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Everything posted by iso_55

  1. He may flourish & he may not like Chris Bauman. Etienne has started & gone entire games without a catch. Jabari Arthur is finally playing like everyone thought he could in Calgary. How long do you wait?
  2. I'm not going to point fingers at fans who say they are apathetic. That is their right. As a fan, everyone handles losing differently. It's a grieving process & what are there, four stages of grief? I know the last one is acceptance & the way people handle that is different for everybody. When the team shows signs of life, I know that the fans will return. I can understand how people are so turned off they don't care. Maybe I'm a glutton for punishment, I don't know. But for me I'm pissed off but I haven't given up. I never did in the past & I know I won't now. I still care if the team wins or loses. Like I said, to each his own. The Bombers will have to win back tens of thousands of disgruntled fans. The first & easiest way is to clean house in management, scouting & coaching. Keep Walters as the AGM but can everybody else.
  3. It was more than a head coach. No qb. OL has sucked for years. It's truly becoming apparent our Canadian strength isn't a strength... Lot more than just hanging it all on Burke or LaPo. LIke I said, Mack's the architect.
  4. We'll see.
  5. Don't put any of that blame on the apathetic fans. If people on a forum like Morning Big Blue are apathetic towards this team, that falls completely on the Bombers. If, God forbid, Tim Burke is back as head coach next season, I know I'm not alone as a diehard fan and season ticket holder in saying I'm completely done with this team. I'll watch the CFL, because I love the game of Canadian football, but I won't be cheering on this insanity. That itself would be insane! im not saying the fans are to blame for the teams struggles.. that would be stupid. im saying that for a fan site, there is a metric **** ton of detractors.. I know a lot of people don't like or agree with my opinions but I have never been apathetic. I've loved this team since 1965 & been thru more than a few losing seasons since. I may give up on the players playing & the coaches coaching on this team but I'll never give up on the team. Never. Players & coaches can be replaced but the team can't.
  6. Replace just about everyone. That would be a start. Of our starting 24, maybe 5 or 6 could start on other teams.
  7. I actually still pin this on lapo and Burke more so then Mack. It all goes back to poor offense and sticking with buck for two seasons to many. A huge part of the problem was Lapo and his vanilla offense and the two seasons of patchwork of then trying to repair it. The GM is the architect. And Mack is the one who designed this mess. As bad as Burke is, Bud Grant couldn't have won with this group.
  8. A shoulder injury is pretty serious stuff. I think he is a talent but longevity might be a challenge for him. I hope he has a great career in Edmonton.
  9. yeah but your opinion on Etienne is less than neutral. After how you instantly wrote him off cause he was an "off the board" pick nothing would change you mind about the kid. You're right. I won't deny that. It would take a lot to sway my opinion & so far he hasn't done it. The only game where he looked like he belonged as a CFL receiver was the game last July vs Winnipeg & quite frankly that just doesn't cut it. I will take back calling him useless as that was too strong. I would prefer to think of him as not very good.
  10. I hope you know that Foster is Canadian too, and your comment on Etienne is, as usual, a bust. Yeah, 16 catches in 3 seasons. Sure. The guy is useless.
  11. I'd still rather have Foster than Etienne. As far as I'm concerned, I hope he does go Saskatchewan as a FA because other than 1 game this season he's done next to nothing. Let them overpay him if he even makes their team..
  12. In fairness to Joe Mack, he did trade a broken Steven Jyles for a draft pick that turned into Jade Etienne... a young Canadian receiver Oh yeah, a game changer that was... And Foster is...? Two different trades. Two different players. Etienne is a Canadian receiver, I'll give you that. Not much else. Foster at least has talent & an upside. Etienne is a bust & at the very best has flatlined.
  13. Thanks for this site, Rich... And all the mods.
  14. In fairness to Joe Mack, he did trade a broken Steven Jyles for a draft pick that turned into Jade Etienne... a young Canadian receiver Oh yeah, a game changer that was...
  15. How long will RNH play? He's fragile & built like Beaker on The Muppets.
  16. I'll say one thing, Huff knows how to run a football team. Just a great organization.
  17. Burke back next year??? OMFG!!
  18. It's asset management. Neufeld as a likely loss to Ottawa and not playing in saskatchewan should have low value to them. Hall being one of the best players in the league at his position and the riders looking to play in the home Grey Cup should have help value to them. There is no way the picks should have needed to be involved especially not the 11th overall pick.Taman played Walters like a fiddle. Walters got a player in his head and over payed to get him. Exactly. It can't be any more plain that. We already gave up Hall to get Neufeld. Why did we have to give up an additional second round pick & Sask their fourth? Why?? How does that help us??
  19. Hall's now a third year player. Beginning to think he'll never be the true impact player everyone thought he'd be. He's got all the physical tools to be great but maybe not the heart or desire. Then there's RNH who is always injured. His small frame can't take the pounding of an 82 game regular season & then the physical grind of the playoffs. Jordan Eberle may be the only one of those 3 guys who may truly become a great player. I've always liked him from the start. Devan Dubnyk is just not a starting goalie long term in the NHL. Andrej Pavlec drives me nuts sometimes to watch as he gives up some easy goals a times. But he can bear down when he has to. I think Pavs is mentally tougher than Dubnyk & as a Jets fan, I'd take him hands down over Dubnyk. Oilers have lots of talent. But heart wins games over talent all the time.
  20. It's not about Neufeld. It's about giving up the 11th pick in the draft for nothing. I & others have already said that if it was a one for one trade we'd be fine with it. A win/win for both teams. We already gave up Hall for Neufeld. But why do we give up an additional second rounder & they only give up a fourth? Can you answer me that?
  21. Damn straight iso, the chickens have come home to roost, and all the Mack fan boys are licking the egg off their faces poo pooing about 2nd round picks.....hilarious to see. The facts are the facts. Can't deny them anymore. Before the season there were fans who wanted Joe Mack to stay because they didn't want the team blown up & starting over. Well, the results speak for themselves. This team blew itself up with all the bad hires from President, to GM to HC. One common denominator... The BOD specifically Joe Pop & Paul Robson who hired their buddy Joe Mack which is of course, The Bomber Way. Both have long since run for the hills. No poop on them.
  22. See? Someone already found a positive. Give us a winning team & IGF is sold out every game.
  23. I'm not apathetic. Just because I didn't get upset watching the Bombers being schooled by the Stamps doesn't mean I'm not angry, sick & tired of the way this team is run. I've been thru 3 waves of this in the past... The Joe Zaleski Years from 1967 thru 1969, the Reinbold Years 1997 thru 1998 & now The Joe Mack Years pushing forward. All were equally abysmal. They all had two things in common, bad head coaching & no qbs. Fortunes all turned around as soon as that was rectified. Just hope that this club starts making some right decisions instead of always wrong ones.
  24. Well, looking at Brent Jones in Calgary & Mike Edem in Montreal & you just don't assume it's a crap shoot so that automatically justifies trading away a second rounder. Calgary & Montreal knew what they were doing & almost always have judging by their overall drafting record. Winnipeg was all about going off the board with guys like Pencer & Etienne. Mack not listening to Walters imploring him to pick Mike Edem instead of Andy Mulamba. The Bombers draft record is a crap shoot because Joe Mack treated it like that.
  25. I watched the entire game. I wasn't upset as I expected a blowout. I'm with BriceDream. It won't take much to get the fans back IF,,, they bring in an experienced GM, hire a legitimate head coach with a vision as to where he sees this team going & we go out get a qb & make a splash in free agency. The fans are willing to give this team a chance if they don't screw up again but I believe they will. What I don't like is the penchant for the Bombers to lie to their fans. Take Miller & Walters. If the BOD have no intention of hiring anyone else & end up keeping them then remove the interim tags from their titles immediately. Don't wait until December or January to do it when fans start speculating even more who the new president or GM may be. Personally, I have my doubts as to whether the board is ever going to hire anyone else besides those two to run the club. I hope I'm wrong at least when it comes to Kyle Walters but I doubt it. So then, do it. Make it official & take the Interim titles away from them both. And fire Tim Burke the split second the last game of the season is over. There should be absolutely no speculation about him coming back to be our head coach next year. We need a clean slate to start over but the way this team works? Unfortunately, I believe the decision's been made already,
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