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Everything posted by iso_55

  1. I remember watching Dieter & Clements. Two completely different qbs but they sure got the job done. When they got on a roll late in a game it was such a treat to watch them go to work. Brock the strong armed qb who loved to throw from the pocket & could zip the ball into a small space with deadly accuracy & Clements the tactician & scrambler. A guy who could make chicken soup out of chicken feathers. I don't know what Bomber fans would do now if we had a qb who could put the team on his shoulders & carry it like those 2 could. Or get us a win in the clutch when he had to. We'd be speechless after years of watching failure after failure after failure at the qb position. Let's hope Drew Willy is finally the dawn of a new era. We deserve it.
  2. At least it's our third jersey for home games. That's a start. The old home & away unis should be brought back permanently..
  3. what we were actually trying to shout down was this ridiculous notion that he was a failure before he even stepped onto the field. Don't pretend that the hate (yes hate) that some of you showed for the kid was based on anything other than where he was picked in the draft and what your imaginary draft board looked like. He was a bust, 17. Thankfully he's now gone. Looks like the Bombers didn't even want him back. There wasn't hate as much as disdain that Mack could have picked him where he did instead of the 4th round where he belonged. He is 24 years old! Lots of guys don't even start in the CFL until they're older than that and you've already labelled him a bust! The Bombers were very upfront when they called Etienne a project but you haters wouldn't have it, he was a bust before he even got into training camp. I look forward to seeing you and Tburgess back tracking when Etienne shows to be a capable receiver in Saskatchewan. The guy is a bust. I'm right.You're wrong. That's all there is to it.
  4. My bad...I expected it to be a shot. Iso...sure would be nice if you left all this negative sh..it, behind...you're just like Wiecek Now, that is an insult. Read the whole thread instead of cherry picking. Just where am I being so negative? I blame both the media for being douchey & Walters for being unprepared.
  5. I would pay to see someone call out Wiecek. That would be so great.
  6. The best of the scraps....
  7. Kelly's system was great if it was 1987.
  8. You think he should stick with Hall, Goltz and Brown or should they be looking to bring someone else in. I'm not sure why you assume his response was directed at Willy and not the other QBs. Didn't say that, Jacquie. As usual you jump to conclusions with your one or 2 sentence responses. You do that a lot. See my answer to Mr Dee above.
  9. Hell, no!! I think the media were being douchebags. All I'm saying is Walters wasn't prepared for the line of questioning. Orlesky looked she hit him right between the eyes. I just think at that particular news conference you just don't talk about maybe bringing in other guys. Like I said, inexperience got the better of Walters yesterday. He'll no doubt improve as time goes on. If you watch a Wally Buono or John Hufnagel news conference they set the tone right away & get real curt if a line of questioning bothers them. They never get angry but you can tell if they're unhappy. They never let the reporters dictate the answers. But they both have years of experience. Not a huge gaffe by Walters or the end of the world but I'm sure he wished he handled things better.
  10. Okay fine, Mr Spock. Are you married? If you are, you must be in her Dog House constantly. Speaking of: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Twivg7GkYts
  11. There's no point discussing this if you didn't listen. You have your opinion & won't be swayed so time to move on. If you decide to listen & post something after then I'll respond. Other than that, cheers.
  12. So, the question was asked of O'Shea yesterday when he'd name his new Defensive Coordinator. I thought Gary Etcheverry was officially named to that position. Wasn't he? Please someone tell me no!
  13. Real skeptical about Halifax. The people there seem so bleh about the CFL from what I've read. The whole Maritimes thing scares me that the team no matter where they put it would just fail. Please no Moncton, though.
  14. O'Shea says smiling: "I'm so excited about Drew Willy being our qb". "He's our starting quarterback". Walters with a dour look on his face when asked about the quarterback situation going forward & if Willy is the last piece of the puzzle: (Long pause).... (Pained expression)... (Said something like) "Well.... always trying to upgrade every position including qb & will continue to do so".... Not a ringing endorsement by the GM. Either O'Shea should never have said what he did or Walters should have just reiterated O'Shea by saying how excited he also felt having Willy as their qb & left it at that. At least for a press conference the HC & GM should look like they are on the same page. Growing pains by young inexperienced football executive & head coach. Not the end of the world by any imagination but this should be a lesson for them to discuss things before they go out to meet the media hordes who are just looking for a misstep to pounce.
  15. He was never capable, Mike. He had 1 game where he looked like maybe he belonged. And that was a career game for him vs Calgary last season. Well, that career game for Jade was just an above average for most other receivers in the CFL when the ball is thrown their way. Then he went back to doing what he did best, he became invisible again.
  16. what we were actually trying to shout down was this ridiculous notion that he was a failure before he even stepped onto the field. Don't pretend that the hate (yes hate) that some of you showed for the kid was based on anything other than where he was picked in the draft and what your imaginary draft board looked like. He was a bust, 17. Thankfully he's now gone. Looks like the Bombers didn't even want him back. There wasn't hate as much as disdain that Mack could have picked him where he did instead of the 4th round where he belonged.
  17. Your last sentence is all I'm saying. But some of the media questions were confrontational. Never seen Walters rattled like that. O'Shea looked like a guy who's never backed down from a fight in his life with his, "You wanna go?" look on his face. That little smile just stayed there the entire time... O'Shea was classic. Good for him. He had Willy's back.
  18. Love to see a team in Saskatoon someday as it is now one of the fastest growing cities in Canada. The only thing holding them back is a proper facility. There are plans to expand the U of S stadium to 10,000 at some point. But that's not enough for a CFL stadium. There's no talk of a 25-30,000 seat facility being built somewhere else in the city as of now. Maybe in 10-15 years but eventually I believe it will happen. I don't pretend to know or understand QC. While Laval draws the crowds to their games, I don't sense a will by anyone there to buy a CFL team & bring it to QC.. They'd need a new stadium or to upgrade where Laval plays now. So, who knows? I just think QC is hockey mad & to bring a CFL team there now with the strong possibility that the Nordiques may coming back & lurking on the horizon may be ill timed. As far as Halifax building a new 25,000 seat stadium? Which came first, the chicken or the egg? A new stadium or a CFL team?? Stay tuned. The one city that no one ever talks about is London, Ontario. With a population of over 400,000 that would be a city I'd try to get a team into if possible. They support their junior hockey team as well as their CIS team. Having 4 teams in Ontario would be interesting.
  19. Can't keep a guy around on the basis of potential as it may never happen. If he develops into a starter with the Riders then that is good for him. He does have some experienced receivers he can learn from in Saskatchewan like Bagg, Getzlaff & Simon. Looks like Winnipeg either didn't want Etienne or he wasn't going to sign here so to get Drew Willy for him in a trade was fine.
  20. I don't know about the money Collaros is getting from the Ti Cats. However, I absolutely agree with what you said about Walter's response right after O'Shea said Drew Willy is his starting qb. The answer Walters gave totally contradicted what the HC said as it wasn't a ringing endorsement of Willy. The "We're always looking to upgrade" answer totally took away from how excited O'Shea said he was to have Drew Willy lead his team. If the GM & HC aren't on the same page then there's a problem.
  21. Obviously not. The video on the Bomber website is FIFTEEN minutes not 4. So, check it out. I'm not negative about the Bombers per se. The Winnipeg media tried to turn Willy's day into a "Why couldn't you sign the other guys?" press conference. And Walters looked unprepared to answer some of the questions. The media steered the boat in this presser not the other way around.
  22. After a press conference with the Winnipeg media that Kyle Walters & Mike O'Shea go back to their offices & start throwing things in frustration? Just saw the presser for Drew Willy & some of the questions being asked answers given were unbelievable. I felt bad for Willy. The guy was obviously nervous & was trying to handle himself the best that he could in a difficult situation considering that the media looked like it was really trying to tear the poor guy down with questions about Hank Burris, the fact that Willy looked like Plan C & if Walters was happy with his qb situation. Walters for his part could have answered some of the questions differently. Some of his long pauses & stumbling of answers when it came to questions about going forward with the qb situation he definetly mishandled. Also mishandled was Walters answer to Willy being the clear third choice. He denied it but let's face it, had Collaros agreed to a contract Willy may not have been here. Same with Hank but maybe with Willy as a backup but not as a starter. So, to deny that is a bit strange. As to the present qb situation, Instead of trying to give the perfect answer, looking somewhat flummoxed & mumbling about always trying to improve every position including qb, he just could have said, "Yes, we're happy" & left it at that. At one point, O'Shea sensed that Willy was being asked an unfair question & struggling to answer, so he quickly jumped in & said that Willy was the Bombers starting qb. As a group, it wasn't one of the better news conferences for O'Shea & Walters that's for sure. There seemed to be a different, almost skeptical vibe going on in that room. Walters looked upset, O'Shea not amused & Willy nervous. He was the only one of the three to say thank you quietly at the end. It sure seemed the Winnipeg media seemed to want to get under the skin of Walter & O'Shea yesterday.
  23. Nah, early enough now.
  24. It was 9 teams for decades & we got by just fine... I'd like to see it go back to a 16 game schedule... Too much pounding on players.
  25. Thinking a team in Moncton would work is a joke. It's barely bigger than Brandon. And this thing about a half million people within 3 hours driving time? How many people from Halifax would hop in the car & drive 3 hours to a game in Moncton.
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