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Everything posted by iso_55

  1. Nah, talking Bountygate & the Greg Williams & Sean Payton coaching suspensions as well as the Greg Vilma player suspensions among other things. Can't recall off the top of my head but Goodell isn't a guy you cross. The suspension (again) of Brandon Browner for an illegal substance.... Goodell helped set that drug testing program up. Then player suspensions for behaviour issues, etc,
  2. I wonder how long it will be until Migs makes his way here? He's posting at the Stamps site CFL Horsemen as Jericho stirring up all kinds of crap, most notably how much better Sheets is than Cornish, how the Riders receiving corps is better than the Stamps, how Brent Jones really wants to play for the Riders & not the Stamps, how great Regina is as a city & rubbing it in their face the fact the Riders beat the Stamps in the playoffs. Total douchebag.
  3. I don't think Roger Goodell was smiling. He wants to have the game presented squeaky clean with no tarnish. He has been merciless punishing those when it comes to incidents by teams & transgressions by players.
  4. And Flutie threw for 6,000 yards a couple of seasons at least. To me, he was the best who ever played the position in the CFL no question. One of the most greatest yet underrated qb in CFL history played for the Bombers & still lives in Winnipeg. Started at qb in 5 Grey Cups & won 4.... Ken Ploen. He never put up huge numbers passing wise because the game was more of a run game in his era. He also was an All Canadian defensive back as well. He's much appreciated in Winnipeg but not so much in the rest of the CFL.
  5. I think she was shocked & not annoyed. And Fox looked like they cut the interview short... Great player of that there is no doubt but he's probably the Most Hated Football Player in the US today. Fine line between being a hero & a bum. He'll get beat as it happens to everyone.
  6. Quite the classless display after the Super Bowl when he was interviewed on the field & he screamed like a nutbar that he was the greatest & insulted Michael Crabtree. He is just like a younger version of another douchebag Dwight Anderson. And he patted Crabtree on his ass & mocked him. I hope Manning blows him up in 2 weeks. Just a total ****.
  7. If that tough Flames line had started against the Sedin line & they got jumped, don't you think Bob Hartley & the entire Flames organization would be up for ridicule & scorn by the hockey world? It would have been a losing scenario for the Calgary Flames as it means guys like Burke & Hartley condone goon hockey. Something the NHL has been trying to get rid of for years. if this was 1976 & it was the Flyers doing that, I'm sure that would have been the outcome. But today, we just don't know.... I mean. McGratten did grab his guy off the faceoff but he wouldn't dance.
  8. Talk in Calgary was Burke wants a bigger & tougher team. That he feels the Flames are too passive. He was at the game last night & Hartley felt he needed to do something because he is being evaluated.
  9. Tortorella came out before the second period started & stood alone on the bench. He was obviously upset. Clint Malarchuk will get some kind of fine. This was a calculated move by Hartley to get under Torts skin. They apparently have a past, both teams are struggling so I think Hartley wanted to get some kind of psycholigal edge over the guy as his team was doomed if they just dropped the puck. I agree with Rich that both should get heavily fined & Tortorella suspended. Tortorella is going to have a stroke or heart attack if he keeps this kind of thing up.
  10. This is the CFL where at times its run like a family corner store... Not surprising when they made the change & then went.... "Oh!"
  11. Wow, did PJ Stock ever go after Tortorella... saying all his fault. It'll be interesting to see how everything shakes out with the NHL on Monday. Canuck fans will say Stock is wrong while Flames fans will agree. Do you believe Hartley when he says that he started his line with Westgarth & McGratten as a reward for them playing well? Do you believe Torts when he says he couldn't put the Sedin twins out there as he believed they'd get jumped & he did what he did to protect his players?
  12. He was the GM of a Stanley Cup winning team and won Excutive of the Year. His hockey IQ probably deserves a little more credit than this. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Feaster almost gave away the Flames first round draft pick to the Avs for Ryan O'Reilly last season because he didn't know the rules. And the Flames never had the confidence to give him the autonomy to do what he thought he needed to do to run the Flames & for good reason. He admitted he never played hockey & therefore had to rely on others to tell him who the Flames should draft. He had absolutely zero input with the draft or the scouting department other than listening to who the Flames should have drafted from his scouts. he couldn't sit down & talk hockey strategy or the needs of his coach regarding trades with other NHL teams. He left all scouting to Asst GM John Wisebrod. That's like Tim Burke saying he's leaving the offense up to the offensive coaches because he knew nothing about offense. Fans in Calgary & I'm sure ownership went, "What??" BTW, huge brawl in Vancouver last night with the Flames vs Canucks. Pretty crazy scene at the drop of the face off two seconds in & John Tortorella trying to get into the Flames dressing room between the first & 2nd periods. I never saw the game now I wish I had to find out why Hartley did what he did & for comments & reactions.
  13. Looking at that Oilers team, you can see why they struggle. No talent behind the blue line. And goaltending woes. I agree with Sweep The Leg, time for excuses are over with that team.
  14. Buff has been a force on the wing... Holy smokes, did he play well against the Oilers today.... And as far as Bryzgalof goes, I think the MTS Centre crowd took him off his game in the third period when he acknowledged the "Ilya... Ilya" jeers.. The OT goal wasn't his fault but still he let in three goals in the 3rd period & OT. Karma's a *****, Ilya.
  15. LOL! If Nate was here, he'd tell us what players are making....
  16. If Muamba gets $200 grand or more a year it means our SMS has gone way up... Which will be good news as the players deserve it.
  17. One of the guys who was part of the Bombers Golden Age of the late 50's & early 60's gone... And I hope Gord Rowland will be okay.
  18. Yep, we called it. Actually we called a lot of things right all around the CFL. The posters here are very insightful.
  19. Dee, as a fan.... if you are knowledgeable & know the CFL as well as the background of the guy a team hires, I think generally have a pretty accurate idea of how a coach is going to do. If I recall the different discussions we had here & at the other site, I believe most of us knew going in last year that that Tim Burke was in deep doo doo, after the horrible exhibition season & especially after Buck got hurt against the Argos in mid July. We knew Austin would do okay, Milanovich had Ray & (surprise!) Collaros so the Argos kept on winning. Dan Hawkins wasn't a surprise firing in Montreal. The timing of it was, so soon but we discussed the fact he was an American coach with very little knowledge of the CFL so we didn't think he'd do well & he didn't. We figured Huff in Calgary would do just fine, as would Benevides in BC but thought his team would be better than they were. We also knew Kavis Reed with his brusque & impatient coaching style was in tough with an inexperienced team up in Edmonton. So yeah, I think we knew & called it pretty accurately. As far as the Riders go, who gives a **** about the Riders? I won't comment on MOS until I see the rest of his coaching staff & who lines up behind the center as well as the rest of the supporting cast next year until after free agency in February.
  20. Interestingly enough, most times fan boards get it right because those fans also know the game. Yeah, a place like this may get a bit over the top crazy at times but members usually can call a coaches success or failure before it happens.
  21. No, not the best CFL qb over his career but he has thrown for most yardage. What would Flutie had done yardage wise if he never went back to the NFL???
  22. He's been outstanding the last decade of his career. It took him the first decade to figure things out as a qb. Unbelievable career.
  23. He's a coaching vagabond. Doesn't stick really anywhere he goes.... Talk about the CFL Old Boys Club. They take care of their own.
  24. Again 17, we'll see. If BLM does start, you WILL be hearing back from me.
  25. Well, the bubble sure has burst since the O'Shea hiring, hasn't it? We kept Bellefeuille as OC & hired Etcheverry to be our DC. I was prepared to live with Bellefeuille as long as we brought in a strong DC & now this??? Looking at our coaching staff, it's depressing.... Past CFL failures at OC & DC, a STC who has never coached in the CFL. Maybe this rag tag group will surprise me but somehow I doubt it. Might just be shaping up to be the worst coaching staff in the entire CFL.
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