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Everything posted by iso_55

  1. Yeah, all 3 qbs haven't been world beaters so fighting over whether it's Hall or Goltz is pointless as I suspect there'll be other guys brought in.
  2. I never would have given up 2 points in that situation to then be down by 4. If the defense can't stop them then they'd lose anyway. But if they would have stopped the Lions then there's a chance to win with Paredes. That was the wrong time to do that. And for the record, Huff doesn't call the plays. So, he didn't make any bad play calls. But he would have okayed the safety.
  3. He shouldn't be a HC then should he??? I mean, someone has to be in charge. A HC always has the final say. Always except this dude. Pretty easy for Burke to defer decisions on assistants & say, "Hey, not me. I never did it.". When it blows up there's no blood on Burke. Cop out.
  4. Nice thing about having a totally new OC is he's not bound to anything the old one did. Let him decide who starts from now on & be done with it. The politics of Crowton is finished. All Marcel wants to do now is come in here & win some games. He'll have a fresh approach to who should start & who shouldn't. For now, I'll give him the benefit of the doubt.
  5. He'll probably go with what works, change the playbook slowly over the rest of the season & see what happens.
  6. You didn't say anything mean spirited. It was just a comment designed to be humorous. I wouldn't worry about it.
  7. Stamps lost their leader Nik Lewis. They've overcome injuries to all of their starters who are out to remain winners but this? This could be the killer for that team.
  8. Fraser, I don't know if you are serious or joking. I believe probably tongue & cheek. But just in case you are serious about Matthews, the man is recovering from cancer. I think his desire to coach is finished.
  9. Crowton Fired. Players Yawn. Details at 11.
  10. All I know is this, the contract for Bellefeuille & Walters better not be long term. As in past this season. No more long term until these guys prove they have earned it. If a new GM is hired he can't be saddled with long term contracts.
  11. Not saying we don't have talent. Just not enough of it. Every team has talent at some positions. Trouble is, you need talent at 22 positions & not 11 or 12.
  12. We can only hope... Any head coach that doesn't take responsibility for player moves especially at qb as well as one side of the football because he says he's not qualified shouldn't be in charge.
  13. The move had to be made. With Crowton gone, it frees Bellefeuile to pick his qb. We'll see if it is Buck, Hall or Goltz.
  14. General observation. The need to get rid of Crowton outweighs the need to get rid of Creehan. He needed to go before Casey. And glad that happened today.
  15. I've told you why. More than once. You refuse to listen so you figure it out. Performed the best? 112 yds passing in BC & less than 50% completion rate & Goltz has performed the best? The dozens & dozens of posts???? Really... Like are we talking 24, 36, 48, 60, 72???
  16. Bagg refusing to retire is sad for me to watch because I understand what he is feeling. I believe his career is finished. I had the same injury he's had & 5 subsequent knee operations. I knew my life had changed as soon as I was first injured when I was 19 lying on the ground in horrific pain. I can't imagine going out & playing professional football after that. BTW, my knee collapsed just like Bagg's did today in a flag football league after my third knee surgery & 4 years after the original torn ACL & MCL was first repaired. I planted, the knee gave out, no one touched me & voila time for more surgery. I was only 23 & thought I was still indestructible, until then. Well, after that, I sold my downhill skis & really became aware of my limitations. I quit playing flag football, hockey, floor hockey & softball as I was too scared of further injury. I admire the no quit attitude in Robb Bagg but even he has to know it's over. Seeing his reaction coming off the field told me what I thought. He wasn't crying because it hurt...
  17. 21-40 since 2010 but it's not talent. Nah, it couldn't be. It's just coaching.
  18. See post below. Why can't we delete posts? That would be nice.
  19. Bet the play by play announcers loved those jerseys.
  20. I'm not saying Hall is the answer but I sure know it ain't Goltz. Time for some NFL cuts.
  21. Crowton has to go. Bottom line first coach who has to walk the plank. Burke needs to go with him as well, The qb carousel is his doing & the fact he takes no responsibility for it is aggravating.
  22. Be they don't fire anyone, the fools.
  23. Who knows the answers, right? Let's see what Miller & Walters do.
  24. Still not convinced Etienne is going to be a great Canadian receiver, either. Other than the Calgary game, that's it. Seven games finished now with only 14 catches.
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