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Everything posted by iso_55

  1. Looking at that map I find it intriguing that the Platinum seating is in the middle rows of the middle sections and the Silver in the middle of the red sections. What's your thought on Stampeder pricing especially for game day seats? Fans here don't like it. It seems they make it an incentive to buy season tickets to the point of punishing the walk up crowd who don't. Casual fans are staying away by the thousands & season ticket sales are average at 21,000. This kind of price differential between season tickets & walk up to me is awful. There has got to be better middle ground than that. Even if they reduced the single game tickets by 10-15% you'll probably get another 1-2k in walk-up traffic. That's easily another $50k in gate revenue. The other thing I noticed is the price jump from black to blue is ridiculous. $217 to sit marginally closer to the middle of the field seems a bit miscalculated. Casual fans in Calgary are voting with their wallets & refusing to pay those outrageous game day prices. I say good on them. AS far as season ticket prices go here, one fan is complaining his seats have increased 37% the past 4 seasons & he's considering giving them up. Season ticket sales in Calgary are stagnant at 21,000. I've looked at prices across the league & I don't get what CFL teams are thinking. For the most part, prices for teams are too high. The Bombers are doing just what other teams are doing. Raising ticket prices.
  2. How many TD drives did he lead us to.... how many passes was he way off target... you suggest having several turnovers as in playing good. Come on now he was dreadful in the first half. Outside of a circus catch by the new guy he barely moved the ball. Are you a Goltz guy? If so, that explains it.
  3. Think the Bombers would be that desperate to do that?
  4. Looking at that map I find it intriguing that the Platinum seating is in the middle rows of the middle sections and the Silver in the middle of the red sections. What's your thought on Stampeder pricing especially for game day seats? Fans here don't like it. It seems they make it an incentive to buy season tickets to the point of punishing the walk up crowd who don't. Casual fans are staying away by the thousands & season ticket sales are average at 21,000. This kind of price differential between season tickets & walk up to me is awful.
  5. As I said on the News Feed.... That kind of a season. Very disappointing.
  6. Here are the prices for the Stampeders for comparison. Check this out. In Calgary, fans are decrying the cost of tickets. They feel that is why the Stamps attendance has monumentally sagged. The Stamps are sitting at about 21,000 season tickets. There's only a walk up crowd of about 3 - 6,000 a game now depending on who is playing & the weather. Except when the Riders come to town & the teams fans gobble up all the overpriced tickets. Remember when the CFL used to pride itself on being a family oriented league where ticket prices were affordable? Not anymore. http://www.stampeders.com/season
  7. Well, gonna be interesting to see what happens this off season. I can see lots of changes coming... I just hope the Bombers are a big part of it.
  8. I really think Montreal has moved on from AC. They weren't winning with him & are beginning to win without him. He may be better playing for an expansion team providing stability & mentoring guys getting ready to play when he retires then trying to play for the Als who want to win now. I just think that a team like Montreal wants a younger qb in there as the leader of their team.
  9. Thing is, if AC wants to play he knows he has to leave Montreal to do it I think he would. So, that would be an interesting scenario if he was available.
  10. Man, this is the nightmare we Bombers fans just can't wake up from. ******* Burke.
  11. So, you're Jim Popp. It's the day after the Grey Cup. AC calls & says he wants to come back & play in 2014. What do you do? Protect or potentially lose him to Ottawa.
  12. Wally's stuck with him. Back to the drawing board for the Lions for backup qbs.
  13. Unfortunately, I think there's been many questions for a long time.
  14. No, we need to get a proven qb like Tate. Or one with a big upside like Collaros. If guys like Collaros or Tate are available the Bombers have to pursue them. That being said, I like Hall a lot & he'll provide really good competition at the qb position next year.
  15. The fanbase will be livid if they keep him.
  16. Wow, DeMarco is horrible. He did nothing today to even give the Lions a chance to come back & win. I hope this puts to rest any rumours that we'd try to sign or trade for him.
  17. Stamps sign receivers from the US & they're ready to play with just a week's practice. Ya gotta wonder why it took so long.
  18. I like this question a lot better, Far more relevant.
  19. According to Burke he is benched.
  20. The Bombers can't seriously be considering keeping Burke. Please no. Give us some hope.
  21. Amazing how honest LaPo is when he isn't coaching.
  22. I am surprised at how sensitive some people are. But whatever... I said I'd try to be better. To be the man you have to beat the man? WTF does that mean? Yeah, I can beat a mod & admin, sure.
  23. I like Calgary but really... who cares? I've seen some bad football this season. Not just from the Bombers. The Eskimos most game & Als at times this season haven't been very good. What are attendance & tv numbers this season?
  24. And as you know, I am the same.
  25. Not a drama queen, 17. And yeah BriceDream, you & I have seen some championships in our lifetime & some great players put on that Bomber uniform. Again, all I'm going to say that I did with JBR was question him why should there be a middle ground when I was told by Rids who knows people in the CFL & also knows what first round players are being paid? How is that a bizarre comment??? I talked to a guy who is a bit of an Insider who knows salaries. A middle ground to me means half so half of $85-90,000 is $45,000. I just said that & then all of a sudden I'm a ****** bag, weird or angry all the time. People here are telling me to not get personal when they are doing the same to me. Where in my post did I ever insult JBR? How was my post so bad? Like I said, I questioned JBR's premise that I was wrong, he's right & therefore we need to come to some common ground. I have nothing against JBR here. Not one thing. I never have. I wasn't angry with him & I wasn't calling him names. Like I said, I'll try to temper my comments here but others better do the same before they accuse me. And some here have to develop much thicker skin.
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