Bagg refusing to retire is sad for me to watch because I understand what he is feeling. I believe his career is finished. I had the same injury he's had & 5 subsequent knee operations. I knew my life had changed as soon as I was first injured when I was 19 lying on the ground in horrific pain. I can't imagine going out & playing professional football after that. BTW, my knee collapsed just like Bagg's did today in a flag football league after my third knee surgery & 4 years after the original torn ACL & MCL was first repaired. I planted, the knee gave out, no one touched me & voila time for more surgery. I was only 23 & thought I was still indestructible, until then. Well, after that, I sold my downhill skis & really became aware of my limitations. I quit playing flag football, hockey, floor hockey & softball as I was too scared of further injury. I admire the no quit attitude in Robb Bagg but even he has to know it's over. Seeing his reaction coming off the field told me what I thought. He wasn't crying because it hurt...