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Everything posted by iso_55

  1. Agreed. Season is done so time to develop someone else. If we were in playoff contention, I'd say bring Elliott back. Not now.
  2. The article linked to says "But at the urging of head coach Tim Burke, Goltz has also agreed to suspend his post score celebrations." Didn't mention Bellefeuille anywhere. Yeah, saw a story on it, can't remember so I can't post it. Marcel said he asked Golts not to do the celebration anymore. Also same story Marcel commented on the Ti Cat players in the boat... Marcel said there are things a HC & OC don't like sometimes from their players. That was one of them & he was sorry it happened. He didn't like what they did. They went too far. Can't remember if it was a Sun or Feep article.
  3. I wonder how much the problems were exacerbated when the province insisted the construction go to a Manitoba company rather than an international company who had experience building large stadiums & arenas? Trying to keep everything local end up delaying everything & making the project more expensive?
  4. No adjustments. other teams change things around. And for some reason we can't. As Marcel gets deeper into the playbook each week I think that'll change. On defense. Ugh, that's ugly. Creehan is just terrible. And our secondary can't cover even though we have over 30 sacks.
  5. http://www.winnipegfreepress.com/sports/football/bombers/Touchdown-celebrations-blown-out-of-proportion-Goltz-222407821.html From the quote in that article it sounds like he was asked if he thought the media picked on him and just used their terminology back at them. The rest of what he said is very true: Then Burke says: So does that mean no more IGF leap (which Burke didn't say anything about either time it was done)? Bellefeuille told him to stop it.
  6. http://www.winnipegfreepress.com/sports/football/bombers/Touchdown-celebrations-blown-out-of-proportion-Goltz-222407821.html One thing a bout Hank. he may say some dumb things sometimes but when the media & fans are on him there's a reason why he's called "Smilin' Hank". Like water off a duck's back for Burris. Durant just keeps his mouth shut when media & fans get on his case. I don't think i ever remember him saying things to the media. Goltz has to do the same.
  7. I think Miller will stay & then hire his own GM. I'm all for Kyle staying with the team as an AGM. I'm all for Miller staying team president as well if he does the proper job search & due dilligence. Hire the best man for the job. That's all I want. Walters isn't ready yet. This has been discussed a lot here. I think the general consensus is that Walters is a bright young guy who needs to work under someone successful to learn the GM position. If he gives the position to Walters instead of someone like Tom Higgins (if he applies) or someone else with proven CFL GM credntials then you know what's up.
  8. If Goltz actually said that, cry me a river. First he was betrayed by the coaches. Now the media picks on him. As far as the media goes, they've been kind to him. If he feels he is being picked on maybe he should ask Darian Durant what it feels like. Rider fans ride him the first time he makes a mistake. Or Hank in Saskatchewan, Calgary & Hamilton. Remember the media nicknamed him Hank when he's good & Frank when he's bad.
  9. Since when are Kyle Walters and Wade Miller buddies? They work together. if he hires him because "he likes him a lot" they're buddies. If no due dilligence is done how else can you describe it?
  10. Shows you what is going to happen if it turns out to be true. Boom goes the dynamite! Won't be pretty.
  11. One year tryout? Sure, he'll get that & a two year $600,000 paid vacation after that. This organization's been there. Done that.
  12. Reading Edwards's piece I think that jealousy & envy fueled that story. Put us down to make the fans in Hamilton feel better about their new stadium when they know it'll suck.
  13. Would that crappola new stadium in Hamilton have been built if it wasn't for the Pan Am Games? No way at all. They'd be stuck in the old Never Win Stadium until it collapsed. It's 100% taxpayer funded. So...what's your point? Ours will end up being taxpayer funded too. Reread my first sentence. That's my point. The community in Hamilton would never build the Ti Cats a new stand alone football stadium... Had to be a sporting event to get it done.
  14. Drew Tate languished in Sask for years as the #3 or #4 qb before he came to the Stamps. If it wasn't for injury woes, he'd be one of the best qbs in the CFL right now. So, this thing about being third string for the Riders means nothing to me. Let's see if Levi Brown grabs the brass rail like Tait did. It also tells me that the leash on Goltz is going to be short.
  15. I think that is why contracts are insured.
  16. That is incorrect. Mack made moves, he just preferred to bring in rookies than cast offs. The number of moves isn't going to be any different, just the source of players that's changing. You have a great career as a spin doctor... Obama could use your help right now. I really did miss my calling. LOL! I think so.
  17. Would that crappola new stadium in Hamilton have been built if it wasn't for the Pan Am Games? No way at all. They'd be stuck in the old Never Win Stadium until it collapsed. It's 100% taxpayer funded.
  18. Comparing attendance is relevant.Not for this year IMO. Not a heck of a lot of people (I assume) were going to travel from Hamilton to Guelph 9 times out of the year, and I doubt Guelph fans would shell out $$$ for a team that is only there temporarily.The team does not sell out games in a 13k stadium in a city of 140k about an hour from their home city. They are hardly in a position to call down Winnipeg's attendance.That makes attendance relevant IMO. Exactly. And hamilton's attendance has sucked for decades. I remember crowds of 15,000 & whole sections empty for Ti Cats games at Never Win in the 80's. So, who is Edwards to talk?
  19. As Brice said, if true this team doesn't learn. I can see a very negative reaction from everyone if that's all Miller comes up with. We didn't suffer thru this season just to have Miller give the job to his buddy because he likes him. Fans want real change. Substantive change. Someone who knows the CFL, has contacts in the US & CIS but knows what it takes to win in the CFL. But sigh, I said it once, I'll say it again.... rewarding friends & losing is The Bomber Way.
  20. Playoffs.
  21. Yeah, I think he came back for the stats.... That seldom works. Also, he didn't provide a lot of leadership from the qb position for a guy with 20 years experience which was a disappointment.
  22. I happen to like this move. Brown is a big qb & has a nice arm. From what I remember he is pretty mobile as well. He didn't get much of a chance beind Drew Willy in Saskatchewan. I saw him play the last 2 exhibition seasons & I thought he looked better than Willy. One or two qbs are going to be moving out, I think. One should be Buck as we can no longer win with him anymore. The other 3 who knows? Didn't count Brown as he just got here.
  23. That is incorrect. Mack made moves, he just preferred to bring in rookies than cast offs. The number of moves isn't going to be any different, just the source of players that's changing. You have a great career as a spin doctor... Obama could use your help right now.
  24. Think TALENT surrounding the qb position. Not the qb himself. That's the key. We don't have that. Not even close.
  25. Well, he still feels entitled. LOL!
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