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Everything posted by iso_55

  1. He was told to cease & desist. THEY got to him.
  2. If you don't like it, don't buy it.
  3. Get off my lawn!
  4. Ah, really.... if it increases merch sales then it's all good.
  5. I like Wheeler. It's really not a trade I'd make.
  6. Ticket prices have risen every year. You can't lay that at the feet of the players as they are going to go up anyway. Season ticket holders here in Calgary here are bitching about ticket prices rising something like 25 to 30% in the past 3 years yet player salaries haven't risen anything like that. Some are asking the Stamps come clean & explain why ticket prices are going up, up, up... Of course they won't. People are starting to stay away from the ball park.
  7. Hey, c'mon.global warming ya know....
  8. Baron would just give Sterling "THE CLAW" and he'd be out cold in a few seconds Zat is all za people need to know.
  9. I don't care about Hank Burris as much as I do about the grunts who deserve more.
  10. Imagine the job it would take to make an outdoor stadium into a covered or domed stadium that could be used all year long. The cost would be absolutely enormous. I don't think it'll ever happen in Regina.
  11. Guys make $45,000 a year & you want to break them? That's utterly ridiculous. Why not just find another league to follow?Dont be a crybaby. Where did I write exactly what you accused me of? Where did I write "That guy making $45,000, how dare he make that much, lets break him".I said if the players thumb their noses at the CFL's reasonable offer and end up striking over it, I want the league to break them. ie. break the union. ie. win the battle. ie. get us back playing without mortgaging the future of the CFL to the players. You'd rather the players win everything they've demanded? Okay sure, we could hope, after losing a month of the season, that both sides are kind and professional and reasonable. Not me. If that happens, I want the side responsible to pay for it. And that side is the PA. If my union demanded unreasonable demands after being offered a 9% raise, I'd expect my company to start pulling things off the table if we walked out and cost them money. Im on the side of reason. You can be on the side of players making an average of $80,000 for six months of work who claim they "cant eat". I'm not a crybaby but you're becoming a big bag of wind. You said you hope the CFL breaks the union. it's right there for everyone to read. I think that is a ridiculous statement. People say & tweet things in the heat of the moment. This is an emotional issue.You don't? And like Bluto said, for every Burris contract there are 10 or 15 players, maybe more who make the minimum. You want to break them? What did they do to you? Why is this so personal to you? You take a lot of things personally man. It's my opinion that if the players strike I hope the league wins. Do you hope the players win? The health of the league is more important than individual players. And no I don't really care about a few guys who make $45000 to play football for six months. This isn't the hunger games. If they don't like it they can get a real job. Wow, not meaning to offend you but you say some outrageous things & when you get called on it you revert to name calling by calling me a crybaby. I thought we were having a serious discussion until now. I believe that you truly don't care about the guys making $45,000 & want to take their labour rights from them because you think they're overpaid when they're not. I do care about the guys making the minimum. They're the grunts on Special Teams who sacrifice & put their bodies on the line every game so we fans can be entertained. It sounds like I got under your skin which wasn't my intention but so be it. You're the one crying about players making tweets you don't like. You're the one who said he hopes the CFL breaks the union which I & others take exception to when the guys that play our game are nowhere close to being spoiled brat pro athletes, You're the last one who should be pointing fingers at anyone. If there's any professional league in the world where the majority of the players are basically playing for the love of the game & deserve more, it's the CFL. If anyone is making his position a hill to die on, it's you.
  12. Of course, that's before the new tv deal.
  13. Stirling's an old goat. A rich old goat. Lots of people from his generation carry the same sentiments. I know how my dad & his friends felt after thy had a few drinks growing up about people with black or brown skin. Sadly, even my generation, the"flower power" generation where peace & love was supposed to triumph still say the damnedest things. Heck, in my high school guys would go cruising to the legislative grounds on Fridays or Saturday nights looking for gays to beat up in the mid 70's. Used to hear stories in senior high about how some guys in a car roughed up & scared some gay guy by the river. I thankfully never ever took part in that but we all laughed about it. I think with each generation the tolerance level goes up & more younger kids find this unacceptable.
  14. Lots of times it doesn't. Goes ignored.
  15. I'd like to see us discussing stories so I'd be for whatever gets talk going in that section, Rich. It just seems like kind of a waste now which I think is too bad.
  16. My brother in law is a civil engineer in Vancouver. He saw pics of our stadium & said that our cantalievered covered stands could also be "Roof Ready" & could be converted into a full cover if they wanted at considerable expense. But it is possible.
  17. Interesting reactions because there are a lot of stories to spark discussion there. Too bad.
  18. Shocking! How could you say such a thing??? Some sensitivity training for you!!!
  19. I think the reason why revenue sharing is such a thorny issue is that the players agreed to abandon it in 2010 to help the league with the promise it would be looked at again in 2014 if things were better financially & the CFL has now balked at doing that. So, the players did sacrifice in 2010 when things weren't as good as now & just want to return to revenue sharing in good times & have been told no.
  20. The CFL lowballed the players with an offer to increase the salary cap by $100,000. Works both ways. what did the players give back to the CFL tho? they made a ridiculous proposal, 6 million plus cap with revenue sharing and all sorts of things. They didn't give the CFL anything so why should the cfl give them something? I'm just saying both sides have to give not just the players. Both have taken ridiculous sides here. The $100,000 raise in the salary cap was a slap as was the players 56% revnue sharing & $7 mill salary cap. Now, both need to get to work to find middle ground.
  21. The renderings to me anyway, looks like that stadium is at capacity of over 40,000. That's why the end zone seating looks different. I'd say temporary seating. I like what they did with the roof way better than ours.
  22. The CFL lowballed the players with an offer to increase the salary cap by $100,000. Works both ways.
  23. Sterling damaged the NBA brand as advertisers were cancelling. It's a business decision.
  24. Guys make $45,000 a year & you want to break them? That's utterly ridiculous. Why not just find another league to follow? Dont be a crybaby. Where did I write exactly what you accused me of? Where did I write "That guy making $45,000, how dare he make that much, lets break him". I said if the players thumb their noses at the CFL's reasonable offer and end up striking over it, I want the league to break them. ie. break the union. ie. win the battle. ie. get us back playing without mortgaging the future of the CFL to the players. You'd rather the players win everything they've demanded? Okay sure, we could hope, after losing a month of the season, that both sides are kind and professional and reasonable. Not me. If that happens, I want the side responsible to pay for it. And that side is the PA. If my union demanded unreasonable demands after being offered a 9% raise, I'd expect my company to start pulling things off the table if we walked out and cost them money. Im on the side of reason. You can be on the side of players making an average of $80,000 for six months of work who claim they "cant eat". I'm not a crybaby but you're becoming a big bag of wind. You said you hope the CFL breaks the union. it's right there for everyone to read. I think that is a ridiculous statement. People say & tweet things in the heat of the moment. This is an emotional issue.You don't? And like Bluto said, for every Burris contract there are 10 or 15 players, maybe more who make the minimum. You want to break them? What did they do to you?
  25. Of course it is. According to Zach Collaros it's better than IGF. **** Zach Collaros.
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