the mic that were still bitching about it 4 months later. It's always easy sitting in front of a television yelling, "What's he doing???" It's quite another being on the sidelines or on the field in the heat of the moment as a player, coach or ref. There's pressure to win even at the community level in football. In any team sport. We screw up sometimes. God forbid they blame the players who failed to make a play on defence to stop them. I needed to take the heat for this one as head coach. If I had done my job & managed the play clock his defense never would have been on the field as time would have expired. That's all well and good but sports still ultimately come down to the guys on the field making more plays than the other team.I understand why you feel the need to take the blame on yourself, that's coaching 101 but in the end it's the players that win and lose games. It reveals a lot about the character of the parents when they look for people to blame other than their own kids who got beat. Make a stop on defence it doesn't matter about the clock or whatever the defensive coordinator calls. People need to learn how to deal with losing better. I called plays for a number of years. At first it bothered me but as the seasons wore on, I'd just chuckle to myself... When we won, the parents of whatever team I coached would come over & congratulate me on calling a great game. When we lost, no parent ever came up & said good game. You'll win next time. I was totally ignored.
  2. Or try losing a game we should have won like I did as a head coach in the playoffs a decade ago. I failed to manage the clock better than I could have in the final 2 minutes. We were ahead by 4 points in the Calgary Bantam Semi Finals in 2005 in the final minute or so of the 4th quarter. I was so caught up in the game calling offensive plays that I never told our qb to watch the clock & take every second off before snapping the ball. On third down, we failed to get a first down, left the other team with 25 seconds on the clock from their 5 yard line & two long pass plays later they're in the end zone going to the league final & we're going home. Unbelievable. Parents blamed the DC for the loss & were quite vocal in their displeasure after the game & at our AGM a few months later. I told my defensive coordinator after the game that the loss was on me for not burning those 25 seconds after the ref blew the play in when we had the ball. And I said it again to the idiot parents over the mic that were still bitching about it 4 months later. It's always easy sitting in front of a television yelling, "What's he doing???" It's quite another being on the sidelines or on the field in the heat of the moment as a player, coach or ref. There's pressure to win even at the community level in football. In any team sport. We screw up sometimes. God forbid they blame the players who failed to make a play on defence to stop them. I needed to take the heat for this one as head coach. If I had done my job & managed the play clock his defense never would have been on the field as time would have expired. My experience reminded me so much of the heat LaPo took with some of his sideline decisions that cost us games in 2010. While he was a pro coach & I'm not, I certainly understood how he got caught up with things on the sidelines in the final few minutes of a closely fought game. If he never was a HC before I can see how things can happen as he was inexperienced. The only knock regarding LaPo (who should know better) who let situations get the better of him is that he needed to have better line of communications by letting the assistants help him or offer advice. Or practice different scenarios on the sidelines to be better prepared. The refs need to be better prepared, better paid & full time. Full time means they will be able to be better trained all year, especially in the of season.
  3. You can say that again. This is why I was SOOOOOO opposed to, when losing out on Collaros, the bombers went after Burris. A few folks here for some strange reason wanted him and were disappointed when he chose Ottawa. I did the happy dance. I still maintain (for me) Zack was my first choice but Willy was my (distant) Second and TBH I'd have rather have had Max Hall back then Hank. Never like him Hank. And poor Ottawa signed him for three years was it? Luckily for them no contracts are guaranteed. Hank sure looked his age here on Friday night at times. If Ottawa was 2-0 with Hank, it would be different as they are winning. But as it stands now & the way it looks, they'll be lucky to win 7 games with Hank. So, if the season is lost by end of August, the redblacks not developing a younger qb is suicidal strategy.
  4. Isn't it refreshing to actually be fans of a team that has a promising young qb playing for us. I include the Bombers, Calgary & Edmonton in that category. Ottawa is in a world of trouble losing with a 39 year old veteran tied up to a long term & the most expensive contract in the CFL with no true backup waiting in the wings. For once, we've actually got something going for us.
  5. LOL...only when we go to shop, or go on a trip down south. I was wondering...
  6. Or try losing a game we should have won like I did as a head coach in the playoffs a decade ago. I failed to manage the clock better than I could have in the final 2 minutes. We were ahead by 4 points in the Calgary Bantam Semi Finals in 2005 in the final minute or so of the 4th quarter. I was so caught up in the game calling offensive plays that I never told our qb to watch the clock & take every second off before snapping the ball. On third down, we failed to get a first down, left the other team with 25 seconds on the clock from their 5 yard line & two long pass plays later they're in the end zone going to the league final & we're going home. Unbelievable. Parents blamed the DC for the loss & were quite vocal in their displeasure after the game & at our AGM a few months later. I told my defensive coordinator after the game that the loss was on me for not burning those 25 seconds after the ref blew the play in when we had the ball. And I said it again to the idiot parents over the mic that were still bitching about it 4 months later. It's always easy sitting in front of a television yelling, "What's he doing???" It's quite another being on the sidelines or on the field in the heat of the moment as a player, coach or ref. There's pressure to win even at the community level in football. In any team sport. We screw up sometimes.
  7. You do realize that without the PI Challenge on the Denmark play in the end zone, we probably would have lost the game? No, keep it.
  8. Chamblin benching Charles & Allen is over coaching. And it is costing him games. Not that I mind, of course.
  9. Any day is a good day when the Riders lose. I love every team that plays the Riders.
  10. I've said this before but Black sucks the life out of every game he does.
  11. People actually drive to ND for a buffet??
  12. A couple of times the DL just shot through. Our OL looked like pylons. Not good.
  13. Noel Thorpe looked like he was going to crush a rose.
  14. They didn't Bo-lieve?
  15. He spat on the fans in Cleveland when he left. I don't think it'll be that easy for him to go back. Best player in the world or not.
  16. Well I know it was different because he went down to the states but Kent Austin resigned to go to a situation he liked better. Talking lateral move in the CFL here, 17. It is rare for that to happen in the CFL. I'd say that a HC leaving a CFL team for the NCAA is a move up. Usually more $$ & better benefits as well as it being viewed as a move up career wise. Especially if it is a big D1 program.
  17. MOS will leave Winnipeg the day he gets fired. When was the last time a CFL head coach resigned from one team to take the same position with another? The last head coach to do that was Wally Buono when he left Calgary to go to BC but there was all kinds of backroom politics & backstabbing going on when Michael Feterik owned the team back in 2002. Wally had his GM powers usurped by Fred Fateri & was being told by Feterik that he had to play his son Kevin so Wally bailed to the Lions. However, that is very uncommon & like I said, due to unusual circumstances. Assistants move all the time but head coaches don't. MOS will leave for a better position with another team like GM, for example. But yes, 2 games into his new contract & people are either worried he'll resign or we should lock him up to a long term multi year agreement is premature. We may go 2-16 for all we know... Or 16-2. It's way too early yet.
  18. Will Cleveland fans forgive & forget, especially the way he left the first time?
  19. Temper.....
  20. So, CJOB does a post game show for all CFL games?? I didn't know that. I guess I'll immediately tune into CJOB on the internet after every game on TSN from now on. Thanks for the tip, sweep the leg.
  21. Where is Buffet Square?
  22. No... Not in a million years. That panel that you despise so much helped to popularize the CFL to a level no one here thought possible just 5 years ago. Those guys helped to rejuvenate a dead product. Think back to the late 90's where the CFL was back then. Couldn't sell out a Grey Cup, abysmal ratings. Look at the league now. The panel is one of the reasons the games are popular now. You'd rather watch baseball or soccer highlights instead of even a 15 or 30 minute post game show? Not me.
  23. Royal Fork is the place I was wondering about, thanks. We used to take the kids there as a treat back a few times a year in the mid 90's.
  24. On TSN we get a pre game show, maybe a double header like this Friday & Saturday nights, 6 hours of football & then boom, finished, over to Sports Center in 15 seconds & to me, it's a big let down as now we're into baseball highlights.
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