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Everything posted by iso_55

  1. Someone has to cave. Like most fans, I don't care who. What's irresponsible is both sides not even TRYING to get together.
  2. You know how this is going to play out? The week before the first regular season game the players will strike, panic will ensue, fans will be outraged, the national news media will be all over this & the CFL not wanting to piss of TSN or national sponsors, capitulates. The players won't get revenue sharing or a $7 million dollar salary cap but something similar to what Project_Legacy posted. And a neurologist. And a $5,000 signing bonus for veteran players. The players get a decent CBA, the CFL doesn't lose face by having to share revenues with the players & the thing is settled.
  3. You'd hate it even more with a non competitive team in S. Ontario with shrinking attendence and shrinking S. Ontario TV ratings. Sure, that justifies everything. You're sounding like a Rider fan. It's reality. Do you really want boot strap teams in Ontario and low ratings and no fat TV contracts ? You can quit skirting the issue. Teams down east are all crying poor then they go out & outbid other teams for players. We hear this all the time how boo hoo poor the teams down east are. I don't believe anything Cohon says about league finances. He reminds me of a slick used car salesman & Braley owns the dealership.
  4. Lapo is a football guy & not a host....
  5. So, I wonder what really happened?
  6. You can get away with that until the age of 30 hits you like a mack truck.I got 7 days to go I guess I should make the best of it. I hit that hump years ago. It goes downhill fast after 30 if you don't take care of yourself. I workout very hard like you wouldn't believe doing weights 3 times a week & then 30 mins of killer cardio 5-6 days a week just to stay relatively trim now & I'm still not where I want to be weight wise. Another 20 lbs & I WILL be happy. I have to work out otherwise I'd pork out faster than a balloon at a circus. As you age, your metabolism slows down.... And I believe from everything I've read that a person loses a pound of muscle a year over the age of 30. So, conceivably, you could maintain your same weight constantly for thirty years & yet you'd weigh the same but have 30 lbs of fat instead of muscle at 60. Or something like that....
  7. I'd be happy with Black on the panel just to get him out of the booth to put us all out of our misery. That being said, I still hate the guy & I'd send him back to Canada AM & figure skating. Lalji would be a great choice. The best of all of them although that would probably mean relocating to Toronto during the season from Vancouver where he is heavily involved in coaching high school football out there. He may not want to do that.
  8. Goalie, no way I'm upset about this. It's a thread & people are throwing in their 2 cents so I did. When I read where a fan says something like, "Gee, maybe he'll be allowed to miss games to do coaching clinics .If that happens, I'm okay with it." I just went, "Seriously." If MOS says it's okay for Wylie to be away during the season & our line sucks then it's on him. I'm just making a comment on the situation as I see it. But upset? Nah. More amused at the comments, especially SPuDs head seemingly ready to explode more than anything else.
  9. Bang! Zoom! To the moon!
  10. So he'll likely be with the Bombers Monday-Thursdays. Then coaching clinics on weekends. I can live with that. I wonder if he's allowed to miss games if his clinic causes a conflict? Seriously...
  11. It wouldn't surprise me much if he was making a lot more money from the coaching clinics than he's receiving from the Bombers. Wow, I'd have to see that to believe it.... Working with kids grades 8 to 11?? Speaking at coaching clinics?
  12. You'd hate it even more with a non competitive team in S. Ontario with shrinking attendence and shrinking S. Ontario TV ratings. Sure, that justifies everything. You're sounding like a Rider fan.
  13. I wouldn't include Collaros in that group - he's making less than what Burris did last season so they saved money signing him. Has anyone heard what Laurent and Lawrence signed for? Gill is a kid & has an agent talking into his ear. Look at what a **** Plesius was after he was drafted.
  14. It is strange to see a pro coach put a recruiting company for American HS players ahead of his full time employers. I mean, pretty easy for him to tell FU that due to his new position in Winnipeg he is no longer available & let them find a replacement as that kind of thing happens all the time with coaches. But it is what it is, I guess.
  15. Well, I just don't think the CFL is as poor as it claims to be. High profile player signings a few days after talks broke off don't endear me to the owners side of the table. I'm not ticked at the Ti Cats per se as they're continuing to do business. I'm ticked at the league for this whole mess going on. And I'm not impressed with the players either. At times, Scott Flory looks like a clown act.
  16. He seems to have his sights set on the NFL first.
  17. Sounds like you dont like the cap system either. I don't like the system now, period. Braley's puppet Mark Cohon crying poor & then Hamilton signing a high profile player like Ted Laurent, no problem. The NHL was doing the same after the first lockout in 2005 as a few GMs went out & signed players to huge contracts with ridiculously long terms. Like the deal in Vancouver with Roberto Luongo & the Isles with Rick DiPietro, It made the NHL look like fools as fans knew they were played by Bettman. Just like fans are being played by Cohon now.
  18. If it within the cap, who cares ? And some dont even care about blowing the cap if it means a title. Big signing. Defense was HAM's achilles heel last year and they've adressed that in spades. Look who they've signed on that roster. They know the cap is going up so they spent the $$$ that magically Cohon says they don't have. Meanwhile the CFL is crying poor & in limbo.
  19. According to the CFL, the Ti Cats are poor yet they seem to have the $$$ to go out & sign players. But yet the CBA isn't signed. I find that (in the words of Mr. Spock) fascinating.
  20. I worry about Bob Wylie's health. He's carrying a lot of weight. There's a picture of him at rookie camp. I'd hate to see him get sick or have a heart attack/stroke. I've been there. I used to weigh 310 lbs 3 years ago. I decided I needed to get healthy or I'd be pushing up daisies sooner rather than later. I'm at 225 now. I am working hard to get down to my weight I used to be of 205 lbs. I truly am concerned for Wylie. The coaching lifestyle in pro football is just so conducive to weight gain with their crazy long hours, stress & eating junk food as the guys are too busy to go home for home cooked meals. Or they live in hotels. Or don't think that they have time to exercise. I used to work at McMahon Stadium in the late 90's. Some of the Stamps coaches like George Cortez during the season would get to their offices at 4:30 in the morning nearly everyday & I'd see him on the treadmill a few minutes after. A couple other coaches would be in the weight room after 5 am. I guess that was the only time they could exercise & lift. But at least they were doing it. Wally used to roll in around 6:30, quarter to 7. Being an assistant coach is a hard life & it's easy to forget about your health as a person.
  21. Yeah, I also think he had a concussion as well.
  22. The Argos new Strength & Conditioning Coach. Article doesn't say why he retired other than having suffered a serious injury. http://cfl.ca/article/a-new-direction-kackert-retires-joins-argos-staff
  23. So, maybe I'm misunderstanding your first sentence as I sure hope you aren't criticizing me for my comment like I somehow think that Bomber players don't do enough when I don't. Don't read anything into my comments other than I'd like to see more players run camps in the off season. That's all I was saying. Besides, how am I supposed to know allllll the way from Calgary about camps if they're not reported in the media? I knew the Bombers were helping out with the Senior Bowl. However, I was talking about any general skills camp for any player regardless if they're all stars or first year kids. At the same time it sounds that you really don't know if they do run camps like that for sure. I'm also not talking coaching certification as any coach can get certified thru Football Manitoba anyway as there are more than one Level1 & 2 clinics offered over the winter & spring in Winnipeg & probably Brandon. There are plenty of qualified instructors to teach those courses other than Blue Bomber coaches. What I'd like to know (since you brought it up)... are there any quarterback camps run by the Bomber players or coaches? Any receiver camps run by the Bomber players or coaches? Any Big man camps run by the Bomber players or coaches? You say some Bomber players run "clinics" & get paid. Are you talking lecturing just coaches on football or actual skills camps? Who runs them & what kind of camps are there? Dave Dickenson runs the Dave Dickenson Passing Academy here in Calgary for 6 weeks in February & March. My son attended the first two years he ran it when he was in grades 11 & 12. He works with young kids in bantam in one camp & then in another for the older high school players. His practices are back to back twice a week. Two hours a practice for 6 weeks with each group which is a huge time commitment for him & his coaches. Dave's camp is reported in the Calgary media every year & it keeps getting bigger & bigger now in its 6th year, I believe. It sells out very quickly. Dave & his staff work with qbs, receivers & running backs. Guys like Jon Cornish, Stamps receiver coach Pete Costanza, Rob Cote, Bo Levi Mitchell, Drew Tate & Ryan Thelwell as well as local high school, junior & CIS coaches help out at his camp. Dave also helps out in the selection of Alberta's U18 team for the Canada Cup in July. As far as I know he is the only Stamps player or coach who organizes anything serious in the Calgary community with kids trying to help them improve as players. Other than the Stamps rookies do a 1 day fun camp in different communities like the one they held in Drumheller yesterday. Again, I'm not being critical about the Bombers in any way. I just would like to see more players give back to the game that rewarded them so well. I wish more players were like Dickenson working with young players. Not just for 1 day or a weekend but over a period of time. Six weeks twice a week at 2 hours a session is 24 hours of quality coaching by a professional coach. I know guys have commitments, jobs, etc. I get that. It's just nice to see a guy like Dave do that when he doesn't have to.
  24. Okay, interesting Jacquie. Thought the Stamps would be back at it again on Sunday with the rookies. Gotta wonder why CFL teams like the Bombers don't do serious position skills camps for high school & younger players in the off season in later April thru mid May. Or rent the new fieldhouse & do a camp or a series of camps in the late winter & early spring. A lot of veterans are in town all year & I'm sure they'd give their time if asked.
  25. It's just his style. He is very well connected to the CFL. He could have, like 90% of the national sports media in this country, chosen to ignore the CFL & follow MLB, NFL, NBA & the NHL. Be grateful he feels the CFL is important., Just to be clear, I wasn't necessarily talking about Madani. I wasn't singling you out.
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