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Everything posted by iso_55

  1. Nope, I don't agree with that at all. There are reasons why fans boo & cheer. Just saying if you don't drink the kool-aid all the time & cheer the Bombers or Jets on then you aren't a good fan is too simplistic. Just look at the Bombers last 2 disastrous on & off field seasons & what they've been through with all the ups & downs the fans have experienced. Saying any fan that was angered or didn't pull for the team to win because losing meant a guaranteed change in the regime is then a bad fan is wrong.That hasn't happened yet with the Jets. But at some point, say the next 2 seasons, we better see some marked improvement with the on ice product as well as a playoff appearance or the fans will turn. BTW, what do you think Oilers fans are thinking these days? Think they have a lot of love for their team & the people coaching & managing it?
  2. I wish training camp opened today. Far too long off season.
  3. Looked great on his Seadoo in his wetsuit. That was nearly 14 years ago. Time flies.
  4. Buck Pierce was Buck Pierce 10 years ago.... Brilliant. #sofaroveryourheaditsinorbit
  5. Thank you, Captain Obvious.
  6. Read that Stockwell Day is considering returning to Alberta to run for the Tory leadership out here.
  7. What the difference? He's coaching the OL & that's all that matters.
  8. I love Chicken Delight. Only because in Calgary we have KFC & that's about it. I miss it.
  9. Boy, is O'Shea & Bellefeuille going to lean on this guy for advice which is a very good thing.
  10. He's here this season. I don't care about 2015 right now.
  11. Elliott is Buck Pierce ten years ago? Not a chance.
  12. Who was Buck Pierce 10 years ago? Gotta start somewhere.
  13. Good or bad play calling, I don't care.... The players don't run the team the coaches do. If Elliott didn't follow a game plan & ad libbed on the field he had to be released as he was undisciplined. One guy can't make decisions like that when he plays. So, that even makes me more glad he's not here or ever coming back. The coaches were dealt with, fired & no longer here except for Howell. We have better qbs now playing & signed for us than Elliott with perhaps better attitudes. Buh bye.
  14. Someone will step up in an individual role.
  15. The Bombers of today would never bring Elliott back, thankfully. They are trying to expunge themselves of the Drowsy Joe Mack era & move ahead with their players.
  16. I will say this. Elliott was better than Goltz & the Bombers made a huge mistake releasing Elliott & keeping the other guy. But... Hall is better than both.
  17. I'd say they're not. Hall is more consistent. He doesn't play great one game & poor the next. He picked up the game quicker than Elliott did. He has better football sense than Elliott had. We'll never see Elliott in the CFL again.
  18. Ladd's been a very good player & leader on this team. Westwood should STHU. Troy didn't win a Grey Cup as a Bomber but he helped us lose one.
  19. Remember that Bomber game so well, also. What Clements did was outstanding. I remember the fans being impatient wanting to see Clements in action. A few weeks later, hall was traded to Saskatchewan for John Hufnagel. What a lobsided deal for us.
  20. Hall is the better qb in my mind, no question.
  21. Thanks for those memories! I had to admit up until seeing the Jets live, I hadn't really cared much about them, as they weren't on TV so the only team I got to see every Saturday night was the Toronto Maple Leafs or the hated Canadiens, or the Canucks in their ugly green uniforms, and then their ugly orange and black colours (remember those ugly uniforms?). When Edmonton and Winnipeg joined the NHL, it was a whole new ball game. Boy did the Jets suck the first few years though, after being totally gutted. If the Jets had been able to keep that team together they had in 1979 they would have been one of the top NHL teams. A playoff team, anyway.
  22. That's my line, tacklewasher. I earned it!!
  23. Migs is an over exuberant Rider fan who loves to go on other CFL boards making an ass of himself a lot of the times. He's banned at Riderfans. And some other CFL boards.
  24. Mig's on CFL Horsemen & for the most part he behaves himself. But the guy is a pain in the ass & will always be one even if he behaves himself.
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