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Everything posted by iso_55

  1. Hank is on a roll. I saw that in 2008. He could be really tough in the Grey Cup. Austin is an outstanding coach. A winner as a player & a coach, KBF. He knows the CFL backwards, forwards, sideways & upside down. Gotta say I enjoyed seeing seeing the two coaches in Toronto (Millanovich & Jones) lose today. That was funny.
  2. Look what happened today in Toronto. An experienced HC in Austin who knows what it takes to win & the same with an experienced qb in Burris. That's what it takes to win. Did you clue in, Wade?
  3. Pretty safe to assume Mack will still be getting paid next year & so will Burke.
  4. Crowton probably to the end of the year. I haven't heard or read anything to suggest that its just Burke we're on the hook for. Or that Buchko took a buy out. If it was just Burke that would be great but i kind of doubt it. I would need to see a link confirming all that before I believe it.
  5. ... one Buchko and Burke is at least two, no? We aren't paying Buchko. And as of right now, we're not paying Burke to sit on his ass either. How do you know we are not paying Buchko? During the presser, it sounded like a mutual thing. Later in the week, there was an article that he resigned. There was LaPo until season end. Then there's Crowton & Burke... I don't know if Buchko took a buyout or not. Even so, he still was paid out. Can't be just one.
  6. Yes, Jacquie. The response was curt & to the point. I don't remember exactly what Dave said but he didn't sound very happy he was asked.
  7. It's one thing to have hired Kelly. It's another not to say that it was a mistake. And then.... to say he'd do it all over again. Yep, stay the **** away. He said the same thing in Calgary during an interview with the Herald & Stamps fans were concerned what he'd do if Huff left & would have taken over as far as bringing back Mike Kelly. Bauer never got just how bad a hire Kelly was.
  8. Remember Goltz's TD Red Zone % was #1 in the league this season prior to him being benched..... so that point is fairly moot.... Goltz was asked to do much more as a starter & couldn't do it. And he needed his attitude adjusted. The mistake made by Burke was to not put him back in third down situations after he was sat for a couple of games to see if he had changed. Unless they felt he hadn't.
  9. Fans will remember KJ the player. And what he brought to the Bombers back then. Being a coach is a totally different thing... He'll be judged by totally different parameters. If he surrounds himself with great coaches he'll be okay. Not try to do too much & to trust his coaches... That was Matt Dunigan's downfall. No. trust the the coaches he hired could do the job & the need to be a total control freak. Huff is a success because he trusts his coaches to coach. And all the coaches he has are individually great coaches themselves.
  10. Bottom line though is the team lacked the talent to win. Sure coaching had a lot to do with losing as well but it's amazing how much smarter a coach is with talented players.
  11. You can stand by your fact but it doesn't make it right. How can you say a 3-15 team has talent? Sure, at a few positions but overall, not enough.
  12. In the Calgary Herald today, a story said that the Winnipeg Free Press yesterday confirmed that Dave Dickenson is not interested in the Blue Bomber head coach position.
  13. .Fred Dobbs asked Darren Cameron and he said the deadline was tomorrow so what the Bombers said wasn't bogus. Jacquie you even posted a message that said it was all of November. And I admitted I was wrong after Fred's post. Never saw it.
  14. Why is it perplexing? There could be a number of reasons why he wasn't there. Maybe he's out on a CIS scouting trip or something. Seems to me this is another instance where people are reading too much into something. Love the spin on this one with your CIS comment, Jacquie. Greg Sellinger could use your help... Seems more than a few people are thinking the same thing TrueBlue is. BTW, I support Burke's firing.
  15. wow. seems like the endof the world for you. chill man. End of the world? Wow, talk about overstatement. I want to see this team win but at the end of the day if it doesn't it won't affect me that much. I'm a fan like all of us here & I have my own life to live. I have passion for the team going back many years but end of the world? No.
  16. .Fred Dobbs asked Darren Cameron and he said the deadline was tomorrow so what the Bombers said wasn't bogus. Jacquie you even posted a message that said it was all of November.
  17. 17, you have to agree that the Blue Bomber model is busted. Anything would be an improvement. I think the era of the Bombers as a community owned team is coming to an end. It may not be tomorrow but give it 5 years. No doubt a sweetheart deal will be reached where the new owner can buy & take over the team without the stadium debt attached to the organization.
  18. What that means to me is there is no reason why we can't make a huge splash come FA time in February. For the first time in years, it is exciting to know that we will be.
  19. Well Miller sure has & if you're a Miller supporter you have to somehow get your head around that. He's done nothing but throw Mack under the bus. The way he talks I think he finds what Mack did contemptable.
  20. Edit...
  21. And anyone who thinks coaching wasn't the single biggest issue with this team is similarly out to lunch. What other team in the CFL would you take our roster over? Our roster sucks. Maybe a half dozen guys I'd keep next season but that's it. We have the worst Canadian talent in the league. And not much better import wise. Coaching was an issue but moreso a lack of talent thanks to Joe Mack.
  22. Yeah, I knew I'd get that response. My answer is that I can't see things being any worse under private ownership for the Bombers than the way it is now. How many people are we paying to sit on their asses now? Four?? This is F Troop calibre stupid the way things are being run now. Fans don't trust the process. Judging by the way Miller answers media questions & his body language it's apparent to me that he doesn't trust the local media. Perhaps just a small group of people in his inner circle.
  23. And anyone who thinks coaching wasn't the single biggest issue with this team is similarly out to lunch. With 3-15 teams that are getting blown out it comes down to 2 things. Lack of talent & coaching. That was the Bombers in 2013.
  24. Perhaps people are a little bit confused as to the process of how these decisions are being made. The GM is typically the one to be the face of the decisions when facing the media. The CEO certainly has final approval or course, but usually gives his "yes" or "no" and then lets the GM handle the announcements and the questions, and the press conferences, etc. All people have seen today is Miller. When do we hear from Walters? Walters hasn't been named the permanent GM so that is why we haven't seen him. I don't think that has anything to do with it, honestly. Okay.... and...
  25. Perhaps people are a little bit confused as to the process of how these decisions are being made. The GM is typically the one to be the face of the decisions when facing the media. The CEO certainly has final approval or course, but usually gives his "yes" or "no" and then lets the GM handle the announcements and the questions, and the press conferences, etc. All people have seen today is Miller. When do we hear from Walters? Walters hasn't been named the permanent GM so that is why we haven't seen him.
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