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Everything posted by iso_55

  1. No qb that will be his main legacy. And OL problems. Refusal to sign FA's from other teams. Decent draft record but not enough.
  2. What did I miss? We just fired the CEO & GM so Buck's Buck's the starter now??? Last time I looked Burke was still the HC. he was the one who benched him. He'd look stupid giving him his job back.
  3. What's Lawless got, some kind of magic laptop & his words will keep people away from the stadium? People will come if the team wins but stay away if they lose. As far as bad press for the Bombers from Lawless... How much worse can it get & it's not like the man has been kind before this. He's been ripping this team for years now. Like I said, the Bombers tell him to give the guy up.
  5. Young qbs need a qb coach. All positions need position coaches. Not to have one at qb is really being shortsighted. I have a feeling Burke is next to go so we'll see what the next head coach does about that. Too late now for this season.
  6. Well, we got a guy who knows football.
  7. Yeah, I think it is. The guy who did this had a clear agenda. Having someone like that serving on the Board is a huge problem as he is rogue. What is he going to do next time he wants something changed? The guy's gotta go & fast. I still say you put the pressure on Lawless to give him up or ban him from the Bomber facilities, press box & not allow him to talk to the team in any way until he tells who the mole is. The only other alternative is to dismiss the entire Board but these guys like their positions so we know that's not going to happen.
  8. Black Friday, wow. So, the mole who leaked the info to Lawless gets to stay & Butchko along with Mack get fired. Smells set up to me. How hard is it to find the cancerous tumor on the Board? Those guys on the Board all know each other very well. They must know or at least have an idea who did that. To simply say, "If we ever find him".... is a cop out. Are they not going to do an investigation??? That being said, the 2 guys I wanted gone are finally gone. But the way it was done was distasteful & amateurish. Mickey Mouse comes to mind.
  9. If the leak is indeed a Board member then it's easy to vet him out. Tell Lawless to give up the guy or he's not allowed access to any of the Bombers facilities, players & coaches for the rest of the time he works in the media. Let his boss at the Free Press know the same thing. If they both refuse then he can talk Jets hockey or tiddley winks for all I care. The mole has to be found as he is a cancer. This goes way beyond protecting a source.
  10. Well, gotta hand it to the Blue Bombers Board of Directors. They've now turned Joe Mack into a martyr. What a bunch of ass clowns.
  11. Yeah, those 3 guys in Calgary back in the 90's were phenomenal.... In Edmonton in 1987 there was Matt Dunigan, Damon Allen & Tracy Hamm. In Winnipeg back in 1986 we had Tom Clements, John Hufnagel & Jim Zorn.
  12. I think that Hank's time was done here & that fans wanted to move on with him. Initially, they liked Tate but injuries, behaviour, weird antics & really questionable quotes to the media has really soured Stamps fans on Tate. They don't miss Hank because the Stamps are winning as much as they did when Burris was with the Stamps. The Stamps are deeper at the qb position now than they ever were when Hank was here. I think one of the issues is I haven't seen one Stamps fan say that Tate is the guy of the future. I think he's frustrated, seeing his career going downhill & pissed off that people really want him gone. And he's looking for a scapegoat. On Wednesday it was the Stamps physicians that were to blame for his problems health which was totally unfair.
  13. The lack of patience is overrated. It's the lack of long term success that is the problem.
  14. The constant bad hirings are the reason we're here not the impatience IMO. Constant losing & big talk & no action fuel the impatience. And the fact if we can bring in an inexperienced coach or manager to save a buck, (which we'll probably do again) we'll do that as well. It all comes into play. That is how this team rolls.
  15. As long as you keep to your side of the chair.
  16. So, whattya think? Fifteen thousand in the stands by seasons end? Man, those "blah, blah, blah ...th consecutive sellout at Molson Stadium" seem like a dream now. Always wondered why a crowd of 21,000 was celebrated in Montreal & frowned upon everywhere else. Als fans the most spoiled & entitled fans in the CFL.
  17. But that's not impatience per se by the fans. I think 17to85 was talking impatience by the media & fans. What you're talking about was impatience & lousy management, period. Which led to bad decisions. Hence the management & coaching SUCKED.
  18. The fed thing was a joke. What'd they throw in? Ten million??? We shouldn't have had the feds dictating where the stadium went.
  19. No, it's not lack of patience. The people the Bombers hire to manage or be head coaches suck. Plain & simple. They suck, they smell, they are useless. They've all sucked since Dave Ritchie was here. And they also sucked before Ritchie once Cal left. They suckage & bad odour has been at its worst the last 5 years.
  20. After reading all this, I'm gonna need a soft chair to curl up in. Or if I want to rock, a rocking chair in the middle.
  21. And you wonder why we can't build a winner??? here it is right here. The way this team is run. Mickey Mouse. I'm all for firing Mack but not like this.
  22. What time did Bob's rant come on?? I'll listen to it later on the Audio Vault. Don't want to come in mid rip & not hear all of it??
  23. This is why if you're CEO with the Bombers you don't take a holiday during the season. Maybe that's not fair but it's comes with the job. When **** happens & you're not there it becomes a cluster****.
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