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Everything posted by iso_55

  1. I was visiting the Ti Cats website last night & they have a thread discussing Tim Horton's Field. It was said in that discussion that both the Ti Cats & RedBlacks have asked the CFL for permission to play their first exhibition game & the first 3home games of the regular season on the road because both teams know their stadiums won't be ready in time for the start of the 2014 season. They said that this is going to present a problem because of the dates the Argos get from the Blue Jays may not allow this. They also said Ottawa is asking for a bye the first week of the regular season to help give them time to finish their stadium & get their people trained up for the first game at Frank Clair Stadium. I'll say one thing, looking at the photos of both stadiums under construction, Frank Clair Stadium is much further along than Tim Horton's Field so that's a bit disconcerning. I wonder if the Ti Cats have the option to use Guelph again next season? If you go to the Ti Cats website they have a discussion forum & you can follow what is going on. Of course, the problems with IGF came up & the year long delay we had as well.
  2. You have no authority here, doctor. Well I hope that he is a real doctor, otherwise that time he made me turn and cough...hey wait a minute... H1N1 Year Of The Comeback!
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=axGVrfwm9L4
  4. We have enough mods here & they do a great job. Let them take care of things.
  5. Well, that's pretty interesting that people are saying that now but not at the time. I wouldn't be surprised if people like Taman & Burke are covering their tracks because the guy never got into medical school & turned into a CFL All Star. Especially Taman in Regina. And Mike, nobody asked you to be Internet Detective so relax. I'll just remember that quote next time I say something you don't agree with which is always & you want proof.
  6. Well, I think from the video of Jones as well as the story in the Calgary Herald it's pretty clear that he didn't tell anyone on any CFL team he would only play for Calgary. Once teams knew he had applied to the Faculty of Medicine at the U of R they backed off. The Bombers decided to pass on him as did 6 other CFL teams except Calgary. Turns out he never got into medical school & is now enrolled in engineering at the U of C. No idea why Burke would say what he did about Jones.
  7. Hey, who knows why Burke said what he did? Mack & Burke was a **** show. Provide the link to what Burke said so I can read it as I never recalled reading or hearing it. http://www.calgaryherald.com/sports/Stamps+rookie+Brett+Jones+been+revelation+could+freshman/9050470/story.html http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yvgd4L-fKbE
  8. I don't recall Burke ever saying that but if he did that is pretty sad. I find it odd that a kid who grew up in Weyburn, SK as a lifelong Rider fan & his family still having season tickets to the Riders would only want to play in Calgary. That's pretty odd if you ask me. Name me one kid from Saskatchewan who doesn't want to play for the Riders in front of his family & friends? If Burke said Jones only wanted to play in Calgary then that's bogus. The story I related to you in the previous thread is what Jones & the Stampeders have told the media & fans in Calgary.
  9. It wasn't some great feat of drafting by the Stamps when they picked Jones. Jones told teams he would only play in Calgary. No, that is absolutely & unequivocally 100% wrong. What Jones told CFL teams was that he had applied & was waiting for acceptance to the University of Regina's Faculty of Medicine. At the time of the draft he hadn't heard yet if he was accepted or not. He told CFL teams that while he wanted to play in the CFL, if he did get accepted he would not play football. Hufnagel knew that & drafted him anyway. When Jones didn't get accepted into med school in Regina, Jones came to Calgary & enrolled in engineering at the U of C. So, it was a gamble that paid off for the Stamps. He never said he would only play for the Stamps. He'd have played for anyone providing he could get into Engineering at a university in a CFL city if he didn't get into medicine. The Stamps gambled with Jones. But no more of a gamble that Mack took on Mulamba or Hamilton on Gaydosh with their NFL aspirations. The only team that wasn't scared off were the Stampeders. Everybody else took a flyer on the guy. Even the Riders which is surprising considering that he would have been attending the U of R had he been accepted so they may have been able to convince him to do both. Go to med school & play for the Riders.
  10. That stadium must lead the Major Leagues in Home Runs.
  11. I would say that I'll agree with 17to85 that Mack's drafting record was okay. Not great, but as good as any other team with maybe the exception of Calgary. The Stamps drafted Brett Jones when others passed on him & he's a stud player. So, that sets Calgary apart from other teams. Where Mack really hurt the Bombers was his handling of free agents... both his & from other teams. Not willing to do what he had to do to retain & attract other CFL FA players that could have helped us. He undervalued what experience brings & thought he could replace older veteran players with younger, inexperienced & cheaper players which didn't work. Also, while other teams like Calgary & BC were holding a series of open FA tryout camps all over the US during the off season, he relied on a single US scout to invite players to one camp FA Mack ran. I just think that was a huge mistake. That & firing LaPo. Mack didn't have great relationships with other GMs. He barely talked to any of them.... We've all heard how Walters on the day he was hired as Interim GM called the other 8 GMS (assume he called Ottawa) to introduce himself & to let them know the Bombers were again open for business. So, based on all that the Mack reign to me was a disaster.
  12. Mack was.... that bad.
  13. Tim Burke thinking to himself after any game's first series in 2013 went Run for 2 yards on first down. Incomplete pass on 2nd down. Punt on 3rd Down. "Okay, now what"?
  14. You said it. I didn't.
  15. Ok first off there is no doubt in my mind Dickinson, if not here's would find a gig elsewhere easily. He didn't bury his career here at all so that comment is simply asinine. Next, the bomber organization is such a mess that 2 of the league best and brightest upcoming head coach candidates CHOSE to come here and take on the challenge of bringing us back to respectability.. No one held a gun to Burkes head or this season to O'Sheas.. And finally, im not bitter in the least about Stubler going to Calgary. I wasn't a huge fan of him coming here other then his experience to be a boon to the lack of it currently.. Never was a fan of his defenses to be honest. After seeing Durant shred his defense in the biggest game of the year AND thinking about BC not really trying to retain him I think we truly dodged a bullet. He isn't some DC God by any stretch.. The only bitter one I see is you towards our team and BOG.. Strangely enough that had gone up to the point we lost stubler. I'm thinking your starting to sound an awful lot like Morris in the village with this anger towards "the man" That's funny. Trying to turn the tables in this discussion comparing what I said to something Nasty Nate would say. Didn't work.
  16. Hey Bluto, where are you when we need you? Give us your take...
  17. The Bomber organization has been a joke for years. So, let's call a spade a spade. Why would a good coach want to come here to bury his career? Look what happened to Craig Dickenson one of the best ST coaches in the business when he came here last season. SPuDs, Good thing for him he has a great reputation or maybe he never works in the CFL again. Stubler had a choice & he took it. Quit being so bitter about a coach who didn't want to come here. Instead turn your bitterness towards the Board of Directors of the team who are a joke, who meddle, interfere & have run this team into the ground with bad hires for years with their utter cluelessness. Until that changes, good coaches aren't going to want to come here. Stubler can pick any team he wants. For family reasons, he chose Calgary.
  18. You guys never saw Joe Zaleski coach. He was the worst Blue Bomber head coach I ever saw. Burke is a close second. Reinbold third.
  19. This is good news for the Argos. Playing at Rogers Centre is becoming impossible thanks to the Blue Jays.
  20. I was to the point that every loss meant one more notch in Burke's coffin. My worry was that we'd win 2 out of our last 3 & he'd be retained by the tall foreheads running the team. Thankfully, that never happened as their foreheads weren't so tall & had common sense as their guide.
  21. You never came across to me as apathetic. You still had a ton of passion all season. Even when it was evident that the season was lost. I could sense your frustration level was very high. You're one of the best & knowledgeable fans here.
  22. I think O'Shea will be conservative most of the time. Field positions win game & he'll live & die by that credo but throw in the element of surprise every once in awhile. I think we'll see that. The biggest, ballsiest call by a head coach I ever saw was the short KO by the Saints Sean Payton in the Super Bowl to start the second half. That's what wins championships.
  23. 1970, 1997, 1998 & 2013. The 4 absolute worst Blue Bomber seasons I've ever experienced.
  24. That really did set the tone for the season eh. That & the 52-0 pasting set the tone. We lost both exhibition games & I think all we scored in those games was a measley field goal. That was when I realized Burke was just a dumb & clueless head coach who couldn't motivate Tony Robbins.
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