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Everything posted by iso_55

  1. This explains it... http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-TSArF0wZwW8/Uc3o4d2EWsI/AAAAAAAALQc/PVsKOQiUHtU/s640/tznightmare.jpg
  2. We could bring back the death penalty.
  3. I've always called the CFL a Mom & Pop business because that's how it's run. When the season ends the teams shut things down & that's it. Other than the CFL Congress in February, free agency on Feb 15th, the CFL Combine in March followed by the CFL Draft, that's it. And the media in this country so caught up with the NHL are more than happy to ignore it. At least in Winnipeg, the local media does seem to care about the Bombers. You do have some knowledgeable media people following the team. In Calgary, it's not like that at all. The people that did provide us with insight are gone. Just a few inexperienced beat writers now.
  4. I think you're on to something there with all the out of towners coming in. The fans that follow the Stampeders are diehards but it's 28,000 on average now The media in this town love the Flames because they see them as overachievers. Even though they missed the playoffs it's a good news story because (a) the Flames finished about 3 places better in the standing & 25 points higher than anyone thought they'd be & they were better than the Oilers in the standings. So the local media gushes all over them. All the sports pages & local sportscasts on CBC, CTV, Global, etc are devoted to the NHL & the Flames. There's no local coverage for any other sport anymore here. Even the Alberta Junior Hockey League who used to get some attention gets virtually nothing now. The Dinos, nothing. SAIT & Mount Royal University also nothing. Junior football gets minimal coverage & now that the Colts suck again, I expect them to be ignored next season like they were for years. There's no coverage for high school sports & the scores aren't even published the next day. The papers especially think people only care about the Flames & nothing else. To me, the apathy for the Stamps is driven by the ******* media in Calgary.
  5. Very little Stampeder news during the off season. Once the season ends, the two local newspapers have virtually no coverage. This season has been a bit different with the redblacks coming into the league with free agency & dispersal draft but other than that we can go weeks in the off season without a single CFL or Stamps story in the media. Take the recent Bomber free agent camp that is taking place in Florida. The Bombers had a couple of media people from Winnipeg as well as Bob Irving down there to cover it for Bomber fans. Plenty of stories & interviews during that time for fanC to take in. Here in calgary, the Stamps 3 day free agent camp is taking place this weekend & not a single media person from Calgary is down there covering it. The event is invisible.The one thing I can say is when the day comes that the Stampeders have a bad team & don't make the playoffs anymore, the media in this town will totally check out on the CFL. You may have Paul Wiecek & Gary Lawless covering the Bombers & they create controversy but it's better than apathy from the media which is what we get in this town. The Stampeders don't even have a dedicated beat writer covering them from the Herald. They use different reporters during the season. And none of them have any connections in the CFL so there's never any analysis or breakdowns during the season.
  6. What about Robert McCune? I'm shocked he hasn't signed anywhere.
  7. My son is now watching the shows on Spike & not buying the UFC PPV's. I watched the main event last week with him & it was pretty darned good when the underdog beat up the heavy fave. Sorry, don't know the name of the promotion. Can somebody tell me?
  8. Rask isn't huh? He's a great goaltender. Like I said, you haven't given me any argument to support your side of the discussion.
  9. So, in your world you'd penalize a great goalie who happens to play for a great team by saying his play isn't that important? Like team management never planned for that to happen when they drafted or traded for him? So, somehow then Ken Dryden's 5 Stanley Cups are diminished because he played on a great team over someone else on another team? Same with Patrick Roy in Montreal & Colorado? Roy is recent enough for you, isn't he? He did play during the first decade of this century. That's like saying in football that a great qb who wins multiple championships & are great players in their own right like a Joe Montana, Anthony Calvillo or Ricky Ray doesn't matter as it's the team around them that was great. I don't necessarily disagree at times in certain situations like when the Ravens won the SB in 2001 with basically a backup qb getting them there. But he may have fit the system in Baltimore & had great players surrounding him but what did that qb do after as a pro with other teams? Nothing as he was mediocre. Great goalies & qbs may be the first or the last piece of the puzzle. Ordinary goalies or qbs don't win multiple championships. They make their teams even better.
  10. Some more goalies (who were actually great & played on great teams, poor them) & carried their teams: Terry Sawchuk, Gump Worsley, Bill Durnan, Johnny Bower & Glenn Hall. All Stanley Cup winners. Some carried their teams & never won like Gilles Villeneuve & Ed Giacomin in New York, Rogie Vachon in Los Angeles (although he did win a couple of SC in Montreal backing up Worsley & later Dryden) & a guy like John Davidson in St. Louis. Eras have nothing to do with it as these guys won in the eras they played. That's all that counts. Oh yeah & as far as different eras go.... Do the goalies of today have to face a Stan Mikita or Jacques Lemaire wrist shot? Or a Bobby Hull slap shot not wearing a mask or with flimsier equipment than today's goalies? Or to get hit in the bare face by a deflected shot? How much courage did that take?
  11. When they employ clowns acts like Emma & Santino Marella, The Great Khali & Horswoggle & thinking they're funny when they're not... the WWE will never recapture the audience they had in the Attitude Era.
  12. No Jacquie, I mentioned a bunch of goalies in response to your question who DID carry their teams. Most are SC winners. Guys who have won SC's in the past & some of the good young goalies of today & you cherry pick saying people wanted Price out of Montreal years ago, Tuuka Rask plays on a good team & today's game has changed. Who cares? As far as Rask goes, every great goalie who won SC's was a great goalie in their own right who played on great teams in front of them. I've also given you an example of a young goalie in Calgary who didn't look good (Giguerre) & was jettisoned by the Flames & went on to a 20 year career in the NHL & will probably be in the HHOF himself someday. I compared Giguerre to Reimer which you pooh poohed. I don't see you giving any valid argument to support Pavlec. Not one. Give me a discussion here with an actual take. So yeah, I'm not surprised you twist things around..
  13. How many of these OL prospects in the Top 10 still have CIS eligibility? They may go back so us picking any of them might not be a smart deal.
  14. UFC kills itself with too many PPV's. Quantity not quality. They should just put on 5 or 6 shows a year. Make them quality events. Look at the Calgary PPV. Half the announced card didn't make it. How credible is that? Then they said they'd come back to make up for it but haven't so far. They're trying to make too much $$$ too fast. Greed is kicking in. And with greed as always, the promotion will die off.
  15. Pavlec has way more experience than Reimer. He has potential to be a lot better while Pavlec has shown he may have plateaued even with more playing time. Goalies that can carry a team during the regular season & playoffs? Current & retired: Tuuka Rask, Mikka Kipprussoff, Carey Price, Patrick Roy, Billy Smith, Gerry Cheevers, Craig Anderson, Ken Dryden, Tony Esposito, Jacques Plante. Ed Giacomin, Henrik Lundqvist & Bernie Parent. To name a few. All these guys played great for a long time. First let's keep it to current goalies. The game was different, the equipment was bigger, etc for many of the retired players you've mentioned. And when it comes to the Original 6 era, the talent pool wasn't thinned out, etc. Rask has the benefit of playing on one of the best teams in the League - he's a solid goalie but he does not carry that team. Carey Price is a very good goalie who has almost been run out of Montreal by the fans a few times in the past and still has occasional stretches where he can't stop a beach ball (for example, about 2 or 3 weeks before the Olympics this season). Craig Anderson has never carried the Senators in the playoffs - the Senators have won one playoff series with Anderson in goal. I'll agree on Lundqvist. Okay Jacquie, whatever you say. Let's not talk about players before 2005. Even tho there's a HHOF. You can twist it any way you want as you always do anyway.
  16. nah, make it something truly painful: They have to sit and listen to Iso and Nate talk about how everything WBB was great in 1965, Osborne Stadium was better than anything currently in the league, and that they wore onions on their belt... Well, Noeller. At least I've seen the Bombers win a Grey Cup unlike you. I never went to Osborne Stadium as that was before my time. By the pictures I've seen, it looked like an interesting place, though. I was born in 1980...I've seen 3, ftr...still have the 1990 penant on my wall. I want a new one... Yeah, but no way that at 10 you were the fan you are now at 33 or 34. Great you have a 1990 pennant. You can't tell me that a GC victory by the Bombers wouldn't be a hugely emotional thing for you if they won now. Bigger than 1990 for you. I've been there, done that. But if I talk more about it, I'll have to bring in Nate to describe what the feeling is like when your team wins when you actually care. Noeller, just giving you the gears, man....
  17. To live like the rest of us & maybe have to contribute to society. Oops, sorry. Racist comment.
  18. Just curious but who would you have put a gun to and forced them to come here to be the defensive coordinator instead? cuz seems to me, the guys we wanted (stubler for sure) didnt want to come here. So sure maybe ETCH is a bit of a crazy person or strange i guess, maybe the phrase best used to describe etch would be "not normal" but... he came here. Stubler didnt, others didnt. why is that? cuz others didnt want too probably. So basically, seems like ETCH was the best we could get. Oshea trusts the guy, honestly osheas opinion should mean more then a bitter doug brown who has done nothing but crap on the team who paid him hundreds of thousands of dollars a year to play and not win for. So just curious, who would you have made come here? cuz i think oshea tried to get other guys but they didnt want to come. Happens when you fire coaches every year. Guess you get the reputation that your organization is a joke... who would you have wanted to come join the joke of an organization? I'd have hired a young up & coming defensive coach from another team. Don't ask me who in particular as I can't answer that.
  19. nah, make it something truly painful: They have to sit and listen to Iso and Nate talk about how everything WBB was great in 1965, Osborne Stadium was better than anything currently in the league, and that they wore onions on their belt... Well, Noeller. At least I've seen the Bombers win a Grey Cup unlike you. I never went to Osborne Stadium as that was before my time. By the pictures I've seen, it looked like an interesting place, though.
  20. Yep, you got it SpuDs. You can't say I don't support the new regime as some people are questioning my faith in Kyle Walters & MOS on another thread. But their hire of Etcheverry??? I think it will be a big mistake. Hope I'm wrong.
  21. I'll take it lightly if his defense works the entire season. People will be all over the guy if it sucks.
  22. If that is true, what a joke. No wonder the players are pissed off. As far as the Riders go, that's just pocket change.... And yeah, if the Riders do it then we should too. The deferred salary thing? Good, I hope they're in cap hell now...
  23. Forgot to mention a very old Rudy Pilous....
  24. Pavlec has way more experience than Reimer. He has potential to be a lot better while Pavlec has shown he may have plateaued even with more playing time. Goalies that can carry a team during the regular season & playoffs? Current & retired: Tuuka Rask, Mikka Kipprussoff, Carey Price, Patrick Roy, Billy Smith, Gerry Cheevers, Craig Anderson, Ken Dryden, Tony Esposito, Jacques Plante. Ed Giacomin, Henrik Lundqvist & Bernie Parent. To name a few. All these guys played great for a long time.
  25. I read the entire article. How can you not say the guy is paranoid his players will lose their playbooks & an enemy team will find it? Or that a disgruntled player will sell his playbook to the highest bidder? That's what I got out of it. The SFU example is ridiculous.
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