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Everything posted by iso_55

  1. i know what is going to happen. Burke gets fired & the new HC brings back Buck. Burke is kept on & the new OC brings back Buck. And the Buck issue finally gets dealt with in the off season for good this time. That is what I see occurring.
  2. I like most of your suggestions. Only like to add that if a head coach is kept on after being fired from that position it would probably create divisions in the team from players that are "his guys" so it's better he goes. That being said, it's too bad as Burke is 5 times the DC Creehan is. And why is this such a surprise to us seeing the kind of defense the guy ran in Hamilton. He was Burke's buddy so he hired him. You could almost see this coming... What a train wreck.
  3. We both want the same thing, 17. To see this team win. We just disagree on how to get it done. I'm fine with that as one of us or both of us could be wrong. Let's just hope this team can get its act together fast. As a fan, I'm expecting an announcement about Crowton's firing. And I'd be fine if Burke went with him.
  4. Nope. I just know that I never saw Goltz make some of the throws Hall made. Is he our long term qb? No clue. But then from what I saw I doubt neither is Goltz. I just believe he is capable of doing things passing wise that Goltz can't do. But I'm all for bringing in other qbs as well as signing a young CFL FA qb. Anything to get this thing going. The one thing I'm hopeful for now that Mack is gone is that we actually sign a CFL FA qb. And not hear the song & dance that our players are always better than any free agent on another team.
  5. Please name me the great players & ask yourself could these great players beat out the players on the Riders, Argos, Stamps & Lions? Like I said, if players think playing badly to get a coach fired is the answer, the reality is that they'll get cut themselves. I have no axe to grind with Joe Mack other than he fired LaPo way too early & the players he brought in can't win. Had he been successful, I'd have been okay with the guy.
  6. See, there's a problem with the theory players don't play well for certain coaches. The major one is that they'll get cut. No one should go out with the premise they'll play bad to make the coaches look bad. The players are the ones everybody sees as well as the video camera. So, if we have losers that feel by playing badly they are doing a good thing then who wants these guys anyway??? They'll be gone. Let the rebuild truly begin. I think consistently playing bad means a player is bad. Pro athletes get paid to win & not play. They don't win then they get replaced.Therefore, I believe that it's a talent issue.
  7. Sadly, the answer to your question is yes. Talent is a major issue. I don't think any coach could make chicken salad out of the chicken feathers we have as players. Mack was overrated & the players he brought in the same. I don't even know if we have a core to build on. The problems on this team go very deep.
  8. Protect Kohlert. That should be a given. Should this team protect Etienne?
  9. Hall was placing the ball very nicely all night into a tight window. We all saw it & it was great to actually see a Blue Bomber qb do that. Some of those throws Hall made to his receivers for the catch Goltz can't make because he doesn't have the accuracy & Buck, well... he can't because he just doesn't have it anymore. First time we saw it from any of our qbs this season & was very encouraging. Every qb will throw interceptions. The only way to learn is by making mistakes. I'd normally say that Hall should improve every time out but this is a Gary Crowton offense we're talking about here. If anything, it'll hold him back.
  10. Anyone who says it's not talent is living on a dream that just changing coaches will fix everything. Goes way beyond that. Talent is the issue & coaching. Coaching can be fixed right away but not talent. It'll take years to right this ship. Might as well get on with it. Starting TODAY!! Burke & Crowton have to be shown the door. Blow it up.
  11. Never happen. End of story.
  12. I have to agree with Lawless. Mack left the cupboards bare. This team is a sham. It's nowhere near as good as we thought. First the management got blown up. Coaches soon to follow & the players as well. I don't think it's a case of the players not wanting to play for Tim Burke. It's a case of them not being good enough.
  13. He's the guy to go forward with, not Goltz. And in the second half, that chest injury had to affect his throws. He was in pain on the sidelines.
  14. I think we're talking about the same thing. I'd be all for it today.
  15. But he can't hit the broad side of a barn from 10 metres away so what good is that? Too inconsistent. A great throw followed by a one hopper or behind an open receiver.
  16. Giving Burke the rest of the season would be a mistake. Time to move forward even futher & can him& Crowton. It's clearly not working.
  17. Go easy on road griller. Any day now the Goltz poster on the ceiling will be coming down.
  18. Way more accuracy than Goltz. Hall has a better upside than Goltz. I liked what I saw out of Max Hall. That shot he took to the chest obviously affected him. He probably shouldn't have been playing as you could see he was in pain on the sidelines. The other thing I liked about Hall was the fact he's been a pro in the NFL for a short while as he said in his interview yesterday so he understands how the pro game works with players gaining & losing starting spots. I don't expect any "betrayal" comments coming from him if they start someone else.
  19. I think the reality is setting in that Mack wasn't this guru who could find talent. We aren't that good.
  20. The 2 1/2 games already played. Goltz's accuracy on his throws. If he hasn't figured it out by now, he never will.
  21. As soon as a db grabs cloth it is a penalty. Those were the right calls. Not defending the refs but they got some calls right. Our secondary was exposed tonight. Not that we didn't know already.
  22. And he got paid. But next week he may earn his salary. Tell me, did our secondary earn their money?
  23. There were at least 2 PI calls on our secondary that were legit. The one on Suber & the one on Dunn. Both were grabbing jerseys. the secondary was doing that all night. They. Can't. Cover. Worst secondary in the CFL. We have to rush 4 & play zone because these guys keep getting beat. We can't rush 7 & play man coverage as we are incapable.
  24. His lack of arm strength was a surprise.I thought he was stronger throwing the ball than that. I like his accuracy but after thgat shot to the chest he was basically done throwing. Well, Tommy Clements didn't have a strong arm but he was a smart qb so if he understands the game, we may be okay. No more Goltz. I'd be okay with Buck coming back before Goltz. Seen enough of him.
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