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Everything posted by iso_55

  1. Just raising the question.... I don't care who does it. Just get the thing done.
  2. The Aspers didn't become multi millionaires by doing things for free. Or bartering. Why couldn't this job be tendered? In the big picture, I don't care who does it as I live in Calgary but sometimes I wonder how the business of that stadium was constructed. The big press box mistake will be corrected finally. What an embarrassment.
  3. I'd like that...
  4. The Evaluation Camp is always about offensive linemen. When isn't it? Be nice if one year we could talk about something else like the incredible linebackers that dominated or receivers instead of always offensive linemen.
  5. Asper isn't doing it for free, I assume. His company will be paid quite well for the work. I am sure the work wasn't tendered so he'll pocket that money.
  6. I wish I could find a good Jets board to talk NHL. I'd be all for it.
  7. We had some good years in the early to mid 90's & early to mid 2000's so it's now the early to mid 10's. So we're due.... The 2011 season was smoke & mirrors. We have a long way to crawl out of the mess Mack left us with. I won't be as hard on this team as I would have been had Sleepy Joe & Burke still been here. The new regime deserves a chance & I'm going to give it to them. Just as a point of reference, going back 44 years to 1970 (because I can) new Head Coach Jim Spavital went 2-14 for last place. No one called for his firing because the team played hard that year & didn't suffer a lot of blow outs. There was room for optimism. We needed a qb as well as a few other pieces. We traded for Don Jonas, picked up wide receiver Jim Thorpe, signed (what we thought was a clean) Mack Herron, brought in a couple of new OL as well as a new MLB, safety & went 7-8-1 in 1971. The team got better in 72 & went 10-6 where we lost the Western Final to Saskatchewan. So, there is always hope.
  8. I guess you'll need to talk to Dr Sigmund as you're part of the fanbase like we all are. Id?
  9. I know Jesse Briggs on facebook. I used to coach him here in Calgary. He said the Bombers are very interested in him. They have shown the most interest of any team leading up to the Combine. Of course, like any player he'd be happy to be drafted by any CFL team. We'll see what happens.
  10. I wouldn't do that trade. Just bite the bullet as what's done is done.
  11. At the time, we all agreed getting Neufeld for Hall was a good trade one for one. Why we gave Saskatchewan our second round pick I never understood. To me, it wasn't necessary.
  12. That decision was a bad one considering the Bombers are trying to get that second round pick from what I've read. Now they'll have to give another asset up to get it.
  13. I'm sure you meant June 26th.
  14. It should be Ottawa, not Hamilton.... Or list the teams he's played with. Not just Hamilton. What a shoddy piece of journalism.
  15. You would know. Fast!! I meant fast.... LOL!
  16. He's a FA so he can sign anywhere.
  17. How much of that is funded by US Big Oil itself not wanting Canadian oil to cut into their profits?
  18. We can always use a very good player. it's not like we have a lot of those.
  19. Did Young actually do that? Wow... maybe he & Alison Redford should get together. Both have a sense of entitlement as well as bad tempers. That is sad. Did you know that when he did his concerts last winter he kept his buses idling the whole time? Up to 5 running for a couple of hours to keep them warm...
  20. 15 years of anecdotal evidence in one geographic location is weather not climate. Trust me on this one, climate is not something you can comment on without a lot of data on a global scale. I understand that but I think if an actor from Hollywood, a director or a burned out old rock star from Winnipeg can have an opinion without having any expertise on the subject then I guess I can to. Hiroshima, Neil? What's your carbon footprint??
  21. Fifteen years is not an isolated weather event. I don't know how long you've lived in Calgary 17, but the climate now is different than when I moved here 24 years ago.
  22. They run the same whether timed electronically or by hand. They don't slow down if timed electronically or speed up if timed by hand. The change in times will be taken into consideration. You're either fat or you're not.
  23. When I moved to Calgary in 1990, we had a Green Christmas that year with no snow on the ground & very mild temps in the high single digits & teens. Also, the winter of 1991-92 the same thing when also there was no snow on the ground over Xmas & we had plus 20 degrees. In February of 1991, we had record temps in the high teens & low 20's in Calgary. It was unbelievable. Winter was over & it never came back. As well as the winter of 1997 & 98 again where there was no snow on the ground Xmas day with temps in the teens. People were golfing here in late December as the courses were open. That's 4 years out of an entire decade where the winters were significantly warmer than they are now with Green Christmases as they are referred to. Most years of that decade spring would arrive by mid March & we'd be working outside in our yards. My dad & I built a fence in the spring of 1993 in early April at my house. The frost had gone out of the ground & we were able to dig the holes for the fence posts & put it up wearing shorts & a tee shirt. Well, since 1998, there hasn't been one Calgary winter where we've had a snow free Xmas. The majority of the winters have been cold. Last winter, the snow came in October & stayed until mid April. This year, our so called spring we're having looks to be shaping up the same. No way anyone can tell me the climate is warming. Not after 16 years of this & stats now telling us that the global temperature stopped climbing on average in 1998. As I see it, the climate is colder now than it was 20 years ago, no question.
  24. I remember the Ice Age Alarmists back in the early 70's. That by this time our world would be significantly cooler, the winters longer.... Oh wait.
  25. Shut up, Joe. Aren't you retired???
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