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Everything posted by iso_55

  1. I've heard that Mark Stephen has been taken off the air doing sports except for the Stamps game. Does that mean that he'll be let go when the season is over? Roger Kingcaide has been fired & Danielle Smith takes over the morning show by herself with Rob Breakenridge doing afternoons. Quite the turnover. The early morning guy Bruce Kenyon must just shake his head with all the changes he's seen over the years starting with the brutal termination of Dave Rutherford just a couple of months before he was to retire.
  2. Whoever Jake Waters is. Talk about just grabbing bodies to see which of them is still warm.
  3. TSN halftime show is really shitty this season. Where is Chris Schultz. There are fans that don't like him but I always did.
  4. Moniz will be cut.
  5. Yeah killing innocent cops & going on a 6 or 7 hour shooting rampage is always understandable. What a bad thing to say.
  6. The only problem I see when players like Milt makes statements like this are that kids want to do the same. Young players are really heavily chastised by coaches & parents if they acted like they may never get their again if they score a touchdown. I don't mind celebrations but at the lower levels any kind of celebrations even something as innocent as doing a little dance is a flag & looked upon as poor sportsmanship. Kids get benched for that & yelled at. I know it has nothing to do with the CFL but I thought it's worth mentioning.
  7. Riders outplaying the Esks. Pretty interesting that Hervey deliberately never paid the coaches who left in December.
  8. The culture of cops not ratting out other cops has to change.
  9. I agree. Our officials don't have limited intelligence. I mean, why do I have to point out such a stupid statement?
  10. Coaches don't like that as they know they can't put anything past guys like Brown.
  11. I agree. I still think that he Stamps had more chances to win I believe. That final redblacks drive in the 4th qtr was helped by one of the most undisciplined defensive series I've ever seen by a team. Harris is just a great qb, I'm a fan.
  12. Who cares? Then turn off the tv & go cut the grass. It was one of the best games so far. Would have been nice to see someone win that game.
  13. The CFL used to play in OT until they had a winner. I bet TSN told them to stop.
  14. That cop murdered the guy. But... he may get off. You know how these things work.
  15. Of course you're name is Root.
  16. What is up with TSN forcing us to listen to Black?
  17. Watching Harris, how the hell could the Argos let him go? Crazy decision by Barker & Milanovich not to sign him. Even crazier will be Ottawa if they bring back Hank & bench Harris once his finger is healed.
  18. This should be the theme song of this place because if you post here long enough....
  19. They took the guy out with a Bomb Robot. Good for the Dallas Police.
  20. Thirty five years ago we'd bring in qbs with years of backup & some playing experience. Guys like Don Jonas, Bruce Lemmerman, Jerry Tagge, Kent Austin, Tom Wilkinson, Benji Dial, Greg Barton. Guys that had either played in the NFL or had been around football offenses for a few years. We don't bring in players like that anymore. Guys that are 28-30 years of age. Now they're young guys who are wet behind the ears or fresh out of a football combine or CFL team free agent camp. They're 22 or 23 & have no idea what 3 down football is or how to play it let alone ever heard of the cities in the CFL. Most have never been drafted by an NFL team. Then in just a 10 day training camp they're expected to unlearn the things they took years to master in US high school & college football to play this new 3 down game with a longer, wider field & bigger end zones. They're expected to understand the principles of 12 man football & the different defenses being thrown at at a hundred miles a minute, let alone learning a brand new offense that has different terminologies as well as receivers in motion in their 300 page playbook. is it any wonder 99% of these qbs fail? That it takes years for some of them to just get good enough to become backups & not starters? That maybe 1 in 30 qbs get good enough to actually start? These are kids & they play like kids at times. The older guys don't get the chance anymore. I don't know why. Maybe they want too much money to come up here. Maybe CFL teams don't want to invest the time in an older player. However, maybe they should with the maturity factor & some NFL training camps under their belts. I know in the past these older qbs did pretty well. Some went on to some very good & even great CFL careers.
  21. Some interesting reactions by Austin & Masoli. For the Masoli interview the audio isn't synced with the video so it is a bit distracting. Drew Edwards got his ears pinned back by a very angry Kent Austin when Edwards questioned him about starting Masoli. http://3downnation.com/2016/07/07/ticats-lose-another-ugly-one-28-24-bombers/#comments
  22. I think the search for qbs for the CFL has taken them to sign more D2 & even D3 qbs. Guys that wouldn't get NFL looks because of the level of play at their college level. We used to get most of our qbs from the D1 levels & most had 2 or 3 years as pros. Now we get young guys that aren't as experienced thrown to the wolves by coaches searching for the next Great One. There definitely is a drop off at the qb position (I believe) these days.
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