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Everything posted by iso_55

  1. Max Hall had 162 yards passing in just under 2 quarters. Maybe Hall isn't the answer but Goltz sure isn't.
  2. Elliott's ship has sailed. He's not coming back. He was let go last spring. Why dwell on it? We have to find or trade for a qb. With Joe Mack, nothing would have happened. (If the same usual suspects can keep on talking about Ellliott, I can keep talking about Mack). Touche, eh?
  3. Now, you're twisting things. Burke didn't feel a qb coach was necessary. There were lots of discussions on the subject. I know, as I was one of the few people here & on the other site who thought we had to have a qb coach because as I said in the past, an OC doesn't have the time to spend with qbs on the sidelines when he has an offense to run during a game. Most fans felt it wasn't important enough to hire a qb coach so I was in the minority. To add to that, Crowton spent most of the games up in the coaches box. it was only his last couple of games that he went to the sidelines. Just who do the qbs talk to when Belllefeuille is upstairs calling plays? Marcel may only have a minute or less to talk to his qbs when the offense is on the sidelines. A dedicated qb coach can talk to his players, help them with coverages, fire them up or calm them down. As well as work with them everyday in practice, video sessions & meetings. Oh yeah, meetings. The qbs get to sit in with the receivers coach & listen to him coach them up. It's stupid not to have hired a dedicated qb coach.
  4. The last thing the Stamps need is a linebacker. Especially one who thinks his NFL payoff is just around the corner. A trade for BLM is never going to happen.
  5. BC developed Khari Jones and Glenn was with the Riders for 3 years before he joined the Bombers. I'd like to know, when was the last time the Bombers recruited a QB and developed them in to a starting QB? Dieter Brock.
  6. Bottom line is Mack blew it when it came to finding a qb. He couldn't do it. And the players he drafted & brought in aren't that good. Only 6 or 7of our starters could start on other teams.
  7. Dieter Brock.
  8. What is said in chat needs to stay in chat.
  9. Okay, since you made that comment let me say this... I said mods because you guys now own this site. Chat is great & I like it but if you want people to join this place & actually see it grow then there has to be activity on the main forums especially on game day. Some people don't want to go on chat. Some just want to post their thoughts on a game day thread here. Mike, you can run your site any way you want. I'm not bitching or complaining. I was just wondering.
  10. Amazing how people are now waking up saying we need a qb coach. Been saying that for awhile now here & on the other site. Burke didn't want a qb coach. He hired another offensive coach but it wasn't to coach qbs. What did I hear instead but why did we need one when we had Gary Crowton??? Just ridiculous.
  11. Jacquie, of course the Bombers would spin this to make someone else look like the bad guy. Who knows? Even Bob Irving said the way things happened depends on WHO YOU TALK TO.
  12. How can any Bomber fan cheer for the Riders?? That's like cheering for a cholera outbreak.
  13. Frigging Mack. It's his fault.
  14. What bugs me isn't the fact we didn't sign Reilly, it was the Bomber fans sticking up for Mack saying Reilly was crap & that going after him would have been a mistake. What has he ever done? What makes everyone think he's any good?? That's all we heard. That pissed me off more than anything. How Reilly was trashed just assuming because he didn't sign here he was a piece of crap. And that the qbs we had were just as good or better.
  15. I'm not bitching. Just surprised none was started.
  16. Just a suggestion that it needs to be a priority. If no one starts one, then you guys have to. Really surprised we didn't have a Bomber Game Day thread. That should be a given.
  17. The only ones who know what really happened are the Bombers & the Eskimos. No one will ever tell.
  18. Gonna keep your sig at the bottom? If so, change it to the little Goltz that can't.
  19. No effin kidding. We kept Goltz The Doltz over those 2?? Ugh!! What a cruddy qb. Get rid of him.
  20. yeah it is a generational thing but let me ask you, should the Winnipeg Jets be playing in the Norteast Conference?? Geography is pretty clear, we're a western team in all sports. What I don't like is not being compensated by the CFL for jerking us around because Ottawa is a crappy football city & can't support a CFL team. Maybe with a newly refurbed stadium & the fact it cost tems of millions to rebuild Frank Clair Stadium people will take some pride in their team & actually get behind it this time..
  21. What really was stupid was Reilly not waiting an extra few days & going to free agency. He'd have been the most coveted free agent qb in yeras & could have made a lot more $$$. Just terrible advice. He was so close to free agency so why not wait & entertain offers? Who is his agent, Saul Goodman?
  22. Pressure by the Stamps D caused the Hamilton mistakes, TBurg but that Fg hitting the uprights sure helped.
  23. The historic natural rivalries are in the West. Not Ottawa or Hamilton. Especially Ottawa next year. I'm hoping to see another Winnipeg/Hamilton GC someday. But the Bombers better hurry. I'm not getting any younger.
  24. Agreed. The CFL can go **** itself. They keep moving the Bombers back & forth so pay us.
  25. You see what Calgary did with Hughes as Figueroa was dominating him? They started moving him around, put him as a stand up rush end, at OLB, did twists & stunts & it started to confuse Hank. Thing is, they did that in the fourth quarter which to me was impressive. They didn't stand pat. Rick Campbell likes to blitz but we didn't see a lot of it before then. Anyway, the Stamps D ended up with 5 sacks, two by Hughes as well as turning up the heat on Hank who does dumb things when he is under pressure like that pick late in the game. That 4th quarter was all Stamps D.
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