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Everything posted by iso_55

  1. I thought he was dressed because the Stamps are only carrying 3 QBs and don't want to take Sinopoli out as receiver to hold a clip board as a back-up QB. I do find it a little surprising they haven't brought in another QB. They cut their fourth qb earlier this week despite Glenn & Tate injured. The fourth qb was on the PR. Story is they have Tate on the roster even though he can't play to save money paying a fourth qb in his place. Perhaps the Stamps are right at the SMS level as it doesn't make a lot of sense having Tate on the sidelines in uniform if he can't play.
  2. He was fired a couple of years ago & isn't working in the CFL. I think that may say a lot about what others in the league think of him.
  3. Yep, you & SPuDs are correct & I am wrong on this one. My bad. Definetly Canadian. Well then, yes by all means Palardy would be an improvement over O'Neill. Thanks for both of you pointing that out.
  4. Sure that happens if the ball isn't supposed to be when the qb hands off. The way I saw it, it looked like Tate was concerned about & favouring his arm when he tried to give Walter the ball. I know that Tate never went in again after that play. Drew has a torn tendon in his arm & on Wednesday Hufnagel told the Calgary media that Tate was still a month away from playing so the question then is why was he dressed & in there on Friday night? He isn't even close to throwing at a hundred per cent yet from what the media here who attend practices are saying.
  5. just to be fair I think Goltz can run the playaction effectively as well, but really it should be the easiest thing in the world to make play action work on this team. Opposing defenses are so keyed on the run game it should work all the time. The key to play action isn't running the ball a lot, it's having a successful run game so the defense has to respect it. Our run game on the whole would be considered average I believe.
  6. Hodgkinson didn't get a lot of respect (I believe) because he was a physiotherapist turned scout & AGM. I don't even know if he played football nor do I know enough about the way Ross conducted business & treated players under Bauer, Taman or Mack to comment. Any opinions on Ross Hodgkinson?
  7. American kicker, SPuDs. The Esks ratio would be thrown all out of whack. They could play 3 Americans on their OL because they played a Canadian short on Labour Day... With two more Americans in the lineup after LD if you count the third American OL & an American kicker like Palardy if they signed him, there would be ratio troubles for sure. A guy like Adarius Bowman woulf have to sit or maybe Munoz at linebacker, for example.
  8. The hand off was fine, the rb simply let go of the ball. No need to make up stuff to trash Tate. That wasn't trashing Tate. It was my observation. Watch the play again, the ball wasn't placed right where it should be on the handoff. He was favouring his sore arm on that handoff. He gave the football to Walter & faked the pitch after. To me, Tate looked tentative.
  9. I still think him calling Dave Stala one of the most ''dominant receivers'' in the CFL even more bizarre. Didn't hear that quote but if I had so it definetly would have made me throw up.
  10. Already playing now with 3 Americans on the OL. If they signed him another US player would hav to come off the roster.
  11. We have the nicest stadium in the CFL. If it wasn't for IGF what a dismal season this would be. Makes the losing feel a little better. At least there's something to be proud of.
  12. Old goat face can go wrestle in the WWE. He can be Daniel Bryant's younger brother. YES!
  13. Or as Elvis sang, " A little less conversation & a lot more action."
  14. Hate ******** Rod Black. He was especially annoying today. I just about barfed when he said that Burris was having a "Peyton like day" after his fourth TD throw. Duane Forde quickly said he had a ways to go to match Manning's 7 TD performance last Thursday night. Is Black ever a tool.
  15. They put Tate in on that botched handoff last night. From where I sat, it looked like Tate could barely get his right arm up to do a proper handoff. It was a sloppy play & we never saw Drew again.
  16. Exactly blueandgoldguy. Without the PA Games, there'd be no new stadium for football in Hamilton. No politician would want to build it & certainly no one in the private sector.
  17. Dickenson called a very conservative game. I think part of that comes from the fact that the Stamps had just TWO practices to get BLM prepared as a starter for the game & I think Dave wanted to keep the game easy for the kid. I don't think he actually threw one football over 20 yards the entire game. Mostly screens & little dink & dunk passes. With the running of Jon Cornish the passing game didn't need to do more than that. Also, when you have a kicker like Rene Paredes, the urgency to score a touchdown just isn't there. As far as Edmonton goes, great teams find ways to win & bad teams find ways to lose. Edmonton is a bad football team. In the clutch they couldn't get it done last night. The two missed FGs & the Hugh Woods touchdown drop.... Plays that needed to be made & should have. .
  18. Word is that the CFLPA is saying what Hervey did criticizing Simeon Rottier the way he did publicly by singling him out for harsh criticism contravenes the collective bargaining agreement & want him heavily fined. Then Kavis Reed was fined $2,500 for verbally abusing an on field official after the LD game in Calgary. Watching that game last night with the bearded wonder missing two easy FGs, Reilly getting sacked 7 times again & Hugh Woods dropping that sure touchdown, I'm beginning to wonder if Edmonton will win another game this season. Oh wait, they play us twice... The battle of the titans. Notice I didn't capitalize that.
  19. which is STILL better than what we have right now. The guys we got now put up terrible stats against crappy defenses too. Elliott's not coming back. Let it go. You'll feel much better. Not until someone on the roster outperforms him. I miss Tom Clements.
  20. which is STILL better than what we have right now. The guys we got now put up terrible stats against crappy defenses too. Elliott's not coming back. Let it go. You'll feel much better.
  21. Wow my argument has been misconstrued. Iso - I have no crystal ball, and nothing I said was with any strain of being remotely prophetic. BriceDream's contention was that he was resigned to the Bombers anointing Walters GM at the end of the season because he's a hard worker. Walters could work 24 hours a day... all I am saying is that a GM should not be picked based ONLY on how hard he works. You've trolled my post pretty good here... somehow pitting me against Walters and hardworking people everywhere. Somehow you've twisted my words into meaning that Walters won't be hired, and that I can see the future. As a football fan, I want a smart, well-connected GM, who has experience managing football operations. Not just a scout that works long hours. Not just a capologist/Ross Hodgkinson contract type. Etc. I can see many Bomber GM candidates being hard workers... I just really don't see how hard of a worker Walters is being the defining characteristic that gets him the job. There's a lot more to success as a sports franchise GM than just how many hours you put in. I want the best guy too so we are thinking the same thing.
  22. But now he can't even do that because the media blew the other TD celebration out of proportion. It just seems to me that the media in other CFL cities would criticize something like that for one day and then they would move on to write about something else. Here they beat stuff to death and then some. Jacquie, I live in another CFL city & the media would do the same thing here if the team was a perennial loser & a rookie qb does stuff like that. Don't just point to the Winnipeg media because that's way too easy. From watching the Stamps for years especially since John Hufnagel arrived here, he clamped down on excessive choreographed touchdown celebrations. Especially the Nik Lewis & Jermaine Copeland "Cope & Dope Show" when they used to do nutty TD celebrations yet the team was losing. Came to a head in 2007 when they both created the Stampeder bobsled team. When Huff got here in 2008 that immediately stopped. Today, I don't believe that John Hufnagel & Dave Dickenson wouldn't allow the Goltz thing because as qbs they were no nonsense guys when they played & expect their qbs to be the same way. Can't see Huff being happy with the necktie & cuff link thing from Goltz. Stamps receiver Mo Price caught heat here for his slowing down & celebrating before he got into the end zone on 2 of his 3 touchdowns on Labour Day. Huff said he was going to have as heart to heart this past Wednesday with Price for his behaviour, Especially when he warned him after the first time.
  23. Jyles played in Edmonton & Reilly's a definite upgrade. Not his fault the Esks are 1-8. Jyles is meh.
  24. worth pointing out ... he's never done it when we're losing He's also never integrated someone else's touchdown celebration. Again, while we're losing. We weren't losing at the time time he did it. Well, that explains it.
  25. Is there a link?
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