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Everything posted by iso_55

  1. Harrell would be a nice addition.
  2. Let Burke finish the year but I'd be in favour of Burke taking over as DC from Creehan the rest of the season.
  3. So you were all fired up to turf the GM which actually does do nothing to fire during the season but you think it's best to wait to fire the head coach who has seen the team roll over and die on him more often than not? How does that make sense? I'd love to see Burke gone but will it help the overall picture, though? Getting rid of Creehan & letting Burke be DC & HC would be the best scenario.
  4. DeAngelis has played well & was about the only player who was at least showing he cared on the field.
  5. I don't know if Burke keeps his job if we can't even manage to beat the Esks after the Banjo Bowl. Best to wait to fire Burke but for crying out loud get rid of Creehan now
  6. I expect our drafting as well as the ability to trade & sign CFL FA's to greatly improve now with Mack gone. It better!!
  7. In fairness every other team could have drafted either of those guys but didn't. What I don't understand though is how OL was a problem from the first day Mack got here... even in the first year, Mack didn't draft Greaves until the last round... then we never seemed to give Dunn a chance at all... and Swiston who is naturally a tackle ended up slotted in as a guard... Many chances to draft decent OL prospects... instead we end up stocked with NI Rec and Running Backs... Mack just never seemed to have any focus or identity in the draft aside from 'going off the board'... We just were not in a position to gamble on Mulumba this year but we did... the guy already had an NFL contract! Ridiculous. Passing on the OL (Brent Jones) now with the Stamps may have been a huge mistake. The Stamps took him even though he said he was trying to get into med school at the U of R which didn't pan out. Thing is, he is from Weyburn. his parents have had Rider season tickets for years & he grew up a huge fan of the team. Does this sound familiar?? So, wonder where he ends up when Taman comes a callin' in 2 years time??
  8. Jason Boltus
  9. All but confirmed by media sources.
  10. The Bombers had a very good team in 2001. The only problem was they really didn't take the Stamps very seriously & thought they'd be easy pickings in that year's GC game. Trouble was, the Stamps had a veteran team that year, as well & didn't appreciate the disrespect even though they finished 8-10. Plenty of veterans left from their 1998 GC winning & 99 GC finalist teams.
  11. Who'd have thunk Montreal could beat the Lions????
  12. We may be able to do better, sure. But with the crapshow going on here before Marcel arrived, I think he deserves a bit of time Tim Burke has a lot to be blamed for letting Crowton have a free hand as well.
  13. Are you an actual CFL insider or an online pretender because some off the things you say claiming to be in the know.... Don't worry, I don't care who you are. You just made Bauer out to be an uncaring *******.
  14. So great, what you're saying is Bauer fired Ritchie because he was sick. Nice.
  15. Yeah, the families of the coaches have to sacrifice. No doubt about that. Usually a move every couple of years, I bet.
  16. That's quite the essay. Where's the footnotes with the authors credits you used? Bottom line for me, you lose you're fired. That's all there is to it.
  17. The HAM trade for Wojt was a real killer for me... how that guy was available and we slept through it, I just don't know. He's wasn't called Sleepy Joe for nothing.
  18. Well, I wouldn't be so complimentary towards Myddleton. He had a very good year in 2010 & then the last 2 seasons his play deteriorated to the point he was on the bench. Big question is why he never built on that one strong season. With Winnipeg, he'd just be another Steve Morley.
  19. He'd still be here.
  20. I guess I should be excited...
  21. But I'm sure that Ritchie had some crazy contract - like if he had a winning season, he got an automatic extension - that drove Bauer nuts.... that's why when we had a slow start, Bauer pounced... am I wrong? Ritchie was the last decent head coach we had & he wouldn't take any guff from Bauer. He knew how to win. Everyone since just knows how to lose.
  22. Check his track record as a coach & GM & get back to us.
  23. Your first sentence... What team have you been watching this season? You forgot to mention linebacker, secondary & receiver.
  24. Even Dave Dickenson would fail with the group we have now. Judging Bellefeuille's play calling & offense with the hand he's been dealt isn't fair. Needs more time. What I would like to see is Burke firing Creehan & he takes over the defense himself. Then leave the coaches alone until the off season.
  25. Players have to go. Hard to get rid of Canadian players now. We have no assets to trade. So, start weeding out the Americans. Start with Shannon Boatman & the secondary.
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