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Everything posted by iso_55

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6F4JvWZhuQ0
  2. No, they'll pronouce it Thib-bolt. LOL!
  3. Yep. I won't post there as long as he's a mod. Told Colin that as well. It's up to him to change things if he wants. If he doesn't que sera, sera. His choice.
  4. We had a blow up already a day or so ago & we fixed it ourselves. Don't need overmodding like Shankman.
  5. I'm just guessing but TFL may mean, Tackles For Loss.
  6. I bought a Calgary Stampeder game worn Dave Dickenson jersey thinking that a jersey that is built for shoulder pads would be wide enough for someone like me to wear. I can barely fit into it on the shoulders... I was amazed.
  7. They sure missed him on Sunday.
  8. I'm not seeing the link...
  9. I'm not here to defend fat people but I'm not going to trash them either as that is too easy. I just know the older you get the harder it is to stay in shape. The majority of people are overweight. I expect you guys will eventually join the club when you're in your 50's & 60's. There aren't many gym members that age.
  10. I'm not fat but really Fraser????
  11. I was thinking that as well. Glad the CFL changed the rules. How dumb was it to draft a player who still had a year of eligibility left & wouldn't be available for a year?
  12. No NCAA players on the list? Interesting.
  13. I've got the 2x Muamba jersey in the new colours and I like it, but I don't understand why it is so tight. My 2x jersey in the old colours is big enough to drown in. The jersies are supposed to be the same size, yet there is a big difference between the sizing, so much so that the new jersey isn't even that comfortable to wear. I am hoping now that Wade is in charge, that he will be taking care of his fellow husky Bomber fans and correcting this oversight. Either increase the size of the 2X jersies or add a bigger size to the options. Reebok has made everything fitted for the last few years. Hockey jerseys too. I can understand for the players, don't know why for retail. Shush. more stuff needs to be fitted rather than made to accomodate fat people. Of course, 90% of the population is overweight but that doesn't matter, right?
  14. The only "fact" is he had 12 yards passing at halftime.
  15. Way to go Ed Hervey. Back tracking because the CFLPA is on your ass. You expect your players to respect you yet you don't respect your own players. Two way street. You'd think he'd get that.
  16. Probably free agents in December that don't have teams... but... then... so.. can we. It's all confusing.
  17. Only you can prevent forest fires You'll wonder where the yellow went when you brush your teeth with Pepsodent.
  18. Free agency starts in December, doesn't it?
  19. Is there a moral to the story here?
  20. We've never won anything with the incarnations since. The ones we have now with the strange designs? Ugh!!! Never buy one. I'm debating whether to buy the new third jersey when I'm in town next week as I have a 70's Brock jersey & they are virtually identical except for the Bomber logo on the sleeve striping & back. I'll be at the game next Friday!
  21. Bryant Turner & Charleston Hughes need to get more love from TSN.
  22. I don't mind starting him, but if he isn't moving the ball then it becomes time for Hall or Boultus. Don't leave him in if he is being innefective. Even if he is pulled for a series and goes back in. Disagree with this entirely. We're too impatient here in Wpg with QB's and being ineffective in the short-term. Need to leave him in there to try to work through the kinks, and see if he can develop. The Bombers and Walters need to see a body of work from Goltz... he's a developmental passer, he's not going to show you enough in small, segmented periods of time to form a basis for judgement. Give him a half, not a whole game if he is being innefective. Alternatively, pull him for a couple of series and have him watch what the defence is doing, then stick him back in. There is a happy medium between yanking at the first bad pass and leaving him in the whole game regardless. ^This^.
  23. Look at Sheets stats. he has 60 or 70 more carries than Cornish with a lower ypc average. If the Stamps fed Jon the ball like the Riders do Sheets then Cornish would be almost a hundred yards ahead. Anyway, both are extremely good backs but as usual TSN overdoes it with Sheets...
  24. I want to apologize to 17to85 for calling him an tough internet bully or something to that affect. Can't remember the exact wording as it has been deleted. It was an unfortunate choice of words done in the heat of the moment & uncalled for. I never should have said it. Sorry 17.
  25. well... yea. And ST to bring one or two to as well.. im hoping not every game but its not unheard of before.. i think goltz can be a nealon greene type qb (minus brain farts i hope) move the ball with feet and manage a game.. if he starts to hit his targets, all the more awesome.. Ten years ago, my son was at the Oregon State football camp. There was a scrimmage & one of the qbs threw an interception. A coach yelled, "NEEEEALOOOOON. NEALON GREENE!!!!" Pretty funny.
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