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Everything posted by iso_55

  1. That's not really true. They've been without a contract for over a year while the BC government has been yanking them around. The BC supreme court even ruled that the government's negotiation tactics were unconstitutional. No other union I know has ever been on more strikes than the BCTF.
  2. Talk about public unions, the BC Teachers Federation is on strike again. They are always on strike. That is one union that needs to have legislation so they can't strike because they abuse the collective bargaining process everytime & walk.
  3. You can never say never. It could have happened. Glad it didn't. Time to concentrate on football!
  4. I'd have laid the horn on the guy. And wouldn't let off until he got over. If he tried to ignore me then I'd be right behind him going HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK!!!!
  5. About frigging time. Saner heads prevailed.
  6. And in Alberta, the Tories are rejoicing....
  7. Oh gosh, no . Lord, they just keep on delaying this bullshit. What a joke. The CFLPA are assclowns.
  8. We get the government we deserve.
  9. Have they ever explained where the dome came from?
  10. They're putting dedicated year round bike lanes in Calgary. They wanted to put one on 1 St SE going south out of the downtown to MacLeod Trail. Anyone who knows Calgary knows that was a stupidly insane plan because of the traffic volume coming out of the downtown during evening rush hour. City council voted to not allow it for that portion of the road. But there will be dedicated bike lanes downtown. How that'll work in the winter remains to be seen.
  11. Nice. Great idea, chaosmonkey. Way to step up. You should let the media know.
  12. Hope you're right. Lots of bitching by players. The tweet by Iannuzzi took the cake today.
  13. Yes, that is EDT. So 6 for me, and 7 for alot of you guys. Yeah, 6pm MDT for me.
  14. We'll hear it tonight. I'm assuming 8 pm is EDT?
  15. Sometimes people just want to take a swing at an athlete. Hell I remember hearing stories in Brandon about people trying to take a swing at the tough guys on the Wheat Kings just to try and prove a point. Kane has a reputation as a tough hockey player, maybe this guy figured he either gets to brag about how he took a swing at Kane and Kane pussed out, or he gets his ass kicked and he sues this prick of a hockey player for assault. Yes thats possible but thats actually pretty rare. Plus, this guy was identified as an employee. The fact they knew each other to at least a minor extent raises the suspicion level in my mind. I dont get the "ring of truth" from Kane's story. But, the cops who investigated the matter were satisfied. End of story, no? Man, not gonna say names but a couple of my friends are cops k and the stories i could tell you about pro athletes being given the benefit of the doubt, even when its even apparent to the cop that they are guilty as sin... would shock you. I'l tell you this much, a couple friends let a couple pro athletes off the hook in 2011, (lots of jet players were real dicks that year). why did they let them go? cuz they gave them free tix or signed some stuff for them. This happens more often than anyone thinks too. Here, i'll just tell this one, involved my self and a few friends several years ago... we were getting high b4 going to see a movie at cinema city 8.. oh yeah the cheap theatre, the one friend was being a real ****.. we were sitting in the car, he was just going crazy for some reason, honking the horn, yelling out stuff to security at the mall.. "what you gonna do man, call the cops". The guy did call the cops, cops showed up... took a look at my ID, not saying im well known but the last name certainly is amongst police, my uncle is/was a cop.. cop looks at id and goes, oh do you know "insert uncles name here", i said yeah man, thats my uncle. They are like ok have a good night and left. Not saying that it's the same, it just gives you some idea that it's not always about what you do but who you know. Getting high while driving a car, yelling at mall cops & your buddy honking the horn like a nutbar. Then the cops letting you guys off. Nice story. Question, you've claimed in the past that being high on weed doesn't impair your judgement or ability to drive like alcohol does. So, explain your friend's erratic behaviour then? Sounds like he'd have been a maniac behind the wheel & could have killed someone. Guys like you are a danger to everyone. Delete - i'm not gonna debate the pro's and cons of smoking weed in a parking lot b4 going to see a movie. There is obviously quite a bit of a generational gap here. It's not generational. Crap, there was just as much, if not more weed in my high school & in university as there is today. I'm just sayin' getting high while driving a car is totally irresponsible especially when the driver is acting like you describe. Besides, you chose to bring it up.
  16. Jeebus, just nine teams & it takes all day? This should be over in an hour. This whole CBA process just totally sucks.
  17. Sometimes people just want to take a swing at an athlete. Hell I remember hearing stories in Brandon about people trying to take a swing at the tough guys on the Wheat Kings just to try and prove a point. Kane has a reputation as a tough hockey player, maybe this guy figured he either gets to brag about how he took a swing at Kane and Kane pussed out, or he gets his ass kicked and he sues this prick of a hockey player for assault. Yes thats possible but thats actually pretty rare. Plus, this guy was identified as an employee. The fact they knew each other to at least a minor extent raises the suspicion level in my mind. I dont get the "ring of truth" from Kane's story. But, the cops who investigated the matter were satisfied. End of story, no? Man, not gonna say names but a couple of my friends are cops k and the stories i could tell you about pro athletes being given the benefit of the doubt, even when its even apparent to the cop that they are guilty as sin... would shock you. I'l tell you this much, a couple friends let a couple pro athletes off the hook in 2011, (lots of jet players were real dicks that year). why did they let them go? cuz they gave them free tix or signed some stuff for them. This happens more often than anyone thinks too. Here, i'll just tell this one, involved my self and a few friends several years ago... we were getting high b4 going to see a movie at cinema city 8.. oh yeah the cheap theatre, the one friend was being a real ****.. we were sitting in the car, he was just going crazy for some reason, honking the horn, yelling out stuff to security at the mall.. "what you gonna do man, call the cops". The guy did call the cops, cops showed up... took a look at my ID, not saying im well known but the last name certainly is amongst police, my uncle is/was a cop.. cop looks at id and goes, oh do you know "insert uncles name here", i said yeah man, thats my uncle. They are like ok have a good night and left. Not saying that it's the same, it just gives you some idea that it's not always about what you do but who you know. Getting high while driving a car, yelling at mall cops & your buddy honking the horn like a nutbar. Then the cops letting you guys off. Nice story. Question, you've claimed in the past that being high on weed doesn't impair your judgement or ability to drive like alcohol does. So, explain your friend's erratic behaviour then? Sounds like he'd have been a maniac behind the wheel & could have killed someone. Guys like you are a danger to everyone.
  18. First, we don't know the plot so pretty early to speculate on who croaks & who doesn't. Second, with his penchant to change storylines, James Kirk, the one that supposedly will occupy our universe's future may show up. Or Jar Jar Binks becomes a leading character.
  19. Optics are terrible. The reality is worse.
  20. Thought I'd start a new thread relating to today's ratification vote. This could become a very busy topic if the players vote down the pending deal. I wonder when the results will be released to the media? #keepingmyfingerscrossed
  21. Same with Etienne. The thing is, they both did virtually nothing in our jerseys so they wasted 2 roster spots. To me, that's what counts. Not what they do elsewhere.
  22. This is why I hate Joe Mack. What a frigging buffon as a GM. My gawd.
  23. Criminal & civil suits are 2 totally different things. One is not bound by the other. You can sue someone for damages, say in a fight, even though the party you are suing was never charged.
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