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Everything posted by iso_55

  1. LOL! Sure like Miller would do that or Walters would be agreeable. He'd walk. Are you actually serious or just wishful thinking?
  2. Probably a typo. Harris scored a TD running the football on 2nd down. He actually went off tackle & the big OL just washed everybody down & he just waltzed in.
  3. Yes, the Sheets TD is absolutely the I formation for sure but the other 2 aren't. The Lions & Ti Cats are in pistol with the back behind the qb. The way the CFL is going, especially this year, they're getting away from running plays with tailbacks off tackle in short yardage. We saw Harris score a TD last night for a TD. Most times now it's zone read where qbs read the DE or OLB at the end of the LOS & pitch the ball or qbs running down the LOS looking for a hole to dive thru. That footage from the Riders is from 2013 where they were a run heavy team with a very strong OL & a thousand yard plus rusher in Sheets. While you are right, the Riders used the I to score that Sheets TD, I don't think that formation is very widely used (I could be wrong).
  4. This evening on chat, Wbbfan & I got into a disagreement over what exactly the I formation is. I always knew the I to be 2 backs lined up directly behind the LOS with the fullback behind the qb & in front of the tailback. I had never seen the I out of shotgun or pistol as both backs would be too far behind the LOS to be effective. I know that Wbb mentioned that Joe Gibbs with the Redskins ran the I using the H Back. The H Back lines up where the TE would line up except off the line of scrimmage so at best he isn't a lead blocker on the play but a secondary blocker. The fullback is the primary blocker for his tailback on a running play. Now, I watch almost every CFL game on TSN & I haven't seen the I Formation being used since at least 2009 when Mike Kelly used 2 running backs. I'm not even sure if he ran that formation as it was so long ago. I know in the CFL we only use a single back even in short yardage. That, along with the single back is not conducive for running the I. Anyway, here's an article on the I Formation: http://www.xsosfootball.com/i-formation-and-sets/
  5. Loffler is okay with me.
  6. That's not enough. Talking time delays. This a 2 1/2 hr delay on a weeknight when people have to work the next day. There has to be some common sense. A huge % of fans have left.
  7. After so many years, there should be rules in place that will help make weather decisions that delay games like this easier & make sense.
  8. The Millenial War Chant... #coorslitegames
  9. How will they honour Milt tonight with the game starting so late & so few fans in the stands? He deserves a lot better.
  10. So, if they start at 10 pm, it'll be a 1 am finish. It should've been called.
  11. Why fine the Riders? Fine Chris Jones... It may have more significance if he has to shell out $15,000 from his own pocket.
  12. Well, there has to be an actual opening for us to hire Popp if he was available.
  13. TSN says players out on the field at 9:30 pm CDT with kickoff at 9:45pm.
  14. With tomorrow being a work day will there be 10,000 fans in the stands to watch?
  15. Lots but not just that. A young qb needs talent around him& a system that works.
  16. The Olympics don't start yet? Isn't it August 5-21??
  17. But then there's this pesky border thingy where you need actual passports everytime to cross back & forth. What's up with that?
  18. This is a huge test for the team. They haven't won back to back games since 2014. Big lift if they can do it tonight. Go Bombers Go!! I just want a little respect for the Bombers, especially in my house where everybody cheers for the Stamps & calls the Bombers "Your team"... Yes, a little respect. That would be nice.
  19. Where did you hear or read that AC didn't help qbs behind him? Or Danny Mac?
  20. He played the whole game or at least the majority.
  21. No guarantee he'd make it through. I saw him enough in Calgary to know he was another Mo Price.
  22. Biting sarcasm... OUCH! LOL!
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