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Everything posted by iso_55

  1. No idea why they thought they had to do a reboot & have an alternate Star Trek. Then we hear Abrams is pissed off because the movie studio is still promoting memorabilia, etc from the old films which he didn't like. Then there are the ST books featuring the Old Trek universe & reruns of the old series everywhere. Abrams expects that to all stop because of his (lack of) vision for the franchise??? Get real. As for Abrams Kirk, yeah... he's a jack off Kirk. A guy who takes shortcuts & doesn't care about who he hurts. A guy who'll break the rules to suit himself. He definetly isn't the James Kirk fans know & respect. Besides, whoever heard of a cadet promoted to Captain on his first voyage??? No experience, no leadership skills, doesn't play well with others... Spock hates him so naturally Pike promotes him over Spock to Captain. I guess it makes PERFECT SENSE in Abrams alternate universe. I liked the two new films but there's just so much I have to ignore completely to get through them
  2. http://www.reactiongifs.com/r/smon.gif
  3. Yep - it's useless because the league isn't really a major league. It's not the 'final destination' and 90% of players are not here for the long term. They just want to play and hone their skills for the NFL. Striking won't accomplish that. Guess what though, you live in Canada. The CFL is indeed the major leagues here in Canada. I'm not sure how people fail to understand that Canada is not part of the USA. Why is the CFL not major league? because why? your reasons are flawed, 90 percent of NFL players dont last long either. What makes the CFL not the major leagues in the country you live in? The fact that Canada has like 300 ++ million less people than the USA does? In Canada, the CFL is as big as it gets, therefore it's a major league, just cuz its not on the same level as the NFL doesn't mean it isn't. The NFL should change its name to the AFL because basically its the american football league. You get it now? in Canada we got the Canadian football league. As much as you may want to think that, the CFL is most definitely a 2nd tier league. Name me one American player who dreams of playing in the CFL. Hell, name me one Canadian player who would pick the CFL over the NFL. It's the best we have in Canada and I love it, but in no way is the the #1 football league. The major leagues are where the best players go and they don't go to the CFL. Well said, bang on, on all points. Exactly. I love the CFL but I know it is not truly major league. If we were major league then we'd be competing with the NFL for players but clearly we don't. It is the best we have in Canada & that is fine.
  4. Yep - it's useless because the league isn't really a major league. It's not the 'final destination' and 90% of players are not here for the long term. They just want to play and hone their skills for the NFL. Striking won't accomplish that. Guess what though, you live in Canada. The CFL is indeed the major leagues here in Canada. I'm not sure how people fail to understand that Canada is not part of the USA. Why is the CFL not major league? because why? your reasons are flawed, 90 percent of NFL players dont last long either. What makes the CFL not the major leagues in the country you live in? The fact that Canada has like 300 ++ million less people than the USA does? In Canada, the CFL is as big as it gets, therefore it's a major league, just cuz its not on the same level as the NFL doesn't mean it isn't. The NFL should change its name to the AFL because basically its the american football league. You get it now? in Canada we got the Canadian football league. It isn't major league because of salaries. Most guys need an off season job to pay the bills. Until the CFL becomes rich enough to pay players what they're worth so they don't have to work another job then it will never be a major league. But I still love it. I follow it more closely than the NHL. It is unique & it belongs to Canada so it's ours. But it isn't major league. Mom & Pop in every way with one guy owning two teams calling the shots.
  5. Why would anyone want to be President of a neutered & totally useless union. Guys making fifty grand, no leverage as the players are broke. Ownership knows that so they show little respect. What a thankless job. Now, having said that, Flory promised the players the moon. Trouble is, the rocket is still on Pad 19 at Cape Canaveral.
  6. Our Our stadium is better than your stadium. Nyah, nyah, nyah, nyah, nyah...
  7. Not sure what a better lawyer would do. The blame has to fall squarely on Scott Flory and whoever else was pushing the outrageous demands from the beginning. This deal should have been worked out in the off-season, with the players coming in with a more reasonable offer. In my opinion, if they hadn't have played hardball, they could have gotten a little more out of this deal. They need a real pro to run things. Someone who actually understands sports labour negotiations & would have the next 4 years to get caught up on the CFL business modl. Not Bupkis & his Buddies.
  8. Morreale wouldn't have done any better. Maybe not but they dumped Mike because they thought he would. Flory didn't live up to expectations. The old adage, "Be careful what you wish for as it may come true."
  9. First as a player, Scott Flory messed up contract in Saskatchewan then messes up CFLPA with the CBA. I wonder how long he'll stay President? Somewhere Mike Morreale is smiling.
  10. My clock is fine. #sercadianrhythm
  11. this is how i spell it until the team gets it that nobody will use capital letters. bad enough i hate the name but to insist on capitals when spelling it? screw them.
  12. The votes were supposedly near 100% in favour of strike for all teams, remember???? So what the hell happened? Strange.
  13. I'm on Australian Outback time. It's Monday morning for gosh sakes, I gotta go to work!!! Where'd the weekend go?
  14. Considering the players pushed the issue & this is all they get? Scott Flory, epic fail!
  15. I think the league (Braley) is being a prick. CFLPA has moved off of revenue sharing... I think Braley & Wettenhall want to break the union.
  16. Poor saps don't know they're walking right into a player strike.
  17. Guess they feel they don't have to groom anyone yet to take over from Bob. I remember a young Bob Irving coming to Winnipeg in 1973 from Regina & he took over the Bomber broadcasts from Ken Nicholson who just did the WHA Jets game pbp. Back then, CJOB had the rights to both teams. Ken was really sick with diabetes as well. I think Ken & management both knew that he wasn't going to be able to do hockey for much longer. So, hiring Irving was the right thing to do. And that he'd have to give it up sooner rather than later.
  18. I used to love the Marigold restaurant on St. Mary's Road.
  19. Cramped, sure. If you're 300+ lbs maybe. $40 a year...enjoy spending that on gas by the 2nd home game. Last 2/3 of the year the P&R was run perfectly, IMO, so same as usual for this guy. 260 and 6'8 so yea cramped.. Ever tried to walk a few blocks with a numb ass and leg? Not fun my friend.. Tough, I know as I had pain walking as well.
  20. Well, like what were you expecting? These guys are in TC & have practices as well as meetings all day.
  21. No, but even putting that in a CBA offer from the CFL is ludicrous. Why makes things more difficult than they are?
  22. What is the CFL worried about a 10th team in the new CBA for? (Like for sure there'll be a new team in the next four years). Just get a damned deal done, asshats. Everyone involved are a bunch of idiots.
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