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Everything posted by iso_55

  1. Honey Brown is a nice beer. Molson Canadian is pee. I hated it in the 70's so I drank Labatt's Blue. Nice to have choices.
  2. Let's hope both sides realize this before it's too late. However I get the impression the players are trying to play a game of chicken they can't win. The problem with playing chicken is at some point, the side doing that can't back down without losing power or face, That's the sad fact.
  3. Let's put it his way. Both sides would be beyond stupid to have a work stoppage. Incredibly stupid.
  4. Works fine on my laptop. Interesting that before the change I couldn't quote a message on IE but could on Google Chrome. Now I can quote using both browsers.
  5. You mean, like the Riders?
  6. I agree. Huf needs to get make an example of him. ... and trade him to the Bombers He'll end up in Regina with Smith & Anderson. They can go bar hopping together.
  7. I don't know if there are a lot of doctors & lawyers here. Maybe a few cheapskates.
  8. yeah so what, it's their choice. its per week man, thats 1200 every 2 weeks, thats nothing to cry about exactly. i know lots of people who actually went to college and don't make that much per week right now after taxes. Nothing to jump up & scream about, either.
  9. It ain't great, either. Try living on that in Vancouver or Toronto.
  10. But it's not $750 after taxes & deductions. Probably more like $600.
  11. Some character issues on the team for sure. I think Butler is gone.
  12. Seven hundred & fifty dollars a week won't fly with the players. You might think it's fine to live on which is your opinion & certainly entitled to feel that way but I have a strong suspicion that will change once a new CBA is agreed to.
  13. Or 4 or 5 of them live in a rented house. Yeah, heard the stories. Same here in Calgary. Dwayne (The Rock) Johnson was on the Stamps PR in the mid 90's. He hated it & quit football to pursue a career in pro wrestling. I'm sure he holds a warm place in his heart for Wally Buono.... never heard him say anything good about his time with the Stamps other than he was always broke. I met a current Als player a couple of days ago. He has been off & on the roster but mostly a PR player. He told me that being a PR player in the CFL is nothing like he expected & I guess for him it's been a struggle as well.
  14. The PR salary is much too low. By the time taxes, food, utilities, rent & expenses etc are added up it's not a great living. The minimum salary is also too low. I'm all for the players getting more.
  15. For professional sports $750 a week is a joke. You take off taxes & EI & it's a bit over $600 a week. Most guys can find jobs paying better than that.
  16. Go on www.cflhorsemen.ca. That's where Stamps fans post now. The argument got pretty heated with most condemning Price. Calgary is no different than anywhere else. The redneck thing is pretty overblown. As far as preachers teaching one thing & living another way, that's been going on for a long time. No surprise there.
  17. Great job to everyone involved as admins & mods. Congratulations on the first year anniversary of Morning Big Blue!!
  18. Thanks for letting us know. We all appreciate it. And we appreciate your efforts in making this a great site.
  19. For once, we went to a draft & did our due dilligence & made (what looks like) the best picks possible & truly picked up some assets. Really happy wuith what transpired for the Bombers. Glad they kept #2.
  20. I almost have to believe that the drug testing the CFL does is a sham as no one has ever been caught. But to be picked in the first round by the Stamps & basically them looking the other way is beyond me. Guys that work hard in the weight room trying to forge a CFL career & are into nutrition & supplements know what they're ingesting. To say a university educated man like Quinn working with his strength & conditioning coach at Concordia just blindly takes "supplements" without knowing what they are has to be lying. I find the fact that Stamps took him as their second pick in Round 1 more repugnant than the Price tweet.
  21. Just an aside but do you find it ironic that the CFL slams Mo Price for his comments but rewards Quinn Smith by being drafted in the first round for using Stanozolol on virtually the same day? It's okay to cheat with chemicals to enhance performance & then plead ignorance but not okay to have an opinion. Not defending Price or what he said but it's okay if a bunch of roid heads & cheaters can play. The CFL is so two faced, I find the league to be so ridiculous sometimes.
  22. is this serious? They don't? Tell me otherwise.
  23. SPuDS you just liked your own post.
  24. They have one of the best offensive lines in the CFL so the redblacks have a solid foundation to start offensively.
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