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Everything posted by iso_55

  1. It's all about opinions here. Just because you think your forest is better than mine doesn't make it right. or your opinion is better than anyone else who disagrees with you. We'll see how things shake out in the next year or if Etienne is even back here next season. As far as Sinopoli goes he's been playing receiver since training camp so about 16 weeks. He's had nothing given to him. He was the #4 qb & when Hufnagel requested he make the change to receiver he gave him no guarantees. Had he failed he'd have been cut.
  2. Well, isn't that just like you to say that... LOL! No surprises there!
  3. It's funny that you blame everyone but Jade. Of course fans blame players production or lack thereof on the player. Every receiver on our team is saddled with awful QB's and a brutal staff. Most if not all of them have done better than Jade. (Kito at least started right away, but he has been almost as bad since then) Lets call it the 'Stoddard Syndrome'. If you like a player then lack of production is everyone else's fault. You can't extrapolate a few decent games into a full season. It simply doesn't work that way. Jade had one great game, 2 average for a first round pick games and the rest of the time he hasn't been worth anything. In the meantime, he has been slurping up 1st round money and taking up an NI spot on the 46 for 3 years. You, 17 and others are pulling for Jade to finally show the potential that Mack said he had and are disagreeing with everyone who doesn't see it your way. You still want to win the 3 year old argument: 'was Jade a good pick at 4th overall?' even know it's pretty clear by now he wasn't. My take on Jade... He was a huge reach when he was picked. There were better choices on the board, especially at receiver, who had more experience and could contribute at least on special teams RFN. Nope, it wasn't his fault, but it does color the way fans see him. If Jade had been a 3rd round receiver, fans would see him as the project he still is and would have lowered their expectations for at least a couple of years. They would probably be calling for a replacement by now anyway. I was stoked when he had a couple of good games early in the season. I thought, probably wrongly, that he had turned the corner and we would finally see some return on our investment. Sadly, that hasn't happened. I'd be surprised if he is protected or taken in the Ottawa draft. I have no problem if the Bombers re-sign him, as long as it's not for 3 year NI starters money, because he hasn't earned that. I wouldn't be surprised to see him in Rider green next year as one of their development players. Exactly my feelings on every count. Couldn't have said it any better.
  4. I never understood how such a good offensive coordinator like Kelly could be such a lousy head coach. Oh wait!
  5. We sh... ahhh, no.
  6. Fans in Calgary not too happy with Tate screaming at Cornish, their best player who has carried that team on his back. Basically get the hell outta town is the sentiment. His behaviour probably would have been overlooked but he's done this in the past & the act is wearing pretty thin. Especially coming from a guy who can't stay in the lineup giving it to Cornish who is almost never hurt.
  7. shocking you would say that about calgary lol Can't deny it...
  8. That's why we don't want him... On that premature snap that Jones screwed up, if Tate had been in there his head may have exploded. He'd have been screaming at the kid. Glenn obviously wasn't happy but he went to the sidelines & just kept his mouth shut. He let Bob Gibson talk to him. I hate when I see a supposed team leader start screaming at this teammates on the field. We DON'T WANT TATE.
  9. There's always Playboy & a locked bathroom when no one's home.
  10. This message is for Mike & 17. The 3 of us aren't going to back down here. We've stated our cases & are stubborn enough to stick with them. Now the discussion is going round & round like a merry go round solving nothing. How about we call a truce & move on? For the sake of everyone else here. Let's just drop it. This has been going on all day. It's time to stop.
  11. Right.
  12. Compared to Paul Tagliabue & especially Pete Rozelle, Roger Goodell just comes across a Commissioner motivated by power & money not caring about the welfare of the players. He's certainly Corporate America. The chairman of a multi billion dollar business machine. I don't believe he cares about the issue & if concussions wweren't in the news he'd ignore any findings.
  13. In Calgary there's Brad Sinopoli. He was a Hec Creighton winning qb who sat on the bench for 3 seasons. He was converted to receiver this season at training camp, a position he's never played & the guy has been great. He catches everything & makes good YAC yards after each catch. We have a first round pick with 16 catches in 3 seasons & Sinipoli with just a few months of experience at receiver is outplaying Etienne.
  14. I never thought that at first although I wasn't happy Mack drafted him. It was the 2012 season that soured me on the guy when he dressed but never saw the field even on special teams & he made just that one catch all year. He got special treatment which I didn't like. I prefer to see all of our players earn their way onto the roster not just given a spot & other than qbs all players especially young Canadian players have to be able to play special teams. That's what I didn't like. Other Canadian players in the past with more talent have been cut on the Bombers & other CFL teams because they couldn't (or wouldn't) play special teams. Why should Etienne be any different? And man, don't tell me I make my mind up on things quickly.... Pot meet kettle. Kettle meet pot.
  15. Mike, all of our opinions are based on personal emotions. Look how much you dislike Burke. Look at how 17 blames him for losing interest in the team. We all get emotional because the team constantly loses. I am emotional yes. I won't deny that. But what I said is true. If Etienne plays well for us I will eat crow here. How will I not be able to? I say again, I've never attacked Etienne as a person. He seems like a good guy. I questioned Jade's ability after 3 years in the CFL. Yes, I was upset that Mack drafted Etienne instead of other players in that draft that could have helped us a lot more & a lot quicker especially when I look at the teaam today. When Etienne wasn't even seeing the field his second season even on ST's yeah I got emotional. You bet I did because other players wouldn't have got the chances he did that season. Etienne was not worth a first round pick & probably would have still been available in the fourth round where he was projected to go. Now, I do not believe he'll be anything more than a player coming off the bench in the years to come. To me, he's a borderline starter.That's my opinion. A year from now he may be playing elsewhere anyway so this argument may be moot. If he does stay here long term & starts to play well, I will be happy because it might mean we're actually winning some games for a change. Whether you choose to believe me or not is up to you. I doubt if most member here care.
  16. Who cares? That's kind of cold.
  17. Winnipeg Free Press, I believe.
  18. The fact that you'd try and make that claim again really goes to show that you haven't actually been reading what I've written. I have never gotten on a soapbox and told anyone how great Mack was, I have argued with people shitting all over everything guy did, there is a very big difference. With regards to you and Etienne you were all over the guy before he even came to training camp, you were all over the guy because he was on the roster but never playing, that's not something to ***** at Etienne for, you have a lot of misguided anger, you should have been critical of the people putting him on the roster when he wasn't ready to be there but no you took every chance to slag the kid. Yeah, so? Players get called out & criticized everyday. You slag Burke everyday. You've slagged Poblah & Buck. You're no better than me or anybody else here who has an opinion so get over it. I slag Burke cause he's done something no one else has done, he's made me stop caring about this team. Slagging Poblah (well all i've said is he's not living up to the hype and seems to have iffy hands) and Buck was done after they had been given chance after chance and failed. I didn't criticize anyone immediately after being drafted just cause they were off the board. oh and by the way, I *AM* better than everyone else here. Nice you can say negative things about players & coaches but of course no one else can. What have I said about Etienne other than I think he is a bust & was overrated? I didn't attack him as a person. It wasn't his fault Mack picked him so high but because all he did is set him up to fail. I just questioned why we'd draft a kid so not ready to play so highly as in a first round pick with a guy like Nate Coehoorn ready to be selected. I've never said anything else negative about him except as a football player. As far as #2 goes, no you're not. Not even close.
  19. The fact that you'd try and make that claim again really goes to show that you haven't actually been reading what I've written. I have never gotten on a soapbox and told anyone how great Mack was, I have argued with people shitting all over everything guy did, there is a very big difference. With regards to you and Etienne you were all over the guy before he even came to training camp, you were all over the guy because he was on the roster but never playing, that's not something to ***** at Etienne for, you have a lot of misguided anger, you should have been critical of the people putting him on the roster when he wasn't ready to be there but no you took every chance to slag the kid. Yeah, so? Players get called out & criticized everyday. You slag Burke everyday. You've slagged Poblah & Buck. You're no better than me or anybody else here who has an opinion so get over it.
  20. I know you won't stand for it. You jump on your soapbox any chance you get & constantly tell us how great Mack was. That no way this mess of a football team was HIS fault. Then you have the gall to get on my case because I dare criticize a player like Jade Etienne who has underperformed after 3 seasons? Somehow in yours & Mike's mind, criticism somehow equates with hatred which makes no sense. Then there's Mike who has a crazy looking picture of Tim Burke as his avy. How insulting is that? I haven't done anything close to that for Etienne other than say he's underperformed. Before you guys throw crap at other people both of you better look in the mirror first.
  21. I'm pretty sure he's never said that, it's only people like you who imply that simply because he defends Mack from the UNFAIR criticism he takes. Dave has never suggested Mack doesn't deserve criticism. He's simply suggested that he doesn't always deserve all of it. Really? Ooookay. LOL! Please define unfair when it come to Mack?
  22. 17, all you crow about is how bad Burke is & what a hero Mack was. If only Bomber fans were patient. Mack had a plan. He never had a chance to see it through.
  23. yeah I'm calling bullshit on that one. You want him to flame out so you can crow about how you knew all along he was a bust. ...and he wants that, as he is a Stamps fan... Sure, that's why I hang out here everyday, get into pissing contests with guys like you over subjects like this & have gone to 2 games this year at IGF living in Calgary. In the last 10 years before IGF, I averaged a game a year at Canad Inns. I follow both teams. People have known that for a long time so nice try. So get a new schtick Noeller, I thought you were past that.
  24. Hope you're right.
  25. Might, yes. Certainly desperation, I agree, But I can see it in both scenarios.
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