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Everything posted by iso_55

  1. Simply, the way I see it, the Earth cooled & warmed. We had 3 Ice Ages. And 3 warmer periods. Something made the Earth cool & something made the Earth warm 3 times. To me, it's all part of the natural process of the way things work on this planet.
  2. The article is written by Paul Friesen, so errors like that are expected. The guy also works for the Sun so errors like that are required ... That's bad. Wow, for a sportswriter in Winnipeg supposedly covering the CFL, that is inexcusable.
  3. Check this article out. Cold records are now overtaking warm records. This, on a website that is very pro climate change, in particular Brett Anderson who writes a climate change blog on that site. "Something happened"? http://www.accuweather.com/en/weather-blogs/weathermatrix/are-global-cold-records-overtaking-warm/24662335
  4. You are in a better place now.
  5. There is no lawsuit that can win because someone said something on the internet. That's what free speech is there to protect. Now they could I suppose depending on what was said go in front of one of those unconstituational human rights commissions but those are a whole different discussion that is probably best left alone cause it'll get more than a few people riled up. Libel laws still apply to internet postings. And there are limits to what is protected with respect to Freedom of Expression in the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Free speech on a message board is a myth - you give it up when you agree to the terms of service that lets the board owner(s) and their appointees edit or remove your posts. In a court of law the truth can be used as a defence. So if what you are saying is offensive, it still is legal as long as it is true. In the Kangaroo Court of our "Human Right" commissions, the truth can't be used as a defence. Nothing applies to help the defendant in those things, you are basically guilty when you walk in the door and the process is the punishment. There is an interesting case of libel going on in the US right now - several publications and bloggers have called Michael Mann's global warming "science" into question, and instead of providing evidence to satisfy them, he is suing them instead for libel. This is what is known as a SLAPP lawsuit. In any event, in order to win his case, Mann will now have to prove that his work showing his hockey stick of global warming was in fact accurate and his data is solid. In all these years since his "hockey stick" projections of global warming went public, he has never released his data. If he does in fact do it, and the defendants prove they were right all along about Mann's work, the entire global warming industry might crumble, which it should, given it appears to be built on sand anyway. There is no lawsuit that can win because someone said something on the internet. That's what free speech is there to protect. Now they could I suppose depending on what was said go in front of one of those unconstituational human rights commissions but those are a whole different discussion that is probably best left alone cause it'll get more than a few people riled up. Libel laws still apply to internet postings. And there are limits to what is protected with respect to Freedom of Expression in the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Free speech on a message board is a myth - you give it up when you agree to the terms of service that lets the board owner(s) and their appointees edit or remove your posts. In a court of law the truth can be used as a defence. So if what you are saying is offensive, it still is legal as long as it is true. In the Kangaroo Court of our "Human Right" commissions, the truth can't be used as a defence. Nothing applies to help the defendant in those things, you are basically guilty when you walk in the door and the process is the punishment. There is an interesting case of libel going on in the US right now - several publications and bloggers have called Michael Mann's global warming "science" into question, and instead of providing evidence to satisfy them, he is suing them instead for libel. This is what is known as a SLAPP lawsuit. In any event, in order to win his case, Mann will now have to prove that his work showing his hockey stick of global warming was in fact accurate and his data is solid. In all these years since his "hockey stick" projections of global warming went public, he has never released his data. If he does in fact do it, and the defendants prove they were right all along about Mann's work, the entire global warming industry might crumble, which it should, given it appears to be built on sand anyway. Watch it KBF, if Mann is a Bomber fan & reads this you may get sued.
  6. We've all been there... I've had some disagreements here with the mods. But, through PMs I think we may have made some headway trying to understand each other which I appreciate. A little respect goes both ways. I give the mods here lots of credit for doing that. On the other forum, is a mod who just arbitrarily shuts down discussion because how dare it strays off topic sometimes. Well, **** that. As KBF has said, he's single handedly destroying that place. The mods have a tough job but overall I think we behave ourselves most of the time. But I also think that most of us have strong personalities & we definetly want to be heard. Sometimes a little too loudly.
  7. Never had the Goog Special. I love their milkshakes.
  8. Well, I strongly feel the sense of entitlement with the board. He did a lousy job with the stadium so why not bring him back???
  9. I''m partial to Sargent Sundae and a stroll across the walking bridge to Assiniboine Park, but then I'm a St James boy through and through I grew up in Riverview on Clare Avenue so I'm very partial to the BDI....
  10. I thought Sweet would be a good fit for the bombers after his SK tenure... definitely not now - Wonder if he'll yell at Bourke, Perrett et al... Should have just upped Flory to OL Coach When he was in Calgary as an OL coach, I believe the 2009 season, Sweet collapsed on the Stamps bench immediately after the finish of a game in Montreal. He was having difficulty breathing & it looked like an anxiety attack. You'd think he'd have learned his lesson & try to calm down but he obviously hasn't. His coaching method is old school & even that is being kind. He quit Calgary, went to Saskatchewan where Chamblin fired him after just one season. Then, off to Edmonton last season where he was let go with all of the other assistant coaches when Kavis Reed was canned. Only now it's coming out he was an abusive coach? That's his style. How could the head coaches who hired him & the players around the league not have known this? In defense of Sweet, that OL in Edmonton wasn't very good & it needed a coach to kick them in the ass to play better BUT.... that type of coaching will only go so far. The players tuned Sweet out in Edmonton. I'm sure that he'll be the same abusive coach in Montreal that he was in Calgary, Saskatchewan & Edmonton. He won't change unless Higgins makes him. Which means he'll have to ultimately fire him.
  11. Link not working.
  12. Players deserve more. Hope they get it.
  13. Ossama AbouZeid He was the interim CEO prior to Buchko, and continued in his role a stadium project manager when Buchko arrived on the scene. He is now on the board of directors. So, AbouZeid was in direct charge of stadium construction & the resulting fiasco & he is on the Bomber Board of Directors. This is the thing that bothers me the most & is the core of the problem with the Blue Bombers.They can do what they do no matter how damaging their decisions are to the team & they are nor held accountable for their actions & decisions. After the stadium debacle, Ossama AbouZeid shouldn't be on the board.
  14. Ha, I've lots of memories of Grand Marais for me & more specifically the Grand Beach Provincial Park campsite in the 80's... Paaaaarty... Arrr Bee Darrrr! Especially one year in particular. Wow, I know I was there but that's about it. I have memories of having very little memory of that single May long weekend, if you know what I mean. Funny as I barely drink anymore. I like to have a few rum & cokes over Xmas & my birthday but other than that, I drink very little now. Guess I'd fit into the Grand Marais crowd myself.
  15. Great post, thanks. I too, thought that the area was going to be developed & I agree it is sad.
  16. What was the name of the guy in charge of the construction of the stadium? He was on the Bomber Board, I think. That's the guy who should be blamed. Buchko's problem was his guaranteeing that the Bombers would be playing at IGF in 2012 when it didn't happen.
  17. Lots of work to do if Wylie's the man.
  18. Hope...
  19. Where do people go now the Surf Club is closed down? Victoria Beach? The Birchwood Inn? The Casino on the reserve??
  20. Buchko is a radio advertising & management guy. That's what he is very good at & comfortable doing. Not running a football team. For what they asked him to do with the Bombers he was woefully unprepared for what awaited him. The stadium fiasco & reupping Joe Mack are just two things he didn't handle well. Hopefully he gets back to Corus Group & CJOB if that is what he wants to do. If he does, I wonder how that'll play out as he will work for the rightsholder to the football games & may have to negotiate with the same men who hired & fired him. That could get dicey.
  21. Im a long time Grand Marais'er. My buddy's family have had cottages there dating back many decades. I remember we'd drive up there when we were 16, 17 and not get there til 11PM and everything would be open up and down the strip. Its not that its dying off per se. In fact, if you drive around Grand Marais and Grand Beach you'd see A LOT of cottach builds and renovations. It seems the older folks have died off and their kids are now hitting retirement or close to retirement age. What we all equate it to is the very strong desire of the residents for Grand Marais to be a sleepy little town. Where as 20 years ago, you had a lot of teen-30 year olds, those people are all older, family, getting close to retirement. For example, they no longer dredge the channel. before, they used to dredge it so you could lower your boat and other water craft into the lagoon and drive out onto the lake. You cant anymore. They dont want fast water craft on the lake. They let the Surf Club die and its being torn down. Instead of putting in a hotel and restaurant/lounge which would be great over looking the beach, its going to be a playground and picnic area. They are putting in a clinic and expanding the retirement home. Appealing to the older demos. They have planned for years and years to put in a marina but I doubt it will ever happen. Young people with big boats have to buy up at Victoria Beach. Its sad really. Its amazing they even spent money to rebuild the boardwalk when it was destroyed but at least they did spend the money. And at least the consessions were open at the Beach last year. There were years where there was no concessions. Potenza Pizza is the "young" spot at Grand Marais. Pizza, bar, live music til late (and even then, he was forced to turn down the music because people complained...on Friday and Saturday nights. Theres another good restaurant on the Strip but the couple who own it only open when they feel like it and rarely on busy days. I managed to catch it open once and the food was great was super slow. The guy cooking could only cook one thing at a time. Its just a hobby business. The main bar as you drive in has VLT's and actually has good food in the restaurant too. It's usually hopping on the big weekends. The young people go there. I may be wrong but I seem to be getting a bit of a mixed message from you that while you like things slow, you'd like to see some kind of development going on at Grand Marais. Sounds like the decision to not dredge the channel was the NDP's decision & you'd like to see a hotel & bar like the one that closed down out there as well. We know that while the demographics of the town has grown older, it'll turn over once again as the older folks pass away or sell their properties to others. So, in 10 years, I'd expect to see a younger demographic again. Back in the 80's when they opened up the Surf Club, like you said there was talk of developing the village & the lagoon area. It sounded quite exciting. But since then, Manitoba's had successive NDP governments & they are not business friendly as we know. I'm sure that also the residents had a big say in stopping any development in Grand Marais as well. Like you said, being older they like quiet. Not parties or rowdyism. I have to say that it was sad to see the town looking kinda run down on the main drag with businesses closed down. There's a lot of potential there that might happen someday when Grand Marais is younger again.
  22. Are there Sobey's in Winnipeg?
  23. For soft ice cream, nothing beats the BDI on a warm summer evening & a walk across the Elm Park Bridge.
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