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Everything posted by iso_55

  1. Great he comes to camp to learn but why? He'll never get drafted. We all know that. Just seems like a waste with the way the CFL treats CIS qbs on draft day. To me, it's all lip service until the CFL changes its roster rules & starts drafting DESERVING Canadian qbs that have a legitimate shot to develop in the CFL. MY feeling is that if one qb every three or four years comes along & deserves a chance then he should be drafted. I don't think every CIS qb is good enough so I don't favour open drafting of all CIS qbs. I just want to see the guys that have the best shot to succeed given that chance & for the system to be fair.
  2. MBRG, my contention is this is not so much about racism & I side with Rich on this. The name Redskins to me isn't about looking at aboriginals negatively. I agree that when you think about it, it's not a great name. It's actually a very bad name. If you change the name of the Redskins to something else, then every name in sports that offend people will need to be changed as well because there'll always be someone or some organization that is upset or offended. Like the Eskimos, Braves, Blackhawks, Fighting Irish, Seminoles, etc. They'll have to be changed. What if someone in Vancouver takes offense to the name Clansmen from Simon Fraser because they say it links the name to the KKK? Maybe someone gets offended when we use military nicknames like Warriors or Blue Bombers (named after a military plane, not Joe Louis) because they may find warfare offensive? What about animal names? Maybe PETA or some other group finds naming teams after animals offensive & will lobby to change names of teams who have them. I can go on & on. To me, it's about political correctness & trying to make everybody happy which is impossible to do. I do think the name Redskins is terrible & obviously came from a much different era than today but I'm not for changing it. If anything, I'd be for changing it just because it is a horrible & ugly name just on its own.
  3. UP, I'm throwing out an olive branch here. There is no need for us to go at it negatively on every thread we're on. I can discuss things with you without it getting personal. Can we at least try to get along?
  4. So....whats your opinion then? Who called you a racist? Who hijacked the thread? You're the one that turned it into a debate about me rather than a debate about the issue. What racial slur, Redskins? I didn't hijack the thread. All I said was that I think there's too much political correctness in the world & something always pisses someone off. Maybe I'm right or maybe I'm wrong. If you think I'm wrong then debate with me in a civil manner & try to convince me of your opinion. I also said that the only way the NFL changes the name is if fans stop buying Redskin gear. Money is the only thing Goodell & the NFL understand. How is that hijacking a thread? This is my third or fourth post in the entire thread. Thanks to you, I wish now I never would have posted anything.
  5. Wow, saying I don't agree with changing the name makes me a racist? Totally ridiculous. Did you read what Rich said about racial slurs & to keep the conversation civil? I don't think I'm losing the conversation any more than you acting like an idiot. Looks like you've hijacked this thread to suit your agenda & beware anyone who disagrees with you. Whether you like it or not, others can have a differing opinion to what you think.
  6. Harper & stupid politics.
  7. You wont mind a team called the N-Bombs then right? because afterall, there is "something out there" that "offends someone". Thats the worst excuse for every bad thing anyone has ever done. I read a thread about this on another message board (American based) where it seemed most of the posters didnt want the name changed (or it was a pretty close split). The arguement against a name change was mainly similar to you - "too politically correct nowadays", "people are too sensitive". If someone you loved was subjected to slurs like "Redskin" on a regular basis, how would you feel? Someone in that other thread made the point "I've been called Redskin and no, it was never in an 'honourable' way". I actually think some of the Aboriginal based names are absolutely because of the honourable, fighting warriror spirit. But "Redskins" isn't one of them. I think it's possible that they intended to convey the fighting aspect of Native Americans using a word that was "acceptable" at the time. But it's not acceptable now nor has it been acceptable for a long time. Redskins is so clearly, obviously and completely ridiculously derogatory that the fact the NFL and their media partners and sponsors of the team havent censored it already is almost as mindblowing as the fact the owner wants to keep the name. If the franchise truly was all about honouring Native American's, they would work with Aboriginal groups to find a name that is more in line with that culture. If Snyder had half a brain he'd see the big bags of money just waiting for him to do the right thing. And right now today, I dont see any reason to change Blackhawks or Braves. "Indians" Im not sure about. It seems to be a derogatory term in Canada (though most Aboriginals I know refer to themselves as Indians) but is far more accepted in the US. Please, don't be stupid. There are no teams called the N bombs. Like I said before, you want a discussion, then discuss. Which always seems to be a problem with when someone disagrees with you.
  8. As long as the Redskin fanbase are okay with it, nothing will change for Snyder. And like I said before, Roger Goodell is probably the most arrogant & pompous sports administrator in the world today. As long as the money keeps coming in, he doesn't care.
  9. I'm NOT for changing it. I agree it's not the nicest name but people are way too sensitive & politically correct these days. It seems everything out there offends someone. The NFL won't change the name. Goodell will say f**k y*u just because he can. Same with Dteam an Snyder because I believe most Redskins fans don't want the name changed either. Unless someone sues the league & it goes all the way to the US Supreme Court & they order it to change. Somehow, even if it went that high, I just can't see the American Chief Justices doing that. The only way to hurt the Redskins & the NFL & force them to change the name are for fans to quit buying RG3 jerseys as well as other Washington gear. Hurt Dan Snyder & the NFL in the pocketbook. But that won't happen especially if RG3 has a bounce back year.
  10. The funniest part of that article is when Bourke says "look at the numbers, they don't lie. It's not like we're asking for a crazy amount." Followed by, I've never actually looked at the numbers. Only 4 members of the PA executive have access to the audited financial statements of the private teams, but still, it's kind of a funny way to put it and then contradict yourself in the next quote. The numbers are almost becoming mythical outside of the negotiating table. But as you said, the more the PA speaks, the more ignorant they sound. Their policy of telling players to take any and every opportunity to speak to media and vent on Twitter is really backfiring, you'd think there'd be enough media consultant's itching for a small consulting fee and the CFLPA on their resume that they could take advantage of for some basic media policy advice. Bourke's played in every CFL city multiple times, spent several days in all of them, and he really wonders how the Alouettes would struggle to "do at least fairly well?" They are the second team in a one team city. They play in one of the oldest standing stadiums in North America, which is also damn near inaccessible by any modern mode of transportation. When they were selling out they were selling an amount of tickets that would have put the Bombers on the brink of folding. They also lack control over a bunch of ancillary revenues. The Rolling Stones aren't playing Percival Molson if they come to Montreal. Since Wetenhall sunk a bunch of money into upgrading the stadium a bit and adding some seats, they haven't been selling out. It's pretty simple math. A team selling 22,000 seats isn't going to post strong revenues in a league where 25,000 is the relative breakeven point. So then... why are Ottawa & Hamilton building stadiums that won't break even capacity wise? Maybe because the break even point is 19-20,000 & not 25,000?
  11. The CFLPA needs a professional running the show who has experience in bargaining like a Donald Fehr. Obviously not saying it should be him but someone from the sports world to take over the CFLPA & run it the way it should be. What does Bourke or Flory know about labour negotiations? Likely nothing.
  12. I think it goes back to the 1930's when teams like Winnipeg would bring in ringers like Fritzie Hansen to help them win & sell tickets. I don't think there was enough Canadian talent back then to totally stock teams coast to coast... I think at that time each team could only have 3,4 or 5 Americans on their roster.
  13. He never did that in Calgary. The Flames made him GM & head coach, he kicked himself upstairs, drafted poorly, made some bad trades & questionable FA signing, selected bad head coaches & the team just collapsed. They gave him the keys to the franchise & did a woeful job.
  14. The owners would sign this deal in a second if the players agree to no cap tied to revenues. Yep, they're close I believe.I think it'll get done. Like 5 to 5.5 million.
  15. They'll get to a minimum of a $5 million dollar salary cap, probably higher.
  16. I really admire the Blackhawks. Such a great organization. It wasn't too long ago under the old tightwad Bill Wirtz that they were struggling. Now look at them.
  17. The Blackhawks will take the series but Les Canadiens are just about finished.
  18. You know, when I said that Chevy doesn't do trades, I meant he doesn't do big trades like trading away a player like Byyfuglien. He's content to sit on the guy. People here are saying hey, I'd trade Buff for this guy or that guy or these players. Clearly, that's not how Chevy rolls. Of course he makes trades, every GM does. All of his trades have been minor ones. Just look at who he's traded for & away. Like I said a tweak here, a subtraction there. An addition somewhere else. Traded away draft picks & added some as well. He's afraid to roll the dice on a major deal to alter the core of the Jets as he is a very conservative GM. Content to let his draft picks develop. If he drafts as bad as the Flames have done since 1990 we'll be out of the playoffs for a long, long time. I'm not convinced that this is the core we can win with but he's the GM so he's paid to make those decisions. I guess I should have made it clearer which is my fault.
  19. Yeah, we've had some absolute blockbusters, haven't we? At trade deadline & the draft he's a master at it. The room is just electric. That's not what you wrote thought. You dated chevy doesn't make trades. That's not true. To now get sarcastic about what you wrote is disingenuous. And as stated how many blockbuster trades actually happen? And you say I take things too seriously? Dude, look at your posts.
  20. I'm just sayin' the trades he makes are more for tweaking the lineup or tinkering with it. So yeah, he has done trades but of the minor variety. No splash on free agency either.
  21. Yeah, we've had some absolute blockbusters, haven't we? At trade deadline & the draft he's a master at it. The room is just electric.
  22. Anyone forget the CFL wanted an 8 year agreement? Or something long term like that? So much for the "CBA too soon" & "let's wait until we see how Ottawa does" line of thinking. Why the hell are they in the league again if it's such a wait & see kind of thing? Make the players wait nearly a decade more for maybe the chance to finally make some money & then cry poor again the next time. I see the pattern here. No way I trust our slimy & smilin' Commish's numbers anymore than I trust the players numbers. But I side with the players because they deserve a significant pay raise.
  23. Chevy doesn't do trades so why would he start now? We are close to being a playoff team in the West. I think we did a lot better than most pundits thought we'd do last season coming out of that weak Southeast Division so I think he'll add a few pieces, subtract a few but it'll be status quo as usual. Not convinced trading Buff is the right thing to do anyway. I do know that putting him at winger is the right thing to do.
  24. European hockey leagues have the import rule.
  25. Especially against a little pipsqueak union like the CFLPA.
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