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Everything posted by iso_55

  1. Logic would dictate this to be so, Mike. However, the Stamps have a very good defense. Just delete that first quarter against the Als as that was a total team abberation. The Stampeders have a very good front 7. They get to the qb & are tough to run against. Their OLBs of Keyon Raymond & Derron Mayo are not big but they are very fast so that may neutralize Goltz on the zone run. They have plenty of experience dealing with Travis Lulay & Darian Durant so a running qb is just par for the course for them. I think the game plan may be to stop Goltz from running & make him throw the football as he is inexperienced. Starting OLB Malik Jackson is out with an injury but no drop off at all with Mayo in there. He played in the Western Final & GC last year so he has experience in a big game. This will be his second start this season replacing Jackson. And plenty of speed in the secondary. Gonna be interesting with the two rookies starters at qb battling it out. Really looking forward to this game.
  2. If he's starting to lose it as in he can't handle the pressure when things go bad then keeping him around is a mistake & he has to go.
  3. You know, one of the big reasons Mike Kelly was fired was because of the way he treated the local media. Right now, Burke still has the media on his side. If he starts alienating them to where they turn on him then he's done. They will make his life miserable & the fans will be against him. A smart head coach knows how to use the media to his advantage. I don't think Burke has that figured out yet. Burke is beginning to act like the pressure is getting to him. The way a coach talks to the media is usually an early sign of trouble.
  4. Oh, well. I stand corrected. How did I miss that?
  5. Look how often Mike O'Shea changed teams between the 2. I wonder how many times he got in his car from home to go to work only to drive to the wrong practice?
  6. What did I miss here? Some kind of inside joke or hidden message?
  7. I feel a real turn in the wind against Burke. That most fans don't want him coaching this team anymore. That most fans have no confidence he can produce a winner. That most fans think he's in way over his head. Comments like that about Goltz don't help. I think the honeymoon is over.
  8. Wow, like that is crazy. This team is becoming dysfunctional.... More & more everyday.
  9. The real Mr Perfect. That was a classic promo.
  10. I can't remember the last time I saw an actual pitch in a CFL game. Not with the zone read which every team runs now as a base offense. Just when did this ugly offense come into existence in the CFL? We used to have such innovative & imaginative offenses & now it's all the same...
  11. I will admit that the offense can screw up more & longer than the defense can before a change is made in personnel.
  12. Looks like it's going to be Justin Goltz vs Bo Levi Mitchell. Both young guys getting their first starts. (Huff hasn't confirmed his starter just yet). Be great to see what the 2 young guys can do.
  13. Oh okay.... I couldn't figure that out when I saw that message.
  14. Crowton is a huge problem. His offense can't score. He's the architect, the guy who designs & calls the plays. He's the one who chooses the players. It's on him if it doesn't work. Besides, I'm not the only one unhappy with Crowton here.
  15. Well, if he wants a more "mature" team, I suggest he talk to Joe Mack & tell him to start signing some CFL free agents in February instead of sitting on his ass doing nothing all the while saying he doesn't want veteran players from other teams.
  16. Some guys just aren't good zone runners. Jon Cornish said at college it took him 3 years to perfect the zone run. Not as easy as it looks.
  17. Yep,he actually swam TO Detroit. Link: http://gawker.com/canadian-man-sorry-for-chugging-eight-beers-and-swimmin-888283225
  18. I posted a message in the Blogs & got a message that my comments can't be seen until a mod approves them. Why?
  19. I would take Coehoorn's 2012 stats in a heartbeat. Having a Canadian slot with 50 catches for over 800 yards would have been huge for us last year. And huge this year. I think thaose kinds of stats go unappreciated most of the time.
  20. Are you crazy? What agenda? I'm just telling you what I saw, that's it. Nothing else, nothing more. I made an observation. I have an opinion. I say what is on my mind. I want the team to win. I don't want us playing like ****. Jeez... Agenda??? Like WTH??? Oh, oh, oh... wait. I get it. Coaches don't make dumbass mistakes. That's why they never get fired. Every team has winning seasons & nobody loses. We have the bestest, absolute greatest players in the CFL... no, sorry ALL of football. Buck is a stud, never gets hurt, never misses a game. League MVP. Bombers lose not because they didn't play well but because an unlucky break always at the wrong time causes them to. Other teams don't beat us. We beat ourselves. Burke is a genius. Crowton a visionary. This team is Grey Cup bound. it behooves me to stop any criticism of the team because hey, I'm just a fan & I need to STHU & know my role. What the hell do I or anyone else here know? Thanks 17 for straightening me out. I'll just throw my agenda in the garbage now. Thanks for letting me realize the errors of my ways & get with the program.
  21. Yes, sure the Bombers like everyone else run a zone read scheme where the OL blocks down & the running back finds the hole. The running back reads & reacts. The plays they were running outside were designed to go outside but not like that. Simpson didn't have the speed to cut inside because he wasn't beating the angle of pursuit. Every back has to cut inside at some point but truth be known had he tried to cut in, he'd have been tackled for a loss every play so he strung it waaay outside further than it should have been. For our run game to succeed we need a back with more speed, a guy who can run inside & outside. I think one of the things the Bombers have to do is bring in some new running backs that have that ability. Look at Harris, Kackert, Cornish & Sheets. Four guys who can run tough inside & have the speed to go outside. That is exactly what our backs have to do. Once NFL camps get underway & the cuts start in a few weeks, they may have to do just that.
  22. There are people who think Nate Coehoorn's stats of about 50 catches for 800 yards last year was subpar. Same with Iannuzzi in BC. Why then is it okay for Etienne?? First round picks in their third year should be at least as good as that if not better. Just askin'...
  23. I was at the game. I saw what was going on. I could see the play & the blocking develop by watching the entire field which you can't see on television. It's not about him not playing well. He couldn't beat the defenders outside, trust me. Crowton is expecting him to do something he can't do. He is a north/ south runner. He can't run a fly or a sweep consistently as he is too slow. That being said, he is very effective inside. But outside, uh uh...
  24. He can't beat the angle of pursuit in order to turn in so he keeps running wide hoping to beat his tacklers but he can't.
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