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Everything posted by iso_55

  1. So much for Justin being our starter for the rest of the season. Buck will be back. You watch. If Burke goes ahead with the QB Merry Go Round he said he wanted to avoid then he has zero credibility & should be kicked out the door with Crowton. This is a hill he should die on because he announced Goltz would be the starter for the remainder of the season. If not, that tells you what he really thinks of Goltz & the rest is all lip service. Took Burke 2 games to figure it out when he sees him throw in practice everyday. He didn't capture the imagination with his play. Pretty average to below. Still for Burke to give up on Goltz before perhaps the easiest game he'll probably have against that horrid Ti Cat defense speaks volumes.
  2. Well, if true, Justin Goltz The Next One lasted only 2 games. Hey but Joe Mack gave us Justin Goltz... Right road griller? A minus? WTF???
  3. Contrast Kevin Glenn the consumate professional who never ******* in public to Drew Tate the complainer & whiner who blames others for all of his problems. And Glenn gets no respect which is unbelievable. As soon as Tate is healthy, they'll annoint him the starter again in Calgary which is so unfair. I have no idea what they see in the guy other than a player with a huge chip on his shoulder.
  4. Cortez is kind of a quiet guy. He might have been uncomfortable being in the spotlight. But you'd think he'd have known that being a pro asst coach for so long.
  5. Like I said, if Goltz is our best option, we are in trouble. Neither is Buck... #notabeliever #thanksfornuthinmack
  6. We have to be ready for the expansion draft & maybe the lead time will mean someone else is in place. I think that was an impoertant consideration. The team is sinking. Mack's the architect of the fiasco. He had to go. Think they'd have 32,000 at the games at IGF in October if they kept llosing with Mack here??? Not a chance. The one thing I'll say about the Bombers is this. They always get it right even if they're 8 months behind every other team.
  7. One stat I found was that before Joe Mack we had a losing record. With Joe Mack we had a losing record.
  8. Like I said, I don't know about those other qbs you mentioned. But BLM as he is called in Calgary won't be traded here. Is Tate an ass? Maybe yes, maybe no. But from all appearances & the way he acts, I would say yes. The one thing he does do, if things aren't going well, he throws his teammates & others who are convenient under the bus. Don't like his attitude at all.
  9. We need to upgrade the OL & qb before we can win on a consistent basis. Our blocking for the run & passing game just isn't good enough. If Justin Goltz is the best qb out there, the losing is going to contnue for a long time. From what I've seen so far, Elliott would have been the better choice than Goltz. And that is why Mack is gone. Mack said he was gonna fix it. Yeah, he fixed it alright. More like screwed us...
  10. What did Cortez do in Hamilton to make you think he'd be a great head coach here? He bombed (pardon the pun) in Hamilton!! I don't want a HC with a bad track record. Give me a guy who has experience & knows how to win.
  11. No way the Stamps trade Mitchell. That won't happen. If Ottawa wasn't having their damned draft then Tate would be available, I think... But teams can't do deals for qbs now because they need insurance policies in case they lose one in December.
  12. Disaster? He got them to the playoffs. What have they done since?
  13. That's because the changes they make...
  14. He should be. This is a performace based business.
  15. So, you actually think that would happen? This team has to move on from Pierce. i think they should have cut Pierce to stop the temptation to go back to him & all the crap that goes with that decision comes back.
  16. If this is true about Walters then he should be told that while he's in the Bombers plans & is a valuable member of the management team, he is not under consideration as the teams permanent GM. Then he can go about doing what needs to be done. I don't want some gung ho young guy trying to be some Superman GM because all he worries about is impressing the boss. Eliminate him from consideration now. The guy is not ready. Maybe in 10 years after this team wins something...
  17. Buck's ship has hopefully sailed. Personally as a fan, I don't want to see him play here again, ever. He may be our most experienced qb but it has to be over. Look at all the blood letting that went on yesterday, 90% of that over what Buck Pierce brought to this team... To bring him back now after all this would be incredibly insane. We can't win with him.
  18. Montreal had Berry in the wings. Who do we have on staff to do that? I don't see anyone capable of stepping in. Burke put all his eggs in one basket with Crowton.
  19. The Riders have a chippy defense bordering on being a dirty team. Pretty comical for their fanbase to ***** about Cornish. Two faced.
  20. I will. As an asst GM & in charge of Canadian personnel. Not as the damned GM running the show. The way this team operates & trying to save a buck (except when it comes to paying fired coaches & GMs) it wouldn't surprise me in the least if Miller did that. Promote ANOTHER INEXPERIENCED guy to be GM. There shouldn't even be a discussion about Walters but lo & behold there is.
  21. Thanks Doc.
  22. Been here 23 years, we don't have boulevards like Winnipeg.
  23. Cornish kept talking about Anderson & the way he taunts. The man is an ass clown. While I don't condone Cornish's actions, I can understand why he did what he did after his touchdown.
  24. What scares me is I read in the Winnipeg Free Press is that Kyle Walters is going to be doing his best to impress Miller to become the permanent GM of this team. This is something nobody wants. A guy like Walter in his 30's with no experience running the team trying to impress his boss. That'll mean trying to pull off a trade for a qb. If Miller hires this guy to be the permanent GM, it'll be the biggest mistake he could make.
  25. You gotta ask Huff about that. He's been told "to do nothing".
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