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Everything posted by iso_55

  1. Jabari Arthur under contract to the Stamps. However, Anthony Parker won't sign a new deal & is slated to go to free agency on February 11th.
  2. Any qb would have got hurt with our offensive line play last season.
  3. Have to agree with this. However, there have been signs that this team has a different attitude under Maurice. You mentioned adversity and how they respond to it. If you look things at a game by game basis, they have been markedly better after giving up goals under Maurice than Noel. Little things like that give me hope. Plus, I like that it hasn't been 10-11 straight wins or something. They've had a couple of losses that they needed to rebound from already and they've do so succesfully. The olympic break will be huge. Will it kill momentum or be a much needed rest? It'll be nice to have Kane back 100% after the break (hopefully) and coming from the NCAA where they play a pretty short season, Jacob Trouba could probably use some time to rest and recharge. I hope they are able to put in some practice time during the break so they can fully implement Maurice's system. I think they'll do what NHLplayers not on the Canadian team did last Oly break... Take the family or girlfriend to Hawaii or Mexico for a week. Play golf in California & Florida. Come back, start skating & practicing again second week.
  4. LOL - if you remember, he wasn't really "dealt", he just decided that he wanted to play in Hamilton, so Ballard "gave" us Clements in return. Dieter had just given up on Winnipeg, and really screwed himself with his zoo comment. After that no one wanted him around here. We were just lucky that Ballard gave us something in return. And something really really good. They didn't give us Clements. We traded for him. Brock for Clements. As I recall, Brock really wanted out of Winnipeg & Clements was available. Hey, I remember driving my car listening to the radio when the news came that Dieter got traded for Clements. I had to pull over lest I had an accident. I was fist pumping & screaming in my car on the side of the road on Lagimodiere Blvd. I'm sure drivers thought I was crazy. For a minute or 2, I probably was. I used to always say to my friends whenever we talked football & the Bombers just how good Tom Clements would look in a Bomber uniform & I sure wasn't wrong!! Couldn't believe he was going to be our qb. Ah, memories....
  5. Nicholls has never had the chance to show what he can do, unfortunately. We really don't know what he is capable of doing as a starter over a body of work of a season or two.
  6. Glenn is a professional. So is Bellefeuille. If they want it to work, they'll make it work. The problem is the douchebag in Ottawa will hold us up for ransom.
  7. I don't see it either. I like Hall. I'm normally not a fan of qbs who lack athleticism, but I thought he showed ok considering what he was working with. Agree totally. He came on at the end of the season. Didn't throw a pick his final 3 games.
  8. Some interesting comments by Hank's agent. I think Hank's contract will be the norm in a year or two. It might even be a bargain by then.
  9. If this happens the season is already over. If that happens just kill me so I'm out of my misery.
  10. The Ottawa Shove It Up Your Bleeps
  11. It's so old that I know my son wouldn't get it that's for sure. I'd forgotten.
  12. I think no matter what Hank says about Kevin Glenn, he's so shallow he could care less about the guy. Last night on CHQR radio here in Calgary, Hank did a live interview & Kevin Glenn was discussed. Hank said that he texted & reached out to Glenn. He said that Glenn told him he understands the business of football & that they are still great friends. That Glenn is a great guy & teammate. Sure, Hank... Whatever you say. Today I hear that Glenn said publicly he is unhappy. Just to be clear, we don't have a 2nd round pick. Walters already traded it away for Neufeld. All we have is a first round pick that any teams would be interested in. And I believe as far as Calgary broadcasters go, you're referring to the Fan 960? I stopped listening to them a year ago. All they talk about is hockey, hockey, hockey, hockey, hockey. No other sport exists. It's all Flames & NHL. And if they do talk other sports like football, they virtually no nothing about it. Personally, they have been through a ton of announcers over the years & I can see why. I can't imagine how much of a grind it would be discussing the same subject over & over again. Day after day after day. Shanks being in Calgary, if you want your CFL fix, tune into CHQR at 6:30 pm evenings during the week. Those guys have the Stamps & CFL covered like a blanket.
  13. If Glenn acts like he always has, he won't be a problem. I'm hoping as he has never been a part of the Ottawa organization on the field, he does tell the RedBlacks to go suck on an egg.
  14. More athletic. Stronger arm... I like Hall as he seems to have adapted well to the CFL game. The guy seems pretty intelligent but he has deficiencies like lack of arm strength.... He ,ay grow into a legit CFL starter someday.
  15. Goltz, Hall or Burris? Gee, what a no brainer that is.
  16. Ottawa can't afford to take him to camp. The longer we wait them out the more the price drops. Ottawa needs to get rid of Glenn more than any team including the Bombers need Kevin Glenn themselves. Ottawa's an expansion team, how many top end salary players could they possibly have ? We've seriously got to stop assuming what other teams are going to do. To think that Ottawa will ask for anything less than our first round pick is ludicrous. And yes, they can afford to take Glenn to camp. I believe they will if they can't get a deal done. I'd like to see Glenn tell Desjardins to go **** himself & say he won't report to training camp. Think of himself for once instead of being a nice guy & a team player. Desjardins screwed him over. Now he should do the same back. That would be sweet revenge.
  17. The one team I hope someday we pound is Ottawa. Laying up 70 points on that douchebag Desjardins even wouldn't be enough for me. Hope the Bombers have a long memory.
  18. I think it has to be Glenn they go after.... Sign Willy (if he'll come) then trade for Glenn. I think we'll end up giving up our first rounder to those assholes in Ottawa.
  19. We're the team nobody likes, remember?? No one really wants to coach for us. No one really wants to play for us. I have no expectations anymore. It's like all the optimism has been sucked out of me. A few rums & I shall become comfortably numb. As far as receivers go, if you are Rory Kohlert, would you come back the Bombers to catch passes from.....???? Or Hank Burris? Where would you rather be?
  20. Would you give up a starter, say Jason Vega for example & our first draft pick for Kevin Glenn? Because now, that is realistically what it is going to take to get him here.
  21. It really shouldn't but on behalf of all Bomber fans I'd like to thank the Board of Directors for putting us into this mess because of their utter & complete stupidity & incompetence. Especially Paul Robson & Joe Pop former Board members who convinced the other idiots on the Board to hire their buddy Joe Mack. And to Lyle Bauer before that for bringing in his paranoid buddy Mike Kelly. Thanks to everyone involved.... I'm now firmly convinced that we need to be privately owned.
  22. Tried to like your comment but it won't work. Anyway, thanks again.
  23. While I don't blame Hank for taking the money & running, he sure pisses off fanbases wherever he goes, doesn't he?
  24. Yeah, right. Thanks as I forgot. Probably also established in Montreal.... Or Vancouver. Hard to pry Canadian CFL vets out of their cities if they have played there for a long time. have to pay significantly more. No hometown discount.
  25. Emery might be easier to get just because he's an American & MAY not live there year round.... But I'd think he'd be an untouchable.
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