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Everything posted by iso_55

  1. It's more tongue in cheek guys. Lighten up.
  2. To keep Mack around, we need a clear winning season, like 10-8 or 11-7. The way things are going, it's not good enough & he's has more than enough time to do it. Like I said, if the core of this team is good enough, they'll stay.
  3. When we say blow it up it seems to mean just players. I want the management blown up & Crowton gone but not the core of players so much. Hey, I'd even give Burke another season to prove himself but I want Mack gone. That's blowing it up to me. If we have a good core of players to build around they'll still be here if management changes. We can still go forward with a new GM. Burke would be on the hot seat for sure, but that's okay as he should be.
  4. Edited. See my next response...
  5. The Ignore function for me is great as I don't have to read any more Goltz Man Love posts from road griller.
  6. But we keep losing so how is that better? Maybe our NI depth is betterthan before but to me it just means the NI depth & American depth as well as the coaching is better than ours too. We're just spinning our wheels.
  7. Because we aren't as good as that. If we get an 8 win season on the backs of primarily Hamilton & Edmonton & think we're on the right track then it's an illusion & voila, next year the same bloody thing with the same people running the show.
  8. LOL the title made me think we had a story on a Nigerian player named Utube Kicker.
  9. I get what you say 17, I wonder though, wouldn't a 3 win season & long overdue changes be better than an 8 win season, no one loses their jobs & its status quo again??? And next year we go through this all over again? I'd rather have the ugly face of reality stare me in the face this season then one covered up in make up to hide the wrinkles & warts. What's the expression? You can put lipstick on a pig but it's still a pig.
  10. Yes, for sure. Gotta wonder why he did that. Then, you gotta wonder why Reed was afraid to try a FG at the end of the half. I mean, it's not like the Cats had Chris Williams there on the return.
  11. Joe Mack has had his time. If this team keeps losing, I want him gone the day after the season ends.
  12. Wow, if that D is improving... Ugh!! I think Hamilton has one of the worst defenses I have ever seen. You expect Hank to complete passes but Reilly is a rookie. On that last TD drive he completed three passes for nearly a hundred yards & a TD. Brutal. Two things won the game for Hamilton. Reed's stupid decision to punt rather than try a FG in the last few seconds of the first half & Shaw's miss on the last play of the game. I saw Austin smile after that game walking off the field. I guess it's nice to get the victory but if he thinks his team has turned the corner, he is in for a shock. I saw more good things from the Eskimos than I did from the Ti Cats but what is killing that team is Kavis Reed. The CFL's problem is they promote assistant coaches to the HC position before they're ready. (See Paul LaPolice & Tim Burke). Reed has no business being a HC.
  13. Johnzo, why would I want to trade it? That's not an option for me.
  14. So, winning games against weak teams makes us better? Maybe by record but not as an organization. Then we go into next year like we always do, thinking we're better than we really are & look where that gets us... Nowhere.
  15. Reed was signed to a long term contract a couple of weeks ago by Hervey. Do you think he's going away anytime soon?
  16. There are children that read these posts so the word 'heck' is banned. Signed. Shankman
  17. Murphy has never been a GM so you'll get what we have now. A pro scout running the team with no GM experience at all. Higgins HAS experience & knows the CFL. And he has built winning teams in Edmonton & Calgary.
  18. I wouldn't call a blocked FG a fumble either but who knows? I look at it as a pass behind the LOS & the ball is live.
  19. I think it's closer to the truth than you care to believe. This group running the team now can't win, don't know how to win & will never win. Just like Cosby not being able to jump six feet one.
  20. He threw it straight down behind the LOS. How can that be an incomplete pass & not a fumble yet a blocked field goal is considered a fumble.... What Mickey Mouse rules.
  21. I want to have a #2 Clements jersey so I may buy one.
  22. So, I have a 70's Dieter Brock jersey. Is the third jersey too close a representation to the 70's to buy the new third one? The 70's jersey looks a lot better than the current ones the team wears now IMO. What do you guys think?
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