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Everything posted by iso_55

  1. Hope Goltz got his ears pinned back after his betrayal comment. The solution for Justin is simple. Be the better qb in practice & when he plays in games. The other thing I took from all this is Mack was interfering in a lot of things. I am glad we have a President who is a former player who knows the score instead of a guy who has never played. Miller looks more tuned in than Buchko.
  2. It's pro football. These guys get paid to win, not play. Goltz was a D3 qb. Not D1 so you figure something was already up as a guy with that kind of physical stature would be an automatic D1 recruit out of HS. With the Bombers he practiced for 3 years. When Goltz finally had his chance he was no great shakes. Has accuracy problems. Burke knew that. Crowton knew that. Mack knew that as he has been with the team for years & yet they still played him. He never should have played at all but Buck has been so gawd awful so they had to. Goltz had his chance. Now, it's Hall's turn. Let him run with it.
  3. Contact Pacific Motors in Headingley. They bring in a lot of vehicles from the US. You can order the year, make & model you want & they take care of the rest.
  4. Both he & Bighill haven't had the best seasons so far. last year, Sherritt looked like Dan Kepley reborn. Not this year.
  5. Glad Mack is gone. What a relief. Didn't like the way it was handled but it had to be done.
  6. Now that we've made a huge change in the organization mid stream I hope the old prevaling Joe Mack attitude that our players are better than other team's players changes & we become more involved in free agency. If we continue to be minor players every winter in free agency refusing to plug holes or to even better the team because the Bombers refuse to spend any money then it'll be the same old, same old. Come February 15th next year, I'll be watching this team very closely. I have my fingers crossed that this is the beginning of a new era.
  7. Yes, at this point you do. Sign the best players available & create competition.
  8. I think so. I like KJ as an OC. And being a former qb can help with development. But, having said that... we still need a qb coach.
  9. Bellefeuille wasn't that bad a HC. It's the guys he brings with him I'd be interested in. As in Khari Jones. The guy can manage his coaches unlike Burke who can't. Other than Craig Dickenson, I don't think the coaching staff Burke has is that good.
  10. Fans buy tickets & they have a right to do what they want as long as it doesn't bother anyone else in the stands.
  11. IF... Bellefeuille became HC of the Bombers, would Khari Jones come here as his OC like he was in Hamilton? You bet your sweet bippy he would.
  12. Who the hell knows? I bet the person that made the decision doesn't even know. Nobody knows. Funny how that works.
  13. Yes, the HC always has the final say on personnel decisions & everything else regarding the on field product. Otherwise, why have a head coach? What he said was a huge cop out.
  14. Hate to see it when it gets to this with a fanbase. I really like Tim Burke as a regular guy. If there's one person I truly want to see succeed it's him. But man, oh man, the things he says. How can they keep him??? I don't think Miller can anymore without feeling the rage of Bomber fans if he isn't fired at the very latest after the season is over.
  15. I think Miller has clued in on the fact the Bomber faithful aren't happy with Burke. How can he not??? Burke may not last the season either with the way he's talking to the media & what he says. Miller may be forced to fire him even though he may not want to.
  16. Mo Price.
  17. Not so much with Kuale maybe, but I sure as hell hope the days are now gone (with Mack's departure) that a frigging last place team like us isn't interested in other teams free agents because the Bombers feel the players they got are better. Make sure we hire a GM who goes after CFL FA's in the off season, Miller. Not like Mack sitting there scratching his ass doing nothing every February 15th.
  18. Man, talking about telling the world you should never have been hired as a head coach. So, Mack fired a guy (LaPo) who knew offense, defense & special teams for a 1 dimensional defensive coordinator who admits he knows nothing about offense??? WTH???
  19. "I'm going to leave it up to them". "It's not my job"? "My expertise is on defense?" Wow, wow, wow, ******* wow.
  20. Yes, but still a risky move nonetheless.
  21. Glad Mack is gone. He had no business interfering. Recruit, trade, sign, scout, negotiate & sign contracts. That was his job.
  22. Goltz should have kept his mouth shut. At least with Buck he's been in the CFL for nearly a decade & probably has a coaching gig somewhere else when he retires. Goltz has one career start & has played in parts of 3 games in 3 years. Guy needs to zip it. He hasn't earned the right to say what he did. Like it was mentioned, yeah this is a Gong Show but his comments just made things worse. Feels betrayed in a career where performance, "What have you done for me today" is paramount & how players are judged? That's the law of the jungle.
  23. Yeah, bringing in Bellefeuille as OC, firing Crowton & initiating changes by the week might've been the better move .
  24. Except by being here now on staff & the coaching regime fails then he'll be tied to them because he couldn't get the job done. Risky move for a guy wanting to be a HC again in the CFL.
  25. Tim Burke has been a huge disappointment to me. Great DC & I thought he'd make a difference. I was wrong. Maybe with another team that offers stability & support from management he could do well, but not with this club. I think he's a good man caught in a bad situation & clearly in over his head. And he has to brush up on his Media101 classes to stop saying the wrong things at the wrong time. I believe this club is going to be blown up coaching & player wise this off season. Mangement already has but they can't do much more as we are in season. Lots of changes will be coming between November & June.
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