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Everything posted by iso_55

  1. I haven't changed my position at all. I said that at some point because of the enormous cost of the search as well as the number of man hours involved & resources by both governments & Malaysian Airlines, the search will end a lot sooner than later. It could be tomorrow for all we know. I do think after 4 months that it is a waste of time, unfortunately. The Pacific Ocean is a huge body of water & finding a lost jet is a daunting task to say the least. You think I'm callous, fine. I think I'm being realistic.
  2. The Burris offer was insane & done to make sure Winnipeg never signed him. That being said, I don't want the Bombers being led by a 39 year old qb. In a year or two, we'd be back to square one searching for a quarterback again. I don't know about you guys but from what I saw of Thomas DeMarco last season I'm not convinced he's good enough to be the quarterback of the future for Ottawa when Hank retires. He gets hurt this season or retires the redblacks are in big trouble.
  3. The scary thing for other CFL teams is Drew's upside. He'll keep getting better & better as he gains experience. .
  4. It's an opinion. That's why we're here. These searches cost millions of dollars. At some point if not successful they'll call it off. It's already been scaled back, I imagine. They may never find the plane. How is that lacking common sense?
  5. The Argos zany punt coverage gave us that play. It was a gift. Renaud saw it & to his credit got the ball out there. It was a heads up play. We haven't seen many of those the past decade or so.
  6. I comment because this is a discussion site. You're the one getting all ticked off about it. I hope they find the missing jet but I won't be surprised if they don't.
  7. You have ling? I already read it. I was wondering how many here had.
  8. Please stop. Just...stop. Ofcourse what you say is untrue. Air France sat at the bottom of the ocean for two years! Not only was the voice and data recorders retrievable but by studying the Pitot Tubes they were able to determine the cause. After two years. If they find MH370 next week, thats practically immediately. No reason why the data recorder wont provide evidence. The voice recorder will be useless other than to confirm there was no one conscious up to 90 minutes before the crash. Stop what? Whatever, man. You seem to think this will go on UNTIL the plane is found. You also seem to think you're the one with the only opinion here. They find it great. They don't, well just don't be surprised if it doesn't happen.
  9. Does the CFL get any revenue from ESPN for showing the games?
  10. It happened over water, not land. If it was on land, different story. Even then, searches are called off. The Pacific Ocean swallowed up the plane. It is probably on the ocean floor in 15,000 ft of water. Even if it is found, it won't change anything. The plane will be irretrievable & we still won't know what happened. The families deserve closure but sometimes that isn't possible. How much longer will governments or Malaysian Airlines want to fund an expensive search that may never amount to anything?
  11. Too bad they didn't score 50 on his defense.
  12. Holy crap I love Leggett. He just hammered that guy in midair. It was awesomesauciness. Jason Barnes will always know where Leggett will be from now on when he runs his routes. #messingwithhismindandbody
  13. Are we living in some kind of alternate universe or dimension where all the laws of physics & reasoning have been suspended in time & space?
  14. Brett Carter. Watson was injured last night, so we may see Carter activated for next week. I love to see Jade Etienne back and get accurate passes from Willy. . OFFS.
  15. Burke opened his big mouth again this week leading up to the game & took another swipe at his former players but took no responsibility at all for his ineptness as a head coach here & how he really quit on the team. After the seventh or eighth game last season he just mailed it in. Took no responsibility for anything. He deserves all the crap being thrown at him. Just like Mike Kelly does.
  16. Anyone read Doug Flutie's article about his time in the CFL?
  17. You are getting ahead of yourself. I'll be pleased with a 2-2 start. Let's come down to Earth a bit.
  18. Like the heir to Johnson & Johnson- abused his son for 4 years and got 6 months probation? Probably bought his way out of prison.
  19. This was a huge win the entire organization needed. What a shot in the arm!!
  20. It's really not his fault, you know. Milanovich made him take the DC job. I mean, who else would do it?
  21. I hope we kick the *#^%$ redblacks ass next week.
  22. Why would you throw water on a great performance by Grigsby???
  23. Wow, saying that a search should be called off 4 months after a crash is callous? Happens all the time in air & ground searches. God forbids those callous officials who make those decisions lose loved ones too.
  24. More like realistic. They'll probably never find the plane. That's all I'm saying. At some point it has to end.
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