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Everything posted by iso_55

  1. They would have said if it was an injury to Goltz. They clearly haven't.Only that they can't afford the timeto develop him.
  2. Tells you how much confidence the Stamps had in Drew Tate, didn't it?
  3. Nah, it's Sandra!!
  4. Careful don't be bitter, You'll upset some sensitive people here.
  5. C'mon, WBB. Even you don't believe that deep down. You're a lot smarter than that statement. Who cares if it was a good or bad plan. It didn't work. 21-39.
  6. I would argue your point the coaches are working as one unit. They're working against one another. And it's tearing this team apart. Burke has to go.
  7. Cal was a tough ol' codger. He was the boss. None of this would be happening under his watch. We all know it, too. This sure reminds me of F Troop in Calgary under owner Michael Feterik a decade ago. Everyday just a new crisis. Mickey Mouse management here & in Calgary. Feterik wanting his son to be the starting qb. Crowton wanting Hall to be the starter. An assistant coach going over the head coach's head lobbying to take his place. Crowton going over Burke's head to get his guy played. A meddling President in Fred Fateri with the Stamps & now perhaps a meddling CEO in Wade Miller. A lame duck coach in Jim Barker powerless to do anything like Tim Burke is right now in Winnipeg. Both knowing they're going to be fired at seasons end. People in the Stamps organization with their own private agendas just like in Winnipeg now. The new F Troop resides in Winnipeg. I thought I saw the ugly side of private ownership with Feterik in Calgary. Never thought I'd see it again here with a community owned team.
  8. His plan sure worked...
  9. The Powers That Be in charge TODAY do. Who knows about tomorrow?
  10. This team is totally effed up. The decisions they're making. I don't even think they know for sure who makes what decision. All I know is we have a lame duck coach who people are starting to walk all over. I harken back to a guy like Cal Murphy who would have fired any assistant who went over his head to get a player Cal didn't want played or resigned if a Bomber president told him to do something he didn't want to do. No one told Cal how to coach. He wouldn't stand for it.
  11. Hey 17, what's another quarter mill right??? Bombers hand out long term deals like moths to a flame.
  12. Missing open receivers. The slots are gonna get killed running those routes over the middle & he throws high or behind like he does. That alone should be enough for him to be benched.
  13. Tells you what the orgnization thinks of Goltz. Truly. There's a sense by the Powers That Be the kid won't ever be a long term starter for the Bombers. D3 qb for a reason. Burke in annointing him the starter "going forward" was just dumb made by a dumb coach.
  14. Play on words. What a circus. Burke's lost this team. He's done.
  15. And who's the REAL head coach? Burke or Crowton?
  16. Cortez had an actual quarterback who put up big numbers for years. We don't.
  17. Rider fans can be absolutely obnoxious. Plus they feel it's their duty to win every internet poll around.
  18. I agree. Dumping him for Hall is wrong. Max Hall may be our starter, Goltz may be our starter but this three ring circus is what's killed us in the past. Now, we're doing it again & Buck's healthy.
  19. You're forgiven.
  20. More like enough is enough. Have a plan & stick to it or go down trying.
  21. Anybody else think Burke's lost this team completely? His word means absolutely nothing. This is more than just a joke. It's an abomination. Do a Trifecta Wade, can Burke.
  22. That was last Sunday. The "rest of the season" lasted until today. You can't expect Burke to change his mind when he wanted Goltz to start the rest of the season until their next game, What a clown show. And for the record I'm not impressed with Goltz & ultimately I don't think he'll be around here long but I'm all for giving the kid a chance to see if I'm wrong.
  23. If this isn't Burke's decision & it flies against everything he believes in as a head coach then he should resign because he has no backbone & lets others walk on him.
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