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Everything posted by iso_55

  1. Simpson was running sideways & he couldn't beat the angle of pursuit enough to turn his shoulders upfield. On every play he tried to string it out almost to the sidelines & was totally unsuccessful. So, what did Crowton do? Well, he just had to keep calling that stupid play.... When he did run successfully it was between the tackles. Naturally Crowton never called that play enough.
  2. He'll have a short career if Crowton keeps running him outside. He is a north south runner so use him that way. This offense is a career killer. If anyone has to ship up or shape up it's Crowton. It's just total stupidity.
  3. Sorry 17, I watched him run wide time & time again last Friday & he can't do it. Ends up running horizontally for little or no gain. All his positive yards were done running between the tackles.
  4. We run Simpson wide with no success. He doesn't have the speed to do that but our OC thinks he does so on it goes. Stupid play calling.
  5. Heard Burke's comments today saying he was tired of answering questions from the media about who starts on Friday. My reaction to Burke's pissing about it is, Hey Tim, you hitched your coaching wagon to Buck so quit getting angry with the questions. You made the decision so frigging live with it, man up & answer the questions. Like, what does the guy expect? This is Buck Pierce.
  6. Why doesn't Burke call Marc Trestman in Chicago & ask for the Als playbook from last season & go from there??? I mean, anything beats what we're doing now. That playbook is GOLD!!!
  7. Wasn't that the plan this year???? Riiiight.
  8. Burke has stuck his reutation & job on Pierce so why wouldn't he back him??? The way things are going with Mack, Burke & Pierce, it's gonna be a whole new organization next season. I just can't see this team getting any better. overall team speed is slow, qb situation is & will remain a struggle, crappy play calling & OL needs improvement. There's more hope on defense when the injured DL get back but they can't hold the team in there if we can't score.
  9. Yes, that is the key here. Cheaper.
  10. In fairness, who knows why?I just know that this is par for the course for Jones who went thru players every year when he was with the Stamps. His defensive personnel was always changing.
  11. Sure, blame the players & not the coaches. Hear that Gary, it wasn't your fault.
  12. I want to thank that crap Hamilton team (that we couldn't beat) for staying home in Guelph & sending a 10 year old pee wee team in their place so the Riders could win 3 CFL Players Of The Week... Like no other team plays when the Riders win????
  13. The one thing the Bombers don't do is cut down Buck in the media.
  14. He's a great guy, yes. But if we can't win with him, then he has to go.
  15. Wow, has this thread got derailed. Shoot it to put it out of its misery.
  16. So, do the Bombers overpay to keep Etienne as you know come Feb 15th, Napkin Boy will go after him. The way Mack operates he may just refuse to match or better any offer Jade gets. More importantly, is he worth overpaying to keep? Kid has had a good start, not a great start so we'll see.
  17. What does the BBB do besides nothing??
  18. Okay so lesson learned. Don't hire former totally bald OC's to be a head coach. We had 2 of them.
  19. I wasn't riled up, I just thought the comment was stupid.
  20. Yep, you got it. He's the man I'd like here. Best guy available who can do both the GM & HC job very well. And tons of CFL head coaching & GM experience.
  21. Yes, the guy is an ultimate pro who deserves better.... when it comes to injuries.
  22. No previous head coaching experience.
  23. It's a decision that is going to cost (at least) Mack his job. Unless the Bombers turn things around in a hurry.
  24. We (including myself) knock Buck a lot here. But no one can question his loyalty to the Bombers & his teammates. Not like AC who really should retire because it's all about him. Take his football, pout a little bit more, blame others that he has to quit & go off into retirement.
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