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Everything posted by iso_55

  1. Unfortunately, I am of the mind that this decision is already decided. Walters will continue to sign like crazy, Blue will win one or two more games, and everyone will say "Boy that Walters kid works hard!" And with that we'll have our new GM. I sympathize with your concern, since the last few hires for GM/CEO have not inspired confidence. But if Wade Miller is kept on as CEO, he will know that his success as a CEO will rest on his choice for GM, and their ability to turn the direction of the football team around. However much we want the bombers to win, he wants it at least as much, and probably more so. I can't see him giving the job to someone, simply because they are around already, and hard working. He will seek out the best person he can find for the job, based on a comprehensive search. He will do whatever he can to free up the necessary money to hire the best candidate. I don't think that will be Kyle Walters; but if it is, then I am going to accept that Wade Miller knows far more than I do about who will make the best candidate, and I will be fine with the choice. Sure, you could argue that a Walters hire will be all about saving money; but at some point you have to cut the organization some slack and give them the benefit of the doubt. Unfortunately I already did with Bauer signing Kelly. Then the Bombers hiring Mack although I admit I wanted Barker. But supported them both at the time. You're right, the last few hires haven't inspired any confidence.
  2. No, it doesn't mean new people will come in this year. Of course not. But for both of you to say 'what will be will be' is not que sera sera and especially since this thread was started with at least 2nd hand information. And for you to say what Bob believes, without even hearing what he said, is laughable. Armchair GM is entitled to his opinion, as are you two. Everything, at this point, is conjecture. On that I think we can all agree. Yep. conjecture. That is why we're here, Jacquie. Connect the dots for me Iso. Paint the numbers. Con the jecture. Explain. This should be good. I have already on more than a couple of posts. Look it up.
  3. Reilly is a better qb than Jyles. More character, better arm.
  4. Did you actually hear Bob Irving say it or are you still relying on your friend's spin of what Bob Irving said? Is that really the point you want to argue? Come on. Argue all you want that you think Walters will be GM based on Bomber history or whatever but relying on what your friend claims Bob Irving said is no better than the "friend of a friend's brother-in-law's brother's neighbour said" argument. Did you? Fill us in. No I didn't but I'm not claiming Irving said something that none of us heard firsthand as "proof" Walters will be named GM. If Irving said Walters wasn't going anywhere after the season that isn't proof Walters will be the GM since we have already established that Wade Miller said at the press conference where Walters was named interim GM that Walters would be remaining with the organization if someone else was hired as GM. Come on, Jacquie. You're really arguing with Brice & I yet you never heard Bob either... Too funny. LOL!
  5. It's been reported in the Toronto and Hamilton papers that David Braley (who was on the Pan Am Games board until he was named a senator) had a lot of influence in having the soccer competition held in Hamilton so the Ticats could get a new stadium. Maybe in hindsight he would have been better off having it built in Toronto for the Argos. I won't argue that premise. The only thing is Never Win Stadium was a dump. Worse than Canad Inns. Worse than Mosaic Stadium.
  6. I wish I could laugh.
  7. Ugh! Guy's a nutbar.
  8. Why with each passing week? What is happening here that is making you think this way? Apologies, I should have made my point clear. While I do like seeing Walters be pro active, I can honestly see the current executive team seeing that as enough and hand over the job to him, which seems to be the norm around here. With Miller already in place and depending on if the Board is behind him or not, he'll likely keep the job as well. As for Burke, his "I'm doing the best I can with what I have" mantra may ring true with Walters and Miller, hence why I believe he'll stick around, that and Burke has 2 years left on his deal after this season IIRC. I don't see the Bombers board adding yet another pay cheque for a former employee to the tab. I should however point out that I don't believe Miller and Walters are terrible or would be terrible at the permenant positions, but instead of just keeping people in place, the Bombers Board should ensure that the right people are put in place, "an exhaustive" search lead to the hiring of Mack (only Barker, Mack and Taman were on the list). I hope I'm not the only one that found it a bit odd that Miller was hired the same day Buchko was fired, so clearly their "exhaustive search" which lead to Buchko (whom I still support) not being the right guy and Miller now being "that guy". A legitimate search and interview process should be done for all 3 positions, and if Miller, Walters and heck even Burke prove to be the guys, then they deserve the job, but seeing as I have little to no faith in the current Board I don't see this happening at all..............................Maybe I should just wait until the off season. I'd like this but the thought of Tim Burke staying as head coach is nauseating.
  9. Did you actually hear Bob Irving say it or are you still relying on your friend's spin of what Bob Irving said? Did you? Fill us in.
  10. No, it doesn't mean new people will come in this year. Of course not. But for both of you to say 'what will be will be' is not que sera sera and especially since this thread was started with at least 2nd hand information. And for you to say what Bob believes, without even hearing what he said, is laughable. Armchair GM is entitled to his opinion, as are you two. Everything, at this point, is conjecture. On that I think we can all agree. Yep. conjecture. That is why we're here, Jacquie.
  11. Your logic makes no sense. Why would they build a stadium in Hamilton for the Toronto Pan Am Games? Maybe because they have a CFL team to use it? They could have built it at any number of locations in the region and used it for amateur sport. The new Hamilton stadium IS being built exclusively due to the Pan Am games. Yeah, I thought everyone knew that. Guess I was wrong. There'd be no new stadium for the Ti Cats if it wasn't for those games. So, for Edwards to talk about our barn is comical. BTW, JBR the facility is being built for soccer at the Pan Am Games. Ya, that's how they got government funding. They are building a football stadium in Hamilton for Toronto's Pan Am Games. Connect the dots. Are we talking the same thing here because your answer is confusing. The soccer competition is being held in Hamilton. They are building a stadium in Hamilton strictly for the Pan Am Games. All 3 levels of government are funding the new stadium for the Pan Am Gamers not the Ti Cats. If there were no Pan Am Games there'd be no new stadium for the Ti Cats. No one in Ontario would have stepped forward. How is this not clear?
  12. Mr Dee, staying in their current roles doesn't mean they'll be interm in perpetuity. Nor does it mean new people will come in this season & take over their interim duties. It means Bob believes that the word "interim" will be changed to "permanent".
  13. I get the impression he's mentally blocked the Mike Kelly and Joe Mack hires from his memory. Can't say I blame him either. The only crystal balling I see is from you two, not the Armchair GM. You've already anointed the future GM through your fears and expectations...and negativity. Bob Irving shares the same opinion. Is he part time palm reader too? Thing is, nobody knows. So, for you to come here & give us a dissertation about how hard work won't lead to a permanent GM position (like you have some inside info) is negative talk as well. You basically said Walters has no chance. According to you, he could work 18 hour days everyday to the end of the season & won't be the permanent GM. Like I said, that sounds negative to me. Do I want Walters to be our GM? Nope. unless he proves to be the best person available. I'd say hard work will go a long way in hiring a GM so he probably has the inside track. But your line of reasoning as to why Walters won't be hired is totally negative. I have never not liked Kyle Walters. I have said this once & I will say it again. He seems like a bright guy who certainly understands the CIS draft. He is a great asset for us to have. I just believe that we'd be better served & ultimately more successful if we hire someone with experience at that position & has built winners in the past. I'm thinking of Tom Higgins but not thinking of Eric Tillman for obvious reasons. If wanting a guy like Tom Higgins over Kyle Walters is considered being negative by some then so be it.
  14. I hate to sound callous but that's what happens when an older player doesn't leave the game when he should on his own terms. Now things other things are affecting his ability to play the game & will ultimately push him off the field. Ben Cahoon walked away on top. AC could have done so too after his last Grey Cup victory. This is a story that happens far too often in pro sports.
  15. Who's Buano?
  16. Unfortunately, I am of the mind that this decision is already decided. Walters will continue to sign like crazy, Blue will win one or two more games, and everyone will say "Boy that Walters kid works hard!" And with that we'll have our new GM. I realize the Bombers haven't given us anything to look forward to this year... but your negativity and being resigned to us absolutely making the wrong decisions for the wrong reasons is impossible to listen to anymore. GM's have never, and will never be judged based on how hard they work. I know janitors, painters, drywallers, and roofers that work harder than most people. There's a reason those guys aren't CFL GM's. It's because there is so much more to it than how hard you work. It's how smart you work, how you put the right people in the right roles to do a great job, how you deal with the **** that flies across your desk daily, and probably most importantly, good judgment. Among many, many other things you and I have no idea about. Don't think for a second the Bombers will leave him in charge just because he's a hardworking, relentless birddog. There's lots of those in football... they're called scouts. And scouting is only one part of the job. Give your consistently negative head a shake. So, do you have a crystal ball or something? Like, what makes what you say the truth? You don't know either.
  17. Your logic makes no sense. Why would they build a stadium in Hamilton for the Toronto Pan Am Games? Maybe because they have a CFL team to use it? They could have built it at any number of locations in the region and used it for amateur sport. The new Hamilton stadium IS being built exclusively due to the Pan Am games. Yeah, I thought everyone knew that. Guess I was wrong. There'd be no new stadium for the Ti Cats if it wasn't for those games. So, for Edwards to talk about our barn is comical. BTW, JBR the facility is being built for soccer at the Pan Am Games.
  18. They have a qb but no OL. We have no qb & no OL.
  19. No, let's let a guy who hasn't proven a thing in the league call attention to himself. Scoring the TD wasn't enough for him? IF Goltz actually starts producing wins then he can do what he wants.
  20. Elliott's gone boys & He ain't coming back.
  21. Retread. Been there. Done that. We have one on the roster already. We don't need two.
  22. Your logic makes no sense. Why would they build a stadium in Hamilton for the Toronto Pan Am Games? Maybe because they have a CFL team to use it? Okay, I won't bother to answer that one....
  23. I think we already know. The question is will we or the Eskimos win more games this season?
  24. Are you whispering because you're not sure? Yes, the feds insisted the stadium be built at the U of M to make it look like they weren't funding a pro sports team. But you know there's no way the provincial government would have funded a 33.000 seat stadium if it was just for the Bisons. So, what you're saying is a stretch. Biiiiiiiiiiiiig stretch. Funds were moved around. Things were said.... These are politicians we're talking about here. How can that even be compared to the 2015 Pan Am Games & the funding model used for a stadium in Hamilton?
  25. One year tryout? Sure, he'll get that & a two year $600,000 paid vacation after that. This organization's been there. Done that. Not saying sign him for 3 years, saying give him a 1 year tryout contract unless we can find a STAR candidate for GM this offseason (Basically unless we get a Higgins/Hufnagel/Buono/Popp level of GM I would rather us keep Walters for a year and see how well he does) He won't sign a 1 year deal. No one will come in here to "tryout" for a year. It'll be a 3 year deal no matter who they sign. Still want him?
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