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Everything posted by iso_55

  1. Not bad? Why do you think we finished 3-13 last year? Because of our Canadian talent or more specifically lack thereof. We have to restock at almost every position. Especially offensive line. I guess he means our NI talent now is better than it was the end of 2013. Yeah, I misread what he said. I can accept that. Sorry, gbill. My bad. Let's hope so.
  2. Speaking of hindsight being 20-20 I still think back to how we were debating between Poblah and Laurent in that supplemental draft... oh well I do know we definitely felt that Coehoorn would have been a better pick than Jade. Other guys that went right after Jade - Ianuzzi, Tyler Holmes. Sigh. The hindsight game is more depressing than fun I bitched about the Etienne selection & his subsequent useless Bomber career but was admonished by most here because they felt he needed to be given a chance. Well, it's just about 4 seasons later & he'll be known as one of the worst, if not the worst first round picks ever by the Bombers. If he was a fourth round selection, I'd have been fine with it. But first round?? Ugh! Mack was clueless.
  3. Not bad? Why do you think we finished 3-13 last year? Because of our Canadian talent or more specifically lack thereof. We have to restock at almost every position. Especially offensive line.
  4. Hamilton. I think it's 3 seasons now that they haven't got their 1st round pick starting.
  5. We'd have lost Laurent anyway so it's a moot point.
  6. This Friday is the 1 year anniversary of the Calgary flood.
  7. Supposed to rain, rain, rain here in Calgary all day & night Saturday.
  8. I like a whole different array of shows from Diners, Drive Inns & Dives to Too Cute on Animal Planet. Throw in Blue Bloods, Longmire & Person of Interest.
  9. I'm old. I stay at home so I can kick little kids off my lawn. Not only that, yesterday you turned the hose on us and shook your fist at us. I like that. Especially kids on bikes. I get to see how good they are keeping their balance. It's just a hobby for me.
  10. I'm old. I stay at home so I can kick little kids off my lawn.
  11. I know it's preseason and I know Etch doesn't want to tip his hand .. but honestly .. watching the Argos run on us (at will) on Monday night made me cringe .. Thing that bothers me is all the "everyone rally to the ball" stuff, but then you watch them on Monday and most runs right up the gut became 1 on 1 in open field, when you should have more guys in the middle of the field when the offense attacks there. If Wild misses one tackle, it's an easy TD. They rallied pretty well when the ball was outside the tackles, but the middle of the field was gaping. I guess we can take solace in the fact that no one will step out of bounds without being hit, but they can just take 10 yards right up the middle if they wish. The scheme was likely very vanilla, but that core principle of everyone rallying to the ball was missing for the most part. Instead of this "rally to the ball" stuff, why not just make sure there's not more than single gap cancellation on defense? In every sound defense there is never a two consecutive gap cancellation. Anything more than one gap cancellation is real trouble. Rallying to the ball probably means a royal screw up somewhere. Besides, why do pro players have to be taught something they should know about like rallying to the football?
  12. Bang on, 17. You must have read my mind.
  13. Miller probably had some opinions on available coaches out there this past off season. If so, no biggie as he is Walters boss & as a former player himself, knows quite a few current CFL players, former players & coaches. Nothing wrong with Miller & Walters bouncing names around & discussing them. Now, if Miller made Walters hire guys only Miller wanted, then that is a problem but I see no evidence of that.
  14. Yep, thought so. Playing career over.
  15. This may be a wake up call for Rick. If he wants to continue as a coach he has to adapt & get along with people. We all make mistakes & if Worman learns from what happened & is given another chance somewhere whose to say he won't be a very good coach? I coached minor football for years & I found that coaches are products of systems they played in & were moulded by the coaches who coached them as players. Same with me. For the most part, if a coach played under a stubborn guy, he'll probably coach stubborn. If he was coached by a screamer, he'll probably be a screamer. if he coached under someone quiet & calm, he'll probably be quiet & calm. Of course, everyone has a different personality so a coach will have his own way to coach his players or team, but generally coaches are creatures of habit. I think Rick is a product of the systems & coaches he played under as a player. Looks like he's more of an old school, my way or the highway kinda guy because that's probably the kind of coaches he played under as he is in his 50's. Football was coached differently 30 years ago than it is now. We used to hear that a coaching staff is not a democracy. One guy is in charge & what he says, goes. That is still true today but most head coaches will listen more to input from their assistants & even players than back in the day. In Calgary here this past midget spring season, there was a very successful former head coach who was coaching midget football (ages 15-17). We have a spring league here so it doesn't interfere with fall high school football. He joined another organization this year as an assistant coach after he left the team he had been with for years. He was a hard ass coach. He was tough on his players, expected a lot (maybe too much) & was having a hard time fitting in with the new coaching staff he was on. A few weeks into the season he was asked to leave. Does that make him a bad guy? No. He just didn't fit in with the culture or the philosophy of his new football team. I'm sure being fired has affected him & next time he may be a bit different if he coaches again. We all should learn from our mistakes. As far as Arash Madani's tweet, I really took exception to the beer sipping quote he made. Moreso because I know Rick & I really felt that was unfair as it makes him look like he has a drinking problem, which he may or hopefully may not have. The man got fired so he's probably upset & embarrassed. He has a wife & family in California & they may read that. I just thought it was a real trash thing for Madani to say. Leave it to a reporter to do a drive by on Worman.
  16. SPuDs, why do you worry about stuff like this?
  17. So, question. If the new CBA is ratified, does that mean Matthews & Muamba would be free agents if cut by their NFL teams as there would no longer be option year clauses on contracts?
  18. You could tell Pachal is American. He pronounces it Pa-Hall. We say it like it is French. Pa-Shall.
  19. Oz was a great show but I found it disturbing to watch. Very intense. Even though I saw just about every episode, I don't think I could ever watch it again. That is how intense it was for me.
  20. other than one or 2 passes, a very Jason Boltus like performance/
  21. Well, Ace Burpee is a well-known and respected radio broadcaster. I don't know how he can tolerate the level of anger and vehemence towards his first foray into the burger biz. There's actually a broadcaster in Winnipeg named Ace Burpee? That can't be his real name. if it is he must've been one tough SOB just to get thru high school.
  22. That concerns me the most. He can motor so if he gets hurt again it could be over.
  23. Oz was such a bad ass tv show. One of the most violent ever on television. I watched nearly every episode. You had the Neo Nazi White Supremacists, the Whites, Latinos & Black gangs in the prison who were always trying to kill each other off. I remember a scene where an inmate got revenge on another by cutting both his eyes out. They brought the poor bastard into the infirmary.The inmate was screaming. He had blood gushing out of his head & two holes where his eyes used to be. I remember going "Holy ****!!"
  24. I think Elliott is pursuing a coaching career in the NCAA. He was offered a spot on the staff at LSU (I believe) in 2013 but turned it down for one more shot in BC.
  25. He's playing for his new head coach Robin Williams.
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